Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >kindeditor fixes the problem of replacing script content_javascript skills
function _formatHtml(html, htmlTags, urlType, wellFormatted, indentChar) { if (html == null) { html = ''; } //2015-03-25 html = html.replace(/textarea__/ig, "textarea"); urlType = urlType || ''; wellFormatted = _undef(wellFormatted, false); indentChar = _undef(indentChar, '\t'); var fontSizeList = 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large'.split(','); //2015-04-02将script里面的数据读取处理 var obj = {}; var index = 0; html = html.replace(/(<script\s[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/script>)/ig, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { var value = $2 + ''; if (value) { var key = "{$script__" + index + "$}"; obj[key] = value; index++; return $1 + key + $3; } else { return $0; } }); html = html.replace(/(<(?:pre|pre\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/ig, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $1 + $2.replace(/<(?:br|br\s[^>]*)>/ig, '\n') + $3; }); html = html.replace(/<(?:br|br\s[^>]*)\s*\/?>\s*<\/p>/ig, '</p>'); html = html.replace(/(<(?:p|p\s[^>]*)>)\s*(<\/p>)/ig, '$1<br />$2'); html = html.replace(/\u200B/g, ''); html = html.replace(/\u00A9/g, '©'); html = html.replace(/\u00AE/g, '®'); html = html.replace(/<[^>]+/g, function ($0) { return $0.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }); var htmlTagMap = {}; if (htmlTags) { _each(htmlTags, function (key, val) { var arr = key.split(','); for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { htmlTagMap[arr[i]] = _toMap(val); } }); if (!htmlTagMap.script) { html = html.replace(/(<(?:script|script\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/script>)/ig, ''); } if (!htmlTagMap.style) { html = html.replace(/(<(?:style|style\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/style>)/ig, ''); } } var re = /(\s*)<(\/)?([\w\-:]+)((?:\s+|(?:\s+[\w\-:]+)|(?:\s+[\w\-:]+=[^\s"'<>]+)|(?:\s+[\w\-:"]+="[^"]*")|(?:\s+[\w\-:"]+='[^']*'))*)(\/)?>(\s*)/g; var tagStack = []; html = html.replace(re, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) { var full = $0, startNewline = $1 || '', startSlash = $2 || '', tagName = $3.toLowerCase(), attr = $4 || '', endSlash = $5 ? ' ' + $5 : '', endNewline = $6 || ''; if (htmlTags && !htmlTagMap[tagName]) { return ''; } if (endSlash === '' && _SINGLE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { endSlash = ' /'; } if (_INLINE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (startNewline) { startNewline = ' '; } if (endNewline) { endNewline = ' '; } } if (_PRE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (startSlash) { endNewline = '\n'; } else { startNewline = '\n'; } } if (wellFormatted && tagName == 'br') { endNewline = '\n'; } if (_BLOCK_TAG_MAP[tagName] && !_PRE_TAG_MAP[tagName]) { if (wellFormatted) { if (startSlash && tagStack.length > 0 && tagStack[tagStack.length - 1] === tagName) { tagStack.pop(); } else { tagStack.push(tagName); } startNewline = '\n'; endNewline = '\n'; for (var i = 0, len = startSlash ? tagStack.length : tagStack.length - 1; i < len; i++) { startNewline += indentChar; if (!startSlash) { endNewline += indentChar; } } if (endSlash) { tagStack.pop(); } else if (!startSlash) { endNewline += indentChar; } } else { startNewline = endNewline = ''; } } if (attr !== '') { var attrMap = _getAttrList(full); if (tagName === 'font') { var fontStyleMap = {}, fontStyle = ''; _each(attrMap, function (key, val) { if (key === 'color') { fontStyleMap.color = val; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'size') { fontStyleMap['font-size'] = fontSizeList[parseInt(val, 10) - 1] || ''; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'face') { fontStyleMap['font-family'] = val; delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'style') { fontStyle = val; } }); if (fontStyle && !/;$/.test(fontStyle)) { fontStyle += ';'; } _each(fontStyleMap, function (key, val) { if (val === '') { return; } if (/\s/.test(val)) { val = "'" + val + "'"; } fontStyle += key + ':' + val + ';'; }); attrMap.style = fontStyle; } _each(attrMap, function (key, val) { if (_FILL_ATTR_MAP[key]) { attrMap[key] = key; } if (_inArray(key, ['src', 'href']) >= 0) { attrMap[key] = _formatUrl(val, urlType); } if (htmlTags && key !== 'style' && !htmlTagMap[tagName]['*'] && !htmlTagMap[tagName][key] || tagName === 'body' && key === 'contenteditable' || /^kindeditor_\d+$/.test(key)) { delete attrMap[key]; } if (key === 'style' && val !== '') { var styleMap = _getCssList(val); _each(styleMap, function (k, v) { if (htmlTags && !htmlTagMap[tagName].style && !htmlTagMap[tagName]['.' + k]) { delete styleMap[k]; } }); var style = ''; _each(styleMap, function (k, v) { style += k + ':' + v + ';'; }); attrMap.style = style; } }); attr = ''; _each(attrMap, function (key, val) { if (key === 'style' && val === '') { return; } val = val.replace(/"/g, '"'); attr += ' ' + key + '="' + val + '"'; }); } if (tagName === 'font') { tagName = 'span'; } return startNewline + '<' + startSlash + tagName + attr + endSlash + '>' + endNewline; }); html = html.replace(/(<(?:pre|pre\s[^>]*)>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/ig, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { return $1 + $2.replace(/\n/g, '<span id="__kindeditor_pre_newline__">\n') + $3; }); html = html.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, '\n'); html = html.replace(/<span id="__kindeditor_pre_newline__">\n/g, '\n'); for (var key in obj) { html = html.replace(key, obj[key]); } //alert(html); return _trim(html); }