Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jquery imitates Baidu experience sliding switching browsing effect_jquery
jquery imitates Baidu experience sliding switching browsing effect
$(function() { wordStrong(); $("#content ul").width($("#content ul li:first").width()*$("#content ul li").length); $("#header .top_right .vote").hover(function() { $(this).children(".hover-tip").css("display", "block"); $(this).children(".num").css("display", "none"); }, function() { $(this).children(".hover-tip").css("display", "none"); $(this).children(".num").css("display", "block"); }); $("#content .left, #content .right").width(($(document).width()-$("#content").width())/4); $("#content .left").css("left", -$("#content .left").width()); $("#content .right").css("right", -$("#content .right").width()); var showId = 0; $("#content span.left").hover(function() { if ( checkFirst() ) return ; $(this).css("cursor", "pointer"); $(this).siblings(".sl").stop().animate({ opacity:0.5 }); }, function() { $(this).siblings(".sl").stop().animate({ opacity:0 }); }).click(function() { if ( checkFirst() ) return ; showId --; $("#content").attr("showId", showId); $("#footer li").children().removeClass("active").end().children().eq(showId).addClass("active"); center(showId); }); $("#content span.right").hover(function() { if ( checkLast() ) return ; $(this).css("cursor", "pointer"); $(this).siblings(".sr").stop().animate({ opacity:0.5 }); }, function() { $(this).siblings(".sr").stop().animate({ opacity:0 }); }).click(function() { if ( checkLast() ) return ; showId ++; $("#content").attr("showId", showId); $("#footer li").children().removeClass("active").end().children().eq(showId).addClass("active"); center(showId); }); function checkFirst() { if ( $("#content").attr("showId") == 0 ) { $("#content span.left").css("cursor", "default"); return true; } return false; } function checkLast() { if ( $("#content").attr("showId") == $("#content ul li").length-1 ) { $("#content span.right").css("cursor", "default"); return true; } return false; } /* 首字母大写 */ function wordStrong() { var liList = $("#content ul li"); for (var j = 0; j < liList.length; j ++) { var pList = $("#content .cont_"+(j+1)+" .cont_word p"); for (var i = 0; i < pList.length; i ++) { var p = pList.get(i); var pCont = $(p).html(); var s = $("<b>"+(i+1)+"</b>"); s.css("font-size", "24px"); $(p).html(''); s.appendTo(p); $(p).append(pCont.substring(1)); } } } center(0); //相对li居中 function center(liIndex) { var li = $("#content ul li").css("opacity", 0.3).eq(liIndex).css("opacity", 1); $("#content ul").animate({ left: (-li.width()*liIndex) }); } var footLen = $("#content ul li").length; var foots = $("#footer ul"); for (var i = 1; i < footLen-1; i ++) { var childA = $("<a>").html(i); childA.attr("href", "#"); $("<li>").append(childA).insertBefore(foots.children("[step=last]")).attr("step", i); } foots.children(":last").attr("step", footLen-1); foots.css("left", ($(window).width()-foots.width())/2); $("#footer li").click(function() { $("#footer ul li").children().removeClass("active"); $(this).children().addClass("active"); center($(this).attr("step")); }); function myAddEvent(obj, e, fn) { if ( obj.attachEvent ) { obj.attachEvent('on'+e, fn); }else obj.addEventListener(e, fn, false); } function onMouseWheel(ev) { var ev = ev||event; //IE //wheelDelta 下滚:负, 上滚:下 //alert(oEvent.wheelDelta); //FF //detail: 下滚:正, 上滚: 负 //alert(oEvent.detail) var bDown = true; if ( ev.wheelDelta ) { bDown = ev.wheelDelta<0; }else { bDown = ev.detail>0; } if ( !bDown ) { if ( checkFirst() ) return ; showId --; } else { if ( checkLast() ) return ; showId ++; } $("#content").attr("showId", showId); $("#footer ul li").children().removeClass("active").end().eq(showId).children().addClass("active"); center(showId); if ( oEvent.preventDefault ) { oEvent.preventDefault(); } return false; } myAddEvent(window, 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel); myAddEvent(window, 'DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel); });
The above is all the content introduced to you in this article. I hope you will like it.