Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >SMON遇到ORA-21779: duration not active错误
问题背景 客户一套10.2.0.4的RAC数据库,因为要进行11g升级,所以最近部署了SPA采集任务,结果该任务部署没多久,SMON就爆发了ORA-21779错误。导致数据库运行非常缓慢。作为运维厂商,我们立马对数据库出错原因进行了分析。我们首先来看一下具体的SMON报的错
*** 2014-04-26 13:47:28.987 SMON: following errors trapped and ignored: ORA-21779: duration not active ORA-06512: at line 1 Sat Apr 26 13:48:06 2014 >>> WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK! pid=36 System State dumped to trace file /oracle/app/oracle/admin/wcrma/bdump/wcrma2_smon_3610.trc wcrma2_smon_3610.trc name=SPA.SYSTP9+MPUyJ8/wLgRAAUT0SBEA== Drop transient type: SYSTP9+MPUyJ8/wLgRAAUT0SBEA==m call stack:ksdxfstk()+36 0.0007 hash=f8aafde8df1d0384b3c6849b889a14c9 timestamp=04-26-2014 12:48:31 LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=1431525e88 mtx=1431525fb8(0) cdp=0
我们仔细的来看,SMON在清理一个transient type的时候,报了这个错误,也就是清理过程中出现了问题。而transient type是一种临时的type。它是在动态执行的时候产生在内存里面的。例如应用程序在语句里面定义了自定义的Type,在运行过程中,运行到这一步它就会转化成transient type。根据文档SMON: Following Errors Trapped And Ignored ORA-21779 (文档 ID 988663.1)的描述。这个问题会引起alert日志大量的增长,产生大量的trace,但是不会影响到数据库正常使用,但是在实际情况下,我们发现并非如此,因为我们的SMON进程是非常关键的进程,它在删除某些东西的时候需要申请到锁,而我们从这一次的堆栈中可以看到下列函数。我们主要来看下kqrigt函数。该函数在谷歌上搜索可以查到下列内容,可以看到这个函数里面需要申请row cache instance lock锁,如果申请不到,就会报WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK。而这里它需要申请的是dc_rollback_segments。
* Function kqrigt May call kslfre (...) May call kqrprl (...) May call ksesec0 (0x0FB5) May call ksbasend (dword ptr ds:kqrglk_+4, offset kqrglk_, 0x10, ...) May call kslgetl (?, 1, 0, offset kqrpl10_) May call kslwait (?, ds:kqrelk_, 0, ...) May call kslgetl (?, 1, ?, offset kqrpl10_) May call ksu_dispatch_tac () May call kskchk () May call ksuitr () May call ksesec0 (...) May call kgeasnmierr (ds:ksmgpp_, ds:ksefac_, "kqrigt-1", 0) May call kqrchk () May call ksurea () May call ksdwrf ("Failed to get row cache instance lock (post=%d,res=%lx)\n") May call kqrdrs (...) May call ksesec0 (0x259) May call ksesec0 (0x2BF) May call ksbcic (0x1E, ?, ?, 1) May call kslgetl (?, 1, ?, offset kqrpl43_) May call kgeasnmierr (ds:ksmgpp_, ds:ksefac_, "kqrgplt", 2) May call kgeasnmierr (ds:ksmgpp_, ds:ksefac_, "kqrigt-2", 0) May call ksdwra (">>> WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK! pid=%d") May call ksdwrf (">>> WAITED TOO LONG FOR A ROW CACHE ENQUEUE LOCK! <h4> <strong>解决办法</strong> </h4> <p><font face="幼圆" size="3">那么这个问题怎么解决了?我们可以参考文档Receiving ORA-21780 Continuously in the Alert Log and SMON Trace Reports "Drop transient type". (文档 ID 1081950.1)的解决办法。首先针对这个transient type,smon大概会12个小时去清理一次。我们可以去手动进行清理,或者设置内部事件22834去阻止smon清理这类的type。</font></p> <p><font face="幼圆" size="3">1.直接删除</font></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">Step 1 Make sure you have a good full backup. Step 2 spool obj.lis alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; set pagesize 1000 select o.* from obj$ o, type$ t where o.oid$ = t.tvoid and bitand(,8388608) = 8388608 and (sysdate-o.ctime) > 0.0007; spool off Step 3 Find the object owner: Step 4 Drop the objects. DROP TYPE "SYSTPf/r2wN4keX7gQKjA3AFMSw==" FORCE;
SQL> alter system set event='22834 trace name context forever, level 1' scope=spfile; System altered. SQL> alter system set event='22834 trace name context forever, level off' scope=spfile; System altered.
Receiving ORA-21780 Continuously in the Alert Log and SMON Trace Reports "Drop transient type". (文档 ID 1081950.1)
SMON: Following Errors Trapped And Ignored ORA-21779 (文档 ID 988663.1)
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