The example in this article describes the js implementation of a color selector that can obtain different color values. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
js color selector, you can get different color values
var iW = '70'; //There are 6 colors in total, and the width of each color is iW. iW*6 is the width of the ribbon. <br>
var iH = '400'; //iH is the height of the ribbon. <br>
//Calculate HSV color code. <br>
function HSV(){<br>
kkk1.value = 'X:' event.offsetX ' Y:' event.offsetY;<br>
var H,S,V;<br>
var pY = event.offsetY;<br>
if(pY == 0){H = S = 0; V = 100;}<br>
if(pY == iH-1) H = S = V = 0;<br>
H = Math.floor(360*event.offsetX/(iW*6));<br>
S = Math.round(50*(iH-pY)/(iH/2));<br>
V = Math.round(100-50*pY/iH);<br>
kkk2.value='HSV(' H ',' S '%,' V '%)';<br>
<p>//Calculate RGB color code. <br>
function HSVtoRGB(h,s,v){<br>
var i, f ,p1 ,p2 ,p3;<br>
var r = g = b = 0;<br>
if(s < 0) s=0;<br />
if(s > 1) s=1;<br>
if(v < 0) v=0;<br />
if(v > 1) v=1;<br>
h %= 360;<br>
if(h < 0) h =360;<br />
h /= 60;<br />
i = Math.floor(h);<br />
f = h-i;<br />
p1 = v*(1-s);<br />
p2 = v*(1-s*f);<br />
p3 = v*(1-s*(1-f));<br />
if(i == 0){r=v; g=p3; b=p1;}<br />
else if(i == 1){r=p2; g=v; b=p1;}<br />
else if(i == 2){r=p1; g=v; b=p3;}<br />
else if(i == 3){r=p1; g=p2; b=v;}<br />
else if(i == 4){r=p3; g=p1; b=v;}<br />
else if(i == 5){r=v; g=p1; b=p2;}<br />
kkk3.value='RGB(' Math.round(r*255) ',' Math.round(g*255) ',' Math.round(b*255) ')';<br />
RGBtoHTML(Math.round(r*255),Math.round(g*255),Math.round(b*255))<br />
<p>//Calculate HTML color code. <br />
function RGBtoHTML(r,g,b){<br />
r=(r>=16)?r.toString(16):('0' r.toString(16))<br>
g=(g>=16)?g.toString(16):('0' g.toString(16))<br>
b=(b>=16)?b.toString(16):('0' b.toString(16))<br>
kkk4.value='HTML #' r g b;<br>
<p>function window.onload(){<br>
var RainBow = new Array(255,0,0, 255,255,0, 0,255,0, 0,255,255, 0,0,255, 255,0,255, 255,0,0);<br>
for(var i=0;i<6;i ){<br />
var R1 = RainBow[i*3];<br />
var G1 = RainBow[i*3 1];<br />
var B1 = RainBow[i*3 2];<br />
var R2 = RainBow[(i 1)*3];<br />
var G2 = RainBow[(i 1)*3 1];<br />
var B2 = RainBow[(i 1)*3 2];<br />
RainBowDiv.innerHTML = "<div style='position:absolute;left:" i*iW ";top:0;width:" iW ";height:" iH ";background:rgb(" R1 "," G1 " ," B1 ");'></div><div style='position:absolute;left:" i*iW ";top:0;width:" iW ";height:" iH ";background: rgb(" R2 "," G2 "," B2 ");filter:alpha(opacity=0,finishopacity=100,Style=1);'></div>"<br>
RainBowDiv.innerHTML = "<div style=position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:" 6*iW ";height:" iH ";background:rgb(128,128,128);filter:alpha(opacity=0 ,finishOpacity=100,style=1,starty=0,finishy=100,startx=0,finishx=0)></div><div style='position:absolute;left:0;top:0; width:" (6*iW 1) ";height:" iH ";' onmousemove=HSV()></div>"<br>
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s JavaScript programming design.