Maison >base de données >tutoriel mysql >spriter动画编辑器的cocos2d
资源采用Sprite Frame实现
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // SCMLAnimator : KickStarter project Spriter renderer for cocos2d-x. // // Spriter website : // // Licensed under the BSD license, see LICENSE in root for details. // // Copyright (c) 2012 James Hui (a.k.a. Dr.Watson) // // For latest updates, please visit // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef _CC_SPRITER_X_H_ #define _CC_SPRITER_X_H_ #include <vector> #include <string> #include "JEvent.h" #include "cocos2d.h" #include "TouchSprite.h" #include "tinyxml.h" class CCSpriterX; #define FILE_SPRITE_SIZE 128 namespace SCMLHelper { struct File { File(); ~File(); void Init(TiXmlNode *node); int id; std::string name; float width; float height; //一个文件可能有多个关联 cocos2d::CCSprite* sprites[FILE_SPRITE_SIZE]; }; class Folder { public: Folder(); ~Folder(); void Init(TiXmlNode *node); int GetFileCount(); File *GetFile(int index); private: int mId; std::string mName; std::vector <file> mFiles; }; struct ObjectRef { void Init(TiXmlNode *node); int id; int timeline; int key; int z_index; }; struct Object { void Init(TiXmlNode *node, CCSpriterX *animator, int timelineId); int folder; int file; float x; float y; float angle; float scaleX; float scaleY; float pivot_x; float pivot_y; int z_index; cocos2d::CCSprite *sprite; }; class Key { public: Key(); ~Key(); void Init(TiXmlNode *node, CCSpriterX *animator, int timelineId); int GetObjectRefCount(); ObjectRef *GetObjectRef(int index); int GetObjectCount(); Object *GetObject(int index); float GetTime(); bool IsSpinCounterClockwise(); private: int mId; float mTime; bool mSpinCounterClockwise; std::vector <object> mObjects; std::vector <objectref> mObjectRefs; // will have bones later }; class Timeline { public: Timeline(); ~Timeline(); void Init(TiXmlNode *node, CCSpriterX *animator); int GetKeyframeCount(); Key *GetKeyframe(int index); private: int mId; std::vector <key> mKeyframes; }; class Animation { public: CC_SYNTHESIZE(JEvent *, event, Event); CC_SYNTHESIZE(std::string, afterAction, AfterAction); CCSpriterX * spr; public: void Restart(); Animation(CCSpriterX * spr); ~Animation(); void Update(float dt); void Init(TiXmlNode *node, CCSpriterX *animator); void Render(); bool IsDone(); public: std::string getName(){return mName;} private: int mId; std::string mName; float mLength; bool mLooping; bool mDone; Timeline *mMainline; int mCurrKeyframe; std::vector <timeline> mTimelines; float mTimer; cocos2d::CCPoint mPosition; }; class Entity { private: CCSpriterX * spr; public: Entity(CCSpriterX * spr); ~Entity(); void StartWithEvent(const char * name, JEvent * event); std::string CurrentAction(); void Update(float dt); void Render(); void Start(const char * name,const char* _afterAction); void SetId(int id); void SetName(const char *name); void AddAnimation(Animation *animation); void NextAnimation(); private: int mId; std::string mName; std::vector <animation> mAnimations; int mCurrAnimation; }; } class CCSpriterX : public TouchSprite { private: struct Pit{ int fileId; int id; int folderId; }; Pit fileSprites[FILE_SPRITE_SIZE]; CC_SYNTHESIZE(ccColor3B, colorX, ColorX); public: CCSpriterX(); ~CCSpriterX(); virtual void setFlipX(bool bFlipX); bool initWithFile(const char *filename); std::string CurrentAction(); virtual void draw(void); virtual void update(float dt); static CCSpriterX * create(const char *filename); cocos2d::CCSprite * getSprite(int folderId, int fileId, int timelineId); void PlayNext(); void PlayWithEvent(const char * name, JEvent * event); void Play(const char* name,const char* _afterAction = 0); private: std::vector <:folder> mFolders; std::vector <:entity> mEntities; int mCurrEntity; }; #endif </:entity></:folder></animation></timeline></key></objectref></object></file></string></vector>
//------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // CCSpriterX : KickStarter project Spriter renderer for cocos2d-x. // // Spriter website : // // Licensed under the BSD license, see LICENSE in root for details. // // Copyright (c) 2012 James Hui (a.k.a. Dr.Watson) // // For latest updates, please visit // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "CCSpriterX.h" #include "Common.h" #include "jerror.h" USING_NS_CC; namespace SCMLHelper { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// File::File() { for(size_t i=0; i<file_sprite_size sprites file:: for i="0;" if null>release(); } } } void File::Init(TiXmlNode *node) { TiXmlElement *element = node->ToElement(); if (element) { int intValue; float floatValue; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) id = intValue; else id = 0; name = element->Attribute("name"); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("width", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) width = floatValue; else width = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("height", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) height = floatValue; else height = 0; if (name.size()>0) { //资源全部放到scml目录中! std::string path = workPath+gConfig->read<:string>("res")+"/"; //sprite = CCSprite::create((path+"scml/"+name).c_str()); sprites[0] = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(name.c_str()); sprites[0]->retain(); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Folder::Folder() : mId(0) { mFiles.reserve(50); } Folder::~Folder() { int count = mFiles.size(); for (int i=0;i<count cc_safe_delete mfiles.clear int folder::getfilecount return mfiles.size file index if mfiles null void folder::init tixmlelement node->ToElement(); if (element) { int intValue; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mId= intValue; mName = element->Attribute("name")==0?".":element->Attribute("name"); for (TiXmlNode* fileNode = node->FirstChild(); fileNode; fileNode = fileNode->NextSibling()) { File *file = new File(); file->Init(fileNode); mFiles.push_back(file); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ObjectRef::Init(TiXmlNode *node) { TiXmlElement *element = node->ToElement(); if (element) { int intValue; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) id = intValue; else id = 0; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("timeline", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) timeline = intValue; else timeline = 0; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("key", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) key = intValue; else key = 0; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("z_index", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) z_index = intValue; else z_index = 0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Object::Init(TiXmlNode *node, CCSpriterX *animator, int timelineId) { sprite = NULL; float scaleFactor = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getContentScaleFactor(); TiXmlElement *element = node->ToElement(); if (element) { int intValue; float floatValue; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("folder", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) folder = intValue; else folder = 0; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("file", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) file = intValue; else file = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) x = floatValue/scaleFactor; else x = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) y = floatValue/scaleFactor; else y = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("angle", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) angle = floatValue; else angle = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("scale_x", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) scaleX = floatValue; else scaleX = 1; if(scaleX QueryFloatAttribute("scale_y", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) scaleY = floatValue; else scaleY = 1; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("pivot_x", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) pivot_x = floatValue; else pivot_x = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("pivot_y", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) pivot_y = floatValue; else pivot_y = 1; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("z_index", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) z_index = intValue; else z_index = 0; sprite = animator->getSprite(folder, file, timelineId); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Key::Key() : mId(0) , mTime(0) , mSpinCounterClockwise(true) { mObjects.reserve(50); mObjectRefs.reserve(50); } Key::~Key() { int count = mObjects.size(); for (int i=0;i<count cc_safe_delete mobjects.clear count="mObjectRefs.size();" for i="0;i<count;i++)" mobjectrefs.clear int key::getobjectrefcount return mobjectrefs.size objectref index if mobjectrefs null key::getobjectcount mobjects.size object mobjects float key::gettime mtime bool key::isspincounterclockwise mspincounterclockwise void key::init ccspriterx timelineid tixmlelement node->ToElement(); if (element) { int intValue; float floatValue; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mId = intValue; float time = 0; if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("time", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) // was in milliseconds, convert to seconds instead time = floatValue/1000.0f; mTime = time; if (element->QueryIntAttribute("spin", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mSpinCounterClockwise = !