Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options (Doc I
Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 12.1] Other UNIX Goal To show how to install/deinstall and/or disable/enable the following database components at the ORACLE_HOME software/bin
To show how to install/deinstall and/or disable/enable the following database components at the ORACLE_HOME software/binary level:
Product/Component | Short Name |
Automated Storage Management | ASM |
Context Management Text | CTX |
Oracle Data Mining | DM |
Database Vault | DV |
Oracle OLAP | OLAP |
Oracle Label Security | OLS |
Oracle Partitioning | PART |
Real Application Cluster | RAC |
Real Application Testing | RAT |
This requires advanced skills to make the changes and perform the relink.
This note WILL NOT address product specific scripts that are required at the database level for specific components to further complete the install/deinstall process.
Please refer to the appropriate Oracle Component Guide or as a starting point
Note 472937.1 Information On Installed Database Components and Schemas
Furthermore it will only cover UNIX/LINUX and Windows where applicable covering versions 9.2.0.x through 11.2.0.x.
Starting with releases and above all products are installed by default and the option to customize the product/component selection is no longer possible.
The only customization that can be done on these releases is to enable or disable certain products/components which will be covered in the following divs.
For versions 9.2.0.x through product installation can be confirmed in the following manner:
1. Using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) from either the $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin or software installation media:
$ cd
$ ./runInstaller
click on "Installed Products"
select the ORACLE_HOME
click on "Expand All"
Review the list or products installed.
2. Use the opatch utility:
$ opatch lsinventory -detail
Review the log file in either $ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage/ or $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv
Use the following notes to assist with product identification:
Note 783288.1 Oracle Database Software Component Guide for 10gR2
Note 783290.1 Oracle Database Software Component Guide for 11gR1
Once the products/components have been confirmed as being installed (applicable only to versions 9.2.0.x through then they can be enabled/disabled at the binary level.
The file that contains the status of components being enabled or disabled is:
The relevant files contained within this archive and status's associated with them are:
Automatic Storage Mgt ON=kfon.o
Automatic Storage Mgt OFF=kfoff.o
Context Management Text ON=kciwcx.o
Oracle Data Mining ON=dmwdm.o
Oracle Data Mining OFF=dmndm.o
Oracle Database Vault ON=kzvidv.o
Oracle Database Vault OFF=kzvndv.o
Oracle OLAP ON=xsyeolap.o
Oracle OLAP OFF=xsnoolap.o
Oracle Label Security ON= kzlilbac.o
Oracle Label Security OFF= kzlnlbac.o
Oracle Partitioning ON=kkpoban.o
Oracle Partitioning OFF=ksnkkpo.o
Real Application Cluster ON=kcsm.o
Real Application Cluster OFF=ksnkcs.o
Oracle Real Application Testing ON=kecwr.o
Oracle Real Application Testing OFF=kecnr.o
The following command can be used to verify the contents of the archive:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ ar -tv libknlopt.a
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ ar -X64 -tv libknlopt.a
Sample output:
$ ar -tv libknlopt.a
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 275432 Sep 17 08:28 2011 kkxwtp.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 46832 Sep 17 07:14 2011 ktd.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 25144 Sep 17 06:20 2011 kxmwsd.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 44056 Sep 17 06:14 2011 kciwcx.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 4040 Sep 17 07:16 2011 sllfls.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 4032 Sep 17 07:16 2011 kprnts.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 5104 Sep 17 07:19 2011 kzvndv.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 4016 Sep 17 06:55 2011 kdzof.o
rw-rw-r-- 94110/42424 1512392 Sep 17 07:03 2011 jox.o
rw-rw-r-- 503/502 4032 Sep 17 06:05 2011 kecwr.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 6352 Sep 17 06:19 2011 xsyeolap.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 4872 Sep 17 06:14 2011 kzlnlbac.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 4024 Sep 17 06:15 2011 dmwdm.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 4608 Sep 17 05:56 2011 kfoff.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 5272 Sep 17 05:57 2011 ksnkcs.o
rw-r--r-- 503/502 4032 Sep 17 06:05 2011 kkpoban.o
An alternative to going through the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a output line by line is to check the archive for the existance of the 'ON' file noted above by running the following command:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ ar -t libknlopt.a | grep -c
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ ar -X64 -t libknlopt.a | grep -c
Product/Component | Short Name | |
Automated Storage Management | ASM | kfon.o |
Oracle Data Mining | DM | dmwdm.o |
Database Vault | DV | kzvidv.o |
Oracle OLAP | OLAP | xsyeolap.o |
Oracle Label Security | OLS | kzlilbac.o |
Oracle Partitioning | PART | kkpoban.o |
Real Application Cluster | RAC | kcsm.o |
Real Application Testing | RAT | kecwr.o |
For example:
$ ar -t libknlopt.a | grep -c kfon.o
$ ar -X64 -t libknlopt.a | grep -c kfon.o
If the output is 0, the option is disabled.
If the output is 1, the option is enabled.
For all versions 9.2.0.x through 11.2.0.x or above products/components can be enabled or disabled by running 'make' commands and passing the appropriate switch.
All processes running from the ORACLE_HOME including but not limited to databases, listeners, intelligent agents, etc. must be shutdown/stopped before issuing these commands.
For example to enable/disable Oracle Partitioning:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f part_on ioracle
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f part_off ioracle
The list of switches for each product/component are:
Product/Component | Enable Switch | Disable Switch |
Automated Storage Management | asm_on | asm_off |
Oracle Data Mining | dm_on | dm_off |
Database Vault | dv_on | dv_off |
Oracle OLAP | olap_on | olap_off |
Oracle Label Security | lbac_on | lbac_off |
Oracle Partitioning | part_on | part_off |
Real Application Cluster | rac_on | rac_off |
Real Application Testing | rat_on | rat_off |
Warning: switching on ASM should only be done on Grid Infrastructure Homes in Oracle 11gR2. Doing it on an RDBMS ORACLE_HOME will result in errors on startup.
Starting with 11.2 and above there is a utility called 'chopt' that can be used in UNIX/LINUX and WINDOWS as well.
For example to enable/disable Oracle Partitioning:
$ chopt enable partitioning
$ chopt disable partitioning
This utility only works for the following products/components:
Product/Component | Option |
Oracle Data Mining | dm |
Database Vault | dv |
Oracle OLAP | olap |
Oracle Label Security | lbac |
Oracle Partitioning | partitioning |
Real Application Testing | rat |
For Oracle Database 12.1 , only the following components can be enabled/disabled:
Product/Component | Option |
Oracle Data Mining | dm |
Oracle OLAP | olap |
Oracle Partitioning | partitioning |
Real Application Testing | rat |