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2016-06-06 19:41:401000browse



<script> function Ajax(recvType){ var aj=new Object(); ajrecvType=recvType &#63; recvTypetoUpperCase() : 'HTML'; ajtargetUrl=''; ajsendString=''; ajresultHandle=null; ajcreateXMLHttpRequest=function(){ var xmlHttp = false; if(windowXMLHttpRequest){ xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }else if(windowActiveXObject){ try{ xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("MsxmlXMLHTTP"); }catch(error){ try{ xmlHttp = new ActiveXobject("MicrosoftXMLHttp"); }catch(error){ xmlHttp = false; } } } return xmlHttp; } ajXMLHttpRequest=ajcreateXMLHttpRequest(); ajprocessHandle=function(){ if(ajXMLHttpRequestreadyState == ){ if(ajXMLHttpRequeststatus == ){ if(ajrecvType=="HTML"){ ajresultHandle(ajXMLHttpRequestresponseText); }else if(ajrecvType=="XML"){ ajresultHandle(ajXMLHttpRequestresponseXML); } } } } ajget=function(targetUrl, resultHandle){ ajtargetUrl=targetUrl; if(resultHandle!=null){ ajXMLHttpRequestonreadystatechange=ajprocessHandle; ajresultHandle=resultHandle; } if(windowXMLHttpRequest){ ajXMLHttpRequestopen("get", ajtargetUrl); ajXMLHttpRequestsend(null); }else{ ajXMLHttpRequestopen("get", ajtargetUrl, true); ajXMLHttpRequestsend(); } } return aj; } </script> <script> var ajax=Ajax(); function select(v){ documentgetElementById(v)styledisplay='none'; ajaxget("guessphp&#63;op=ajax&k="+v, function(r){ var t=rsplit("|"); documentgetElementById('word')innerHTML=t[]; if(t[] == ){ documentgetElementById('select')styledisplay='none'; documentgetElementById('result')innerHTML='成功'; }else if(t[] == ){ documentgetElementById('select')styledisplay='none'; documentgetElementById('result')innerHTML='失败'; } }); } function check(v){ ajaxget("guessphp&#63;op=start&k="+v, function(r){ windowlocationhref="<&#63;php echo $url;&#63;>"; }); } </script> easy: wrong
'; echo ' normal: wrong
'; echo ' hard: wrong
'; }else{ //echo $word; echo "最多可以猜错 "$_SESSION['num']" 次"; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo output($guess_word); echo "
"; echo '
'; echo '
'; for($i=ord('A');$i'$letter''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '重新开始'; } ?>


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