(intValue == -1); for (TiXmlNode* objNode = node->FirstChild(); objNode; objNode = objNode->NextSibling()) { element = objNode->ToElement(); const char *tabObj = element->Value(); if (strcmp(tabObj, "object_ref")==0) { ObjectRef *ref = new ObjectRef(); ref->Init(objNode); mObjectRefs.push_back(ref); } else if (strcmp(tabObj, "object")==0) { Object *obj = new Object(); obj->Init(objNode, animator, timelineId); mObjects.push_back(obj); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Timeline::Timeline() : mId(0) { mKeyframes.reserve(50); } Timeline::~Timeline() { int count = mKeyframes.size(); for (int i=0;i<count cc_safe_delete int timeline::getkeyframecount return mkeyframes.size key index if mkeyframes null void timeline::init ccspriterx intvalue tixmlelement node->ToElement(); if (element) { if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mId = intValue; for (TiXmlNode* keyNode = node->FirstChild(); keyNode; keyNode = keyNode->NextSibling()) { element = keyNode->ToElement(); if (element) { Key *keyframe = new Key(); keyframe->Init(keyNode, animator, mId); mKeyframes.push_back(keyframe); } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Animation::Animation(CCSpriterX * _spr) : mId(0) , spr(_spr) , mCurrKeyframe(0) , mMainline(NULL) , mDone(false) , mTimer(0) ,event(0),afterAction("") { mTimelines.reserve(50); } Animation::~Animation() { int count = mTimelines.size(); for (int i=0;i<count cc_safe_delete mtimelines.clear void animation::init ccspriterx int intvalue float floatvalue tixmlelement node->ToElement(); if (element) { if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mId = intValue; mName = element->Attribute("name"); if (element->QueryFloatAttribute("length", &floatValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) mLength = floatValue/1000.0f; // was in milliseconds, convert to seconds instead const char *looping = element->Attribute("looping"); // was set to "false" in alpha, but in fact looping all the time mLooping = true; for (TiXmlNode* lineNode = node->FirstChild(); lineNode; lineNode = lineNode->NextSibling()) { element = lineNode->ToElement(); const char *tabLine = element->Value(); if (strcmp(tabLine, "mainline")==0) // 1 mainline only { mMainline = new Timeline(); mMainline->Init(lineNode, animator); } else if (strcmp(tabLine, "timeline")==0) { Timeline *timeline = new Timeline(); timeline->Init(lineNode, animator); mTimelines.push_back(timeline); } } } } bool Animation::IsDone() { return mDone; } void Animation::Restart() { mDone = false; mTimer = 0; mCurrKeyframe = 0; } float lerp(float a, float b, float t){ return a+(b-a)*t; } void Animation::Update(float dt) { mTimer += dt; if (mTimer >= mLength) { mDone = true; Restart(); // always looping for now } int count = mMainline->GetKeyframeCount(); Key *keyframe = mMainline->GetKeyframe(mCurrKeyframe); float currTime = keyframe->GetTime(); Key *keyframeNext = NULL; int next = mCurrKeyframe+1; if (next > count-1) // looping next = 0; keyframeNext = mMainline->GetKeyframe(next); if (keyframeNext) { float nextTime = keyframeNext->GetTime(); if (next == 0) nextTime = mLength; if (mTimer >= nextTime) { mCurrKeyframe = next; keyframe = keyframeNext; currTime = keyframe->GetTime(); next = mCurrKeyframe+1; if (next > count-1) // looping next = 0; keyframeNext = mMainline->GetKeyframe(next); if (keyframeNext == NULL) return; nextTime = keyframeNext->GetTime(); if (next == 0) nextTime = mLength; } float t = (mTimer-currTime)/(nextTime-currTime); int count = keyframe->GetObjectRefCount(); for (int i=0;i<count objectref keyframe->GetObjectRef(i); ObjectRef *refNext = keyframeNext->GetObjectRef(i); if (ref && refNext) { Key *keyRef = mTimelines[ref->timeline]->GetKeyframe(ref->key); Object *obj = keyRef->GetObject(0); // should be only 1 object Key *keyRefNext = mTimelines[refNext->timeline]->GetKeyframe(refNext->key); Object *objNext = keyRefNext->GetObject(0); float x = lerp(obj->x, objNext->x, t); float y = lerp(obj->y, objNext->y, t); float scaleX = lerp(obj->scaleX, objNext->scaleX, t); float scaleY = lerp(obj->scaleY, objNext->scaleY, t); float angle = objNext->angle-obj->angle; if (keyRef->IsSpinCounterClockwise()) { if (angle angle+360)-obj->angle; } else { if (angle > 0) { angle = (objNext->angle-360)-obj->angle; } } if (ref->timeline != refNext->timeline) t = 0; angle = obj->angle+(angle)*t; if (angle >= 360) angle -= 360; float px = obj->pivot_x+(objNext->pivot_x-obj->pivot_x)*t; float py = obj->pivot_y+(objNext->pivot_y-obj->pivot_y)*t; CCPoint newPos = ccp(x, y); obj->sprite->setPosition(newPos); obj->sprite->setRotation(-angle); obj->sprite->setScaleX(scaleX); obj->sprite->setScaleY(scaleY); obj->sprite->setAnchorPoint(ccp(px, py)); } } } } void Animation::Render() { Key *keyframe = mMainline->GetKeyframe(mCurrKeyframe); int count = keyframe->GetObjectRefCount(); for (int i=0;i<count objectref keyframe->GetObjectRef(i); if (ref) { Key *keyRef = mTimelines[ref->timeline]->GetKeyframe(ref->key); Object *obj = keyRef->GetObject(0); // should be only 1 object obj->sprite->setColor(spr->getColorX()); obj->sprite->visit(); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Entity::Entity(CCSpriterX * _spr) : mCurrAnimation(0) , mId(0) , spr(_spr) { mAnimations.reserve(50); }; Entity::~Entity() { int count = mAnimations.size(); for (int i=0;i<count cc_safe_delete manimations.clear void entity::update dt animation manimations animation->Update(dt); } std::string Entity::CurrentAction() { return mAnimations[mCurrAnimation]->getName(); } void Entity::StartWithEvent(const