You can cancel the Douyin shopping function through the following steps: enter the personal profile page; click the "wallet" icon; turn off the "Shopping" function switch; confirm the cancellation.
How to cancel the Douyin shopping function setting
Step 1: Enter the personal profile page
- Click "I" in the lower right corner of the Douyin homepage to enter the profile page.
Step 2: Find “Wallet”
- In the profile page, click the “Wallet” icon.
Step 3: Turn off the "Shopping" function
- In the "Wallet" page, find the "Shopping" function.
- Click the switch in the upper right corner of "Shopping" to turn it off.
Step 4: Confirm Cancellation
- The system will pop up a confirmation dialog box asking you if you want to cancel the shopping function. Click "Confirm" to complete the operation.
- After canceling the shopping function, you will not be able to purchase goods on Douyin.
- Canceling the shopping function will not affect your existing orders or wallet balance.
- If you want to re-enable shopping, just follow the steps above and turn the switch back on.
The above is the detailed content of How to cancel Douyin shopping function settings. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
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