1. Return the Jquery object instance through the method
Use var someDiv = $(‘#someDiv’).hide(); instead of var someDiv = $(‘#someDiv’); someDiv.hide();
2. Use find to find
Use $('#someDiv').find('p.someClass').hide(); instead of $('#someDiv p.someClass').hide(); because you don’t have to trigger Jquery’s Sizzle engine. At the same time, when writing selectors, try to keep your selectors simple and optimize the rightmost selector
3. Don’t abuse $(this)
Use $('#someAnchor').click(function() { alert( this.id ); }); instead of $('#someAnchor').click(function() {alert($(this). attr('id'));});
4. The abbreviation of ready
Use $(function() { }); instead of $(document).ready(function() {});
5. Make your code safe
Method 1 (using noConflict)
var j = jQuery.noConflict();
// The line below will reference some other library's $ function.
$(‘someDiv’).style.display = ‘none’;
Method 2 (pass in parameter Jquery)
(function($) {
// Within this function, $ will always refer to jQuery
Method 3 (via ready method)
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// $ refers to jQuery
6. Simplify the code
Use each instead of for, use arrays to save temporary variables, and use document fragments. This is actually the same thing you need to pay attention to when writing native Javascript.
7. How to use Ajax
Jquery provides useful ajax methods such as get getJSON post ajax
8. Access native properties and methods
For example, the method of obtaining element id is
// OPTION 1 – Use jQuery
var id = $(‘#someAnchor’).attr(‘id’);
// OPTION 2 – Access the DOM element
var id = $(‘#someAnchor’)[0].id;
// OPTION 3 – Use jQuery’s get method
var id = $(‘#someAnchor’).get(0).id;
// OPTION 3b – Don't pass an index to get
anchorsArray = $(‘.someAnchors’).get();
var thirdId = anchorsArray[2].id;
9. Use PHP to check Ajax requests
By using xhr.setRequestHeader(“X-Requested-With”, “XMLHttpRequest”); The server side such as PHP can pass
function isXhr() {
return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] === 'XMLHttpRequest';
To check if it is an Ajax request, it may be used in some situations where Javascript is disabled
10.The relationship between Jquery and $
At the bottom of the Jquery code, you can see the following code
window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; $ is actually a shortcut of Jquery
11. Conditional loading Jquery
<script>!window.jQuery && document.write(‘<script src=”js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js”></script>')
If CDN does not download to Jquery, read from local
12.Jquery Filters
$('p:first').data('info', 'value'); // populates $'s data object to have something to work with<br>
jQuery.expr[":"], {<br>
block: function(elem) {<br>
return $(elem).css(“display”) === “block”;<br>
hasData : function(elem) {<br>
return !$.isEmptyObject( $(elem).data() );<br>
$(“p:hasData”).text(“has data”); // grabs paras that have data attached<br>
$(“p:block”).text(“are block level”); // grabs only paragraphs that have a display of “block”<br>
Note: $.expr[":"] is equivalent to $.expr.filters
13.hover method
$(‘#someElement’).hover(function() {
//You can use the toggle method here to achieve the effect of sliding over and sliding out
14. Pass in the attribute object
When creating an element, Jquery1.4 can pass in an attribute object
$('', {
id : ‘someId’,
className : ‘someClass’,
href : ‘somePath.html’
Even properties or events specified by Jquery such as text, click