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2016-06-06 19:39:552096browse

个人编写,用PHP执行GIT命令 主要编写目地是利用git的push钩子访问该PHP能实现push触发自动部署 只实现了pull方法,其余方法可以以类似方法实现 ?php/** * Class Git * @author Jacky.Zhuo * @time 2015-11-01 *///Git操作类class Git { private $_path; priva

个人编写, 用PHP执行GIT命令

只实现了pull方法, 其余方法可以以类似方法实现

 * Class Git
 * @author Jacky.Zhuo
 * @time 2015-11-01

class Git {
    private $_path;
    private $_projectName;
    private $_owner;
    private $_username;
    private $_password;
    private $_host;
    private $_suffix = 'git';
    private $_isHttps = false;
    private $_url = '';
    private $_log;
    private $_output;
    private $_descriptorspec;
     * 构造函数
     * 设置git参数
     * @param string $path 项目本地路径
     * @param string $projectName 项目名
     * @param string $owner 拥有者
     * @param string $username 帐号用户名
     * @param string $password 帐号密码
     * @param string $host 项目所在地址
     * @param string $suffix 项目后缀
     * @param boolen $isHttps 项目协议是否为https
     * @param string $log 访问日志文件路径
     * @param string $output 命令日志文件路径
     * @return void
    public function __construct($path = __DIR__, $projectName, $owner, $username, $password, $host, $suffix = false, $isHttps = false, $log = false, $output = false) {
        $configFields = array('path', 'projectName', 'owner', 'username', 'password', 'host');

        foreach($configFields as $field) {
            if(empty($$field)) {
                throw new Exception("{$field} is empty!");
                return false;
            $this->{'_' . $field} = $$field;
        if($isHttps) {
            $this->_isHttps = true;
        if($suffix) {
            $this->_suffix = $suffix;
        if($log) {
            $this->_log = $log;
        } else {
            $this->_log = __DIR__ . '/git_log.txt';
        if($output) {
            $this->_output = $output;
        } else {
            $this->_output = __DIR__ . '/git_output.txt';
        $this->_descriptorspec = array(
            0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
            1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
            2 => array('file', $this->_output, 'a')
     * pull方法
     * 从服务器中pull到本地
     * @param string $branch 默认为 origin master
     * @return boolen
    public function pull($branch = 'origin master') {
        $cmd = 'git pull ' . $this->_url . ' ' . $branch;
        return $this->_runCmd($cmd);
    public function fetch() {
    public function push() {
    public function gclone() {
     * 生成git地址url
     * git地址格式 [https://][username]:[password]@[host]/[owner]/[projectName].[suffix]
     * @reutrn void
    private function _createUrl() {
        $url = '';
        if($this->_isHttps) {
            $url .= 'https://';
        } else {
            $url .= 'http://';
        $url .= urlencode($this->_username) . ':' . urlencode($this->_password);

        $url .= '@' . $this->_host . '/';

        $url .= $this->_owner . '/' . $this->_projectName;

        $url .= '.' . $this->_suffix;

        $this->_url = $url;
     * log方法
     * 记录访问日志
     * @param string $msg 日志
     * @return void
    private function _writeLog($msg) {
        $log = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ":\n";
        $log .= $msg;
        $log .= "-------------------------------------\n";
        file_put_contents($this->_log, $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
     * 运行命令行
     * 该方法可以运行命令行, 并会自动记录命令行日志
     * @param string $cmd 要运行的命令行
     * @return boolen
    private function _runCmd($cmd) {
        file_put_contents($this->_output, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ":\n", FILE_APPEND);
        $process = proc_open($cmd, $this->_descriptorspec, $pipes, $this->_path);
        if(is_resource($process)) {
            $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
        } else {
            $output = 'no command';
        $returnValue = proc_close($process);
        file_put_contents($this->_output, "---------------------------------\n", FILE_APPEND);
        if($returnValue) {
            $this->_writeLog('Command faild.' . "\n");
            return false;
        } else {
            $this->_writeLog('Command success: ' . $output);
            return true;

try {
    $git = new Git(__DIR__, 'project', 'owner', 'username', 'password', 'host', 'suffix', true);
} catch(Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


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