Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >Oracle创建时间维度


2016-06-07 15:32:271095parcourir

SQL Scripts to create Date Dimension in Oracle. Create Table SQL: CREATE TABLE Date_D( DateKey Integer NOT NULL, DateValue Date NOT NULL, Day Char(10 ), DayOfWeek Integer, DayOfMonth Integer, DayOfYear Integer, PreviousDay date, NextDay da

SQL Scripts to create Date Dimension in Oracle.

Create Table SQL:

CREATE TABLE Date_D(<br> DateKey Integer NOT NULL,<br> DateValue Date NOT NULL,<br> Day Char(10 ),<br> DayOfWeek Integer,<br> DayOfMonth Integer,<br> DayOfYear Integer,<br> PreviousDay date,<br> NextDay date,<br> WeekOfYear Integer,<br> Month Char(10 ),<br> MonthOfYear Integer,<br> QuarterOfYear Integer,<br> Year Integer<br> )

SQL To populate the table:

INSERT INTO Date_D<br> SELECT<br> to_number(to_char(CurrDate, 'YYYYMMDD')) as DateKey,<br> CurrDate AS DateValue,<br> TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'Day') as Day,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'D')) AS DayOfWeek,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'DD')) AS DayOfMonth,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'DDD')) AS DayOfYear,<br> CurrDate - 1 as PreviousDay,<br> CurrDate + 1 as NextDay,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate+1,'IW')) AS WeekOfYear,<br> TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'Month') AS Month,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'MM')) AS MonthofYear,<br> to_number((TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'Q'))) AS QuarterOfYear,<br> to_number(TO_CHAR(CurrDate,'YYYY')) AS Year<br> FROM (<br> select level n, TO_DATE('31/12/2009','DD/MM/YYYY') + NUMTODSINTERVAL(level,'day') CurrDate<br> from dual<br> connect by level order by 1

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