Linux batch modification file name suffix

How to batch modify file name suffixes in Linux
The following methods are used to modify file name suffixes in batches in Linux: use the rename command: rename 's/old suffix/new suffix/' *. For the old suffix, use the mv command: mv. old suffix. For the new suffix, use the shell script: for file in * .old suffix; do mv "$file" "${file%.old suffix}.new suffix"done use the find command: find . -name "*.old suffix" -exec rename 's/.old suffix/.new Suffix/' {} +
Apr 11, 2024 pm 03:15 PM
How to batch replace file contents in Linux
Method: 1. Use the perl command, the syntax is "find -name'file name'|xargs perl-pi-e 's|Original content|New content|g'"; 2. Use the sed command, the syntax is "sed-i "s/original content/new content/g" `grep original content-rl directory`".
Mar 11, 2022 pm 03:10 PM
How to check which ports are open in Linux
Linux can check the opened ports through the following methods: 1. Use the netstat command "netstat -tuln", which will display all currently listening TCP and UDP ports; 2. Use the ss command "ss -tuln" to display the current Monitoring TCP and UDP ports; 3. Use the lsof command "lsof -i" to display the currently opened network connections and monitoring ports.
Jul 11, 2023 pm 03:21 PM
How to check what the process is doing in linux
How to check what processes are doing in Linux: 1. ps command, which can list all processes of the current user; 2. top command, which can display the system's process status in real time; 3. htop command, which is an improved version of top and can provide more Interactive function; 4. pstree command, which can display the relationship between processes in a tree structure; 5. lsof command, which can display open files and network connections in the current system.
Jul 11, 2023 pm 01:19 PM
How to modify file name in linux
Steps to modify the file name in Linux: 1. Open the terminal window of the Linux system; 2. Use the "cd" command to switch to the directory where the file whose file name needs to be modified is located; 3. Use the "ls" command to view the files in the current directory. List; 4. Use the "mv" command to modify the file name; 5. Use the "ls" command to view the file list in the directory again to check whether the file name has been changed successfully.
Jul 05, 2023 pm 03:11 PM
How to check which port number is occupied by a program in Linux
The way to check the port number occupied by a program in Linux is: 1. The netstat command, which checks the network connection and monitoring status of the system; 2. The lsof command, which can list the files and process information currently opened by the system; 3. The ss command, an alternative tool to netstat , providing faster and more efficient network connection information query; 4. /proc file system, you can obtain relevant information by accessing files in these directories.
Jun 30, 2023 pm 04:24 PM
How to add mysql system environment variables in Linux
Linux adds mysql system environment variable After installing mysql yesterday, I added exportPATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin directly in the line above exportPATH, and then found that all mysql commands can be used normally. I am very happy. I was dumbfounded the next day. After Linux started, it was always in the login state. After entering the account and password, it was still in the login state. After checking online, it turned out that the code I added destroyed the profile file, which directly caused the startup of all systems to fail. Then ctrl+alt+F2 to directly enter the command line mode, and then you can log in normally after modification. So I still can’t modify the configuration in the same way as under Windows.
May 30, 2023 pm 07:55 PM
How to create users, add and modify shells in Linux
1. Create user useradd-d/test-s/bin/bash-mtest-d: Specify the user's home directory -s: User's login shell -m: Create the user's home directory Create a password: passwdtest Then enter the new password twice 2 , View the created user vim/etc/passwd. This file records the information of all users, with 7 pieces of information separated by 6 colons: such as: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash3, Modify the user's login shell1) Command modification: usermod-s/sbin/nologintestusermod-s/bin/falsetest.
May 30, 2023 pm 11:29 PM
How to install mysql default configuration file location in Linux
The solution is as follows: 1. Use the whichmysqld command to view the installation location of mysql 2. Use the /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld–verbose–help|grep-A1’Defaultoptions’ command to view the default path of the configuration file used by mysql. (Note that the red mark is the mysql installation directory path obtained through the command in step 1) As shown in the above figure, we can see that the order and location of mysql reading configuration file paths, first check under /etc/mysql/
May 31, 2023 pm 03:58 PM
How to check the number of lines in a file in Linux
How to check the number of lines in a file in Linux: 1. wc command. The wc command plus parameter "-l" can check the number of lines in the file; 2. cat and wc commands. Use the cat command to output the file content to the terminal, and then use the wc command. Count the number of lines; 3. sed command, use "sed -n" to view the number of lines in the file; 4. awk command, use "awk 'END{print NR}'" to view the number of lines in the file.
Jun 08, 2023 pm 04:16 PM
How to rename Linux
Linux renaming method: Use the "mv" command to change the name of a file or directory. For example, to rename the file a.txt to b.txt, you can use the command "mv a.txt b.txt". If you want to rename directory a to b, you can use the command "mv a b".
Jun 08, 2023 pm 05:25 PM
How to add routing commands in linux
Linux add routing command method: 1. Use the route command to add a default route "csharpCopy coderoute add default gw

How to check file type in linux
The method to view file types in Linux is: 1. Open the terminal by pressing the `Ctrl+Alt+T` keys at the same time; 2. Use the `cd` command to enter the directory containing the file you want to view; 3. Enter "file" in the terminal filename" command and press the Enter key; 4. The terminal outputs the type of the file.
Jun 14, 2023 am 11:07 AM
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