char * name, JEvent * event) { for(size_t i=0; i<manimations.size if>getName() == std::string(name)){ mCurrAnimation = i; mAnimations[i]->setEvent(event); mAnimations[i]->Restart(); } } } void Entity::Start(const char * name, const char * _afterAction) { for(size_t i=0; i<manimations.size if>getName() == std::string(name)){ mCurrAnimation = i; mAnimations[i]->setAfterAction(_afterAction); mAnimations[i]->Restart(); } } } void Entity::Render() { Animation *animation = mAnimations[mCurrAnimation]; animation->Render(); } void Entity::NextAnimation() { mCurrAnimation++; if (mCurrAnimation >= (int)mAnimations.size()) mCurrAnimation = 0; Animation *animation = mAnimations[mCurrAnimation]; animation->Restart(); } void Entity::SetId(int id) { mId = id; } void Entity::SetName(const char *name) { mName = name; } void Entity::AddAnimation(Animation *animation) { mAnimations.push_back(animation); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using namespace SCMLHelper; CCSpriterX::CCSpriterX() { mFolders.reserve(50); mEntities.reserve(50); for(int i=0; i<file_sprite_size filesprites ccspriterx:: ccspriterx char new animator->type = SCML; animator->m_state = kLivingStateUngrabbed; if (animator && animator->initWithFile(filename)) { //由于是动画层,没有大小,这里设置大小,使之能够拾取 animator->setContentSize(CCSizeMake(100, 100)); animator->autorelease(); return animator; } CC_SAFE_DELETE(animator); return NULL; } void CCSpriterX::update(float dt) { if (dt > 0.0167f) dt = 0.0167f; Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; entity->Update(dt); } void CCSpriterX::draw(void) { Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; entity->Render(); } std::string CCSpriterX::CurrentAction() { Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; return entity->CurrentAction(); } void CCSpriterX::PlayWithEvent(const char * name, JEvent * event) { Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; entity->StartWithEvent(name, event); } void CCSpriterX::Play(const char* name, const char * _afterAction) { Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; entity->Start(name, _afterAction == 0?"":_afterAction); } void CCSpriterX::PlayNext() { Entity *entity = mEntities[mCurrEntity]; entity->NextAnimation(); } CCSprite *CCSpriterX::getSprite(int folderId, int fileId, int timelineId) { if (folderId GetFile(fileId); if (file){ int id = this->fileSprites[timelineId].id; if(id == -1){ for(int i=0; i<file_sprite_size if fileid filesprites folderid id>sprites[id] == 0){ file->sprites[id] = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(file->name.c_str()); file->sprites[id]->retain(); } return file->sprites[id]; } } } return NULL; } void CCSpriterX::setFlipX(bool bFlipX) { if(bFlipX != m_bFlipX){ float ex,ey,ez; this->getCamera()->getEyeXYZ(&ex, &ey, &ez); this->getCamera()->setEyeXYZ(ex, ey, bFlipX?-fabs(ez):fabs(ez)); this->m_bFlipX = bFlipX; } } bool CCSpriterX::initWithFile(const char *filename) { char cfilename[256]; strcpy(cfilename, filename); string name = strtok(cfilename, "."); string suffix = strtok(cfilename, "."); mCurrEntity = 0; unsigned long filesize; string path = workPath+gConfig->read<string>("res")+"/"+filename; char *buffer = (char *)CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(path.c_str(), "rb", &filesize); if (buffer == NULL) return false; //加载大图 string sfplist = workPath+gConfig->read<string>("res")+"/scml/"+name+".plist"; string sfpng = workPath+gConfig->read<string>("res")+"/scml/"+name+".png"; CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(sfplist.c_str(), sfpng.c_str()); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(buffer); TiXmlNode *root = doc.FirstChild("spriter_data"); if (root) { TiXmlElement *element = root->ToElement(); const char *version = element->Attribute("scml_version"); const char *generator = element->Attribute("generator"); const char *generatorVersion = element->Attribute("generator_version"); for (TiXmlNode* entityNode = root->FirstChild(); entityNode; entityNode = entityNode->NextSibling()) { element = entityNode->ToElement(); if (element) { const char *tab = element->Value(); if (strcmp(tab, "folder")==0) { Folder *folder = new Folder(); folder->Init(entityNode); mFolders.push_back(folder); } else if (strcmp(tab, "entity")==0) { int intValue; Entity *entity = new Entity(this); if (element->QueryIntAttribute("id", &intValue) == TIXML_SUCCESS) entity->SetId(intValue); entity->SetName(element->Attribute("name")); for (TiXmlNode* animationNode = entityNode->FirstChild(); animationNode; animationNode = animationNode->NextSibling()) { Animation *animation = new Animation(this); animation->Init(animationNode, this); entity->AddAnimation(animation); } mEntities.push_back(entity); } } } } CC_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(buffer); this->scheduleUpdate(); return true; } </string></string></string></file_sprite_size></file_sprite_size></manimations.size></manimations.size></count></count></count></count></count></count></count></:string></file_sprite_size>