In C language, float is a floating-point data type used to represent decimals and very large numbers. It usually occupies 32 bits of memory space and has limited precision, ranging from approximately -3.4e38 to 3.4e38. , including the decimal part and the storage format adopts IEEE 754 standard. The float data type is often used to store values that require high precision but not extreme precision, such as decimals in scientific computing or engineering applications and data in applications that involve decimal parts but are not computationally intensive.
In C language, the meaning of float
float is in C language A floating-point data type used to represent decimals and very large numbers.
float Characteristics of type variables:
- Usually occupy 32 bits of memory space.
- has limited precision, that is, it can only represent numbers within a certain range.
- The range is approximately -3.4e38 to 3.4e38 (the specific value varies by compiler).
- has a decimal part and can represent decimal places.
- The storage format adopts IEEE 754 standard, which is called single-precision floating point number.
float Purpose of data type:
- Storage values that require high precision but do not require extremely high precision.
- represents a decimal in scientific calculations or engineering applications.
- Store data with a decimal part in applications that do not involve extensive calculations.
For example:
<code class="c">float distance = 3.14159; // 存储 π 的近似值
float temperature = 26.5; // 存储温度值</code>
float type variables may have precision loss, Therefore for calculations that require absolute precision, the double data type should be considered. Variables of type
float can be represented using floating point literals, such as 3.14f, 26.5f, etc., where the f suffix indicates that this is a floating point value.
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