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2016-06-06 19:41:011299browse



 * 图片处理函数功能:缩放、剪切、相框、水印、锐化、旋转、翻转、透明度、反色
* 处理并保存历史记录的思路:当有图片有改动时自动生成一张新图片,命名方式可以考虑在原图片的基础上加上步骤,例如:图片名称+__第几步


'没有找到相关图片!' ); /** * 构造函数:函数初始化 */ function __construct($PICTURE_URL){ $this -> get_info($PICTURE_URL); } function get_info($PICTURE_URL){ /** * 处理原图片的信息,先检测图片是否存在,不存在则给出相应的信息 */ @$SIZE = getimagesize($PICTURE_URL); if(!$SIZE){ exit($this -> ERROR['unalviable']); } // 得到原图片的信息类型、宽度、高度 $this -> PICTURE_MIME = $SIZE['mime']; $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH = $SIZE[0]; $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT = $SIZE[1]; // 创建图片 switch($SIZE[2]){ case 1: $this -> PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefromgif($PICTURE_URL); $this -> PICTURE_TYPE = "imagejpeg"; $this -> PICTURE_EXT = "jpg"; break; case 2: $this -> PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefromjpeg($PICTURE_URL); $this -> PICTURE_TYPE = "imagegif"; $this -> PICTURE_EXT = "gif"; break; case 3: $this -> PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefrompng($PICTURE_URL); $this -> PICTURE_TYPE = "imagepng"; $this -> PICTURE_EXT = "png"; break; } /** * 文字颜色转换16进制转换成10进制 */ preg_match_all("/([0-f]){2,2}/i", $this -> FONT_COLOR, $MATCHES); if(count($MATCHES) == 3){ $this -> RED = hexdec($MATCHES[0][0]); $this -> GREEN = hexdec($MATCHES[0][1]); $this -> BLUE = hexdec($MATCHES[0][2]); } } # end of __construct /** * 将16进制的颜色转换成10进制的(R,G,,B) */ function hex2dec(){ preg_match_all("/([0-f]){2,2}/i", $this -> FONT_COLOR, $MATCHES); if(count($MATCHES) == 3){ $this -> RED = hexdec($MATCHES[0][0]); $this -> GREEN = hexdec($MATCHES[0][1]); $this -> BLUE = hexdec($MATCHES[0][2]); } } // 缩放类型 function zoom_type($ZOOM_TYPE){ $this -> ZOOM = $ZOOM_TYPE; } // 对图片进行缩放,如果不指定高度和宽度就进行缩放 function zoom(){ // 缩放的大小 if($this -> ZOOM == 0){ $this -> ZOOM_WIDTH = $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH * $this -> ZOOM_MULTIPLE; $this -> ZOOM_HEIGHT = $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT * $this -> ZOOM_MULTIPLE; } // 新建一个真彩图象 $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> ZOOM_WIDTH, $this -> ZOOM_HEIGHT); $WHITE = imagecolorallocate($this -> TRUE_COLOR, 255, 255, 255); imagefilledrectangle($this -> TRUE_COLOR, 0, 0, $this -> ZOOM_WIDTH, $this -> ZOOM_HEIGHT, $WHITE); imagecopyresized($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this -> ZOOM_WIDTH, $this -> ZOOM_HEIGHT, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); } # end of zoom // 裁切图片,按坐标或自动 function cut(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> CUT_WIDTH, $this -> CUT_WIDTH); imagecopy($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, 0, $this -> CUT_X, $this -> CUT_Y, $this -> CUT_WIDTH, $this -> CUT_HEIGHT); } # end of cut /** * 在图片上放文字或图片 * 水印文字 */ function _mark_text(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $this -> WORD = mb_convert_encoding($this -> FONT_WORD, 'utf-8', 'gb2312'); /** * 取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围 */ $TEMP = imagettfbbox($this -> FONT_SIZE, 0, $this -> FONT_PATH, $this -> WORD); $WORD_LENGTH = strlen($this -> WORD); $WORD_WIDTH = $TEMP[2] - $TEMP[6]; $WORD_HEIGHT = $TEMP[3] - $TEMP[7]; /** * 文字水印的默认位置为右下角 */ if($this -> WORD_X == ""){ $this -> WORD_X = $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH - $WORD_WIDTH; } if($this -> WORD_Y == ""){ $this -> WORD_Y = $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT - $WORD_HEIGHT; } imagesettile($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE); imagefilledrectangle($this -> TRUE_COLOR, 0, 0, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT, IMG_COLOR_TILED); $TEXT2 = imagecolorallocate($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> RED, $this -> GREEN, $this -> Blue); imagettftext($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> FONT_SIZE, $this -> ANGLE, $this -> WORD_X, $this -> WORD_Y, $TEXT2, $this -> FONT_PATH, $this -> WORD); } /** * 水印图片 */ function _mark_picture(){ /** * 获取水印图片的信息 */ @$SIZE = getimagesize($this -> FORCE_URL); if(!$SIZE){ exit($this -> ERROR['unalviable']); } $FORCE_PICTURE_WIDTH = $SIZE[0]; $FORCE_PICTURE_HEIGHT = $SIZE[1]; // 创建水印图片 switch($SIZE[2]){ case 1: $FORCE_PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefromgif($this -> FORCE_URL); $FORCE_PICTURE_TYPE = "gif"; break; case 2: $FORCE_PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefromjpeg($this -> FORCE_URL); $FORCE_PICTURE_TYPE = "jpg"; break; case 3: $FORCE_PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatefrompng($this -> FORCE_URL); $FORCE_PICTURE_TYPE = "png"; break; } /** * 判断水印图片的大小,并生成目标图片的大小,如果水印比图片大,则生成图片大小为水印图片的大小。否则生成的图片大小为原图片大小。 */ $this -> NEW_PICTURE = $this -> PICTURE_CREATE; if($FORCE_PICTURE_WIDTH > $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH){ $CREATE_WIDTH = $FORCE_PICTURE_WIDTH - $this -> FORCE_START_X; }else{ $CREATE_WIDTH = $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH; } if($FORCE_PICTURE_HEIGHT > $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT){ $CREATE_HEIGHT = $FORCE_PICTURE_HEIGHT - $this -> FORCE_START_Y; }else{ $CREATE_HEIGHT = $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT; } /** * 创建一个画布 */ $NEW_PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreatetruecolor($CREATE_WIDTH, $CREATE_HEIGHT); $WHITE = imagecolorallocate($NEW_PICTURE_CREATE, 255, 255, 255); /** * 将背景图拷贝到画布中 */ imagecopy($NEW_PICTURE_CREATE, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); /** * 将目标图片拷贝到背景图片上 */ imagecopy($NEW_PICTURE_CREATE, $FORCE_PICTURE_CREATE, $this -> FORCE_X, $this -> FORCE_Y, $this -> FORCE_START_X, $this -> FORCE_START_Y, $FORCE_PICTURE_WIDTH, $FORCE_PICTURE_HEIGHT); $this -> TRUE_COLOR = $NEW_PICTURE_CREATE; } # end of mark function alpha_(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $rgb = "#CDCDCD"; $tran_color = "#000000"; for($j = 0;$j PICTURE_HEIGHT-1;$j++){ for ($i = 0;$i PICTURE_WIDTH-1;$i++) { $rgb = imagecolorat($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $i, $j); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $now_color = imagecolorallocate($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $r, $g, $b); if ($now_color == $tran_color) { continue; } else { $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $r, $g, $b, $ALPHA); imagesetpixel($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $ALPHA_X + $i, $ALPHA_Y + $j, $color); } $this -> TRUE_COLOR = $this -> PICTURE_CREATE; } } } /** * 图片旋转: * 沿y轴旋转 */ function turn_y(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); for ($x = 0; $x PICTURE_WIDTH; $x++) { imagecopy($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH - $x - 1, 0, $x, 0, 1, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); } } /** * 沿X轴旋转 */ function turn_x(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); for ($y = 0; $y PICTURE_HEIGHT; $y++){ imagecopy($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT - $y - 1, 0, $y, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, 1); } } /** * 任意角度旋转 */ function turn(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); imageCopyResized($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $WHITE = imagecolorallocate($this -> TRUE_COLOR, 255, 255, 255); $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagerotate ($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> CIRCUMROTATE, $WHITE); } /** * 图片锐化 */ function sharp(){ $this -> TRUE_COLOR = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $cnt = 0; for ($x = 0; $x PICTURE_WIDTH; $x++){ for ($y = 0; $y PICTURE_HEIGHT; $y++){ $src_clr1 = imagecolorsforindex($this -> TRUE_COLOR, imagecolorat($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $x-1, $y-1)); $src_clr2 = imagecolorsforindex($this -> TRUE_COLOR, imagecolorat($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $x, $y)); $r = intval($src_clr2["red"] + $this -> SHARP * ($src_clr2["red"] - $src_clr1["red"])); $g = intval($src_clr2["green"] + $this -> SHARP * ($src_clr2["green"] - $src_clr1["green"])); $b = intval($src_clr2["blue"] + $this -> SHARP * ($src_clr2["blue"] - $src_clr1["blue"])); $r = min(255, max($r, 0)); $g = min(255, max($g, 0)); $b = min(255, max($b, 0)); if (($DST_CLR = imagecolorexact($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $r, $g, $b)) == -1) $DST_CLR = imagecolorallocate($this -> PICTURE_CREATE, $r, $g, $b); $cnt++; if ($DST_CLR == -1) die("color allocate faile at $x, $y ($cnt)."); imagesetpixel($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $x, $y, $DST_CLR); } } } /** * 将图片反色处理?? */ function return_color(){ /** * 创建一个画布 */ $NEW_PICTURE_CREATE = imagecreate($this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $WHITE = imagecolorallocate($NEW_PICTURE_CREATE, 255, 255, 255); /** * 将背景图拷贝到画布中 */ imagecopy($NEW_PICTURE_CREATE, $this -> PICTURE_CREATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this -> PICTURE_WIDTH, $this -> PICTURE_HEIGHT); $this -> TRUE_COLOR = $NEW_PICTURE_CREATE; } /** * 生成目标图片并显示 */ function show(){ // 判断浏览器,若是IE就不发送头 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $ua = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(!preg_match('/^.*MSIE.*\)$/i', $ua)) { header("Content-type:$this->PICTURE_MIME"); } } $OUT = $this -> PICTURE_TYPE; $OUT($this -> TRUE_COLOR); } /** * 生成目标图片并保存 */ function save_picture(){ // 以 JPEG 格式将图像输出到浏览器或文件 $OUT = $this -> PICTURE_TYPE; if(function_exists($OUT)){ // 判断浏览器,若是IE就不发送头 if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $ua = strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(!preg_match('/^.*MSIE.*\)$/i', $ua)) { header("Content-type:$this->PICTURE_MIME"); } } if(!$this -> TRUE_COLOR){ exit($this -> ERROR['unavilable']); }else{ $OUT($this -> TRUE_COLOR, $this -> DEST_URL); $OUT($this -> TRUE_COLOR); } } } /** * 析构函数:释放图片 */ function __destruct(){ /** * 释放图片 */ imagedestroy($this -> TRUE_COLOR); imagedestroy($this -> PICTURE_CREATE); } # end of class } ?>


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