Home >Technology peripherals >AI >Identify overfitting and underfitting through learning curves
This article will introduce how to effectively identify overfitting and underfitting in machine learning models through learning curves.
If a model is overtrained on data to the point that it learns noise from it, the model is said to be overfitted. An overfitted model learns every example so perfectly that it will misclassify an unseen/new example. For an overfitted model, we will get a perfect/near-perfect training set score and a terrible validation set/test score.
Slightly modified: "The reason for overfitting: Use a complex model to solve a simple problem and extract noise from the data. Because a small data set may not be used as a training set Represents the correct representation of all data. "
If a model cannot correctly learn the patterns in the data, we Let's just say it's underfitting. Underfitting models do not fully learn every example in the data set. In this case, we see that the errors on both the training and validation sets are low. This may be because the model is too simple and does not have enough parameters to fit the data. We can try to increase the complexity of the model, increase the number of layers or neurons, to solve the under-fitting problem. However, it should be noted that increasing model complexity also increases the risk of overfitting.
Reasons why it is not suitable: Using a simple model to solve a complex problem, the model cannot learn all the patterns in the data, or the model incorrectly learns the patterns of the underlying data. In data analysis and machine learning, model selection is very important. Choosing the right model for your problem can improve the accuracy and reliability of your predictions. For complex problems, more complex models may be needed to capture all patterns in the data. In addition, you also need to consider the
The learning curve draws the training sum of the training sample itself by incrementally adding new training samples. Verification loss. Can help us determine if we need to add additional training examples to improve the validation score (score on unseen data). If the model is overfitted, then adding additional training examples may improve the model's performance on unseen data. Likewise, if a model is underfit, then adding training examples may not be useful. The 'learning_curve' method can be imported from Scikit-Learn's 'model_selection' module.
from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve
We will demonstrate using logistic regression and Iris data. Create a function called "learn_curve" that will fit a logistic regression model and return cross-validation scores, training scores, and learning curve data.
#The function below builds the model and returns cross validation scores, train score and learning curve data def learn_curve(X,y,c): ''' param X: Matrix of input featuresparam y: Vector of Target/Labelc: Inverse Regularization variable to control overfitting (high value causes overfitting, low value causes underfitting)''' '''We aren't splitting the data into train and test because we will use StratifiedKFoldCV.KFold CV is a preferred method compared to hold out CV, since the model is tested on all the examples.Hold out CV is preferred when the model takes too long to train and we have a huge test set that truly represents the universe''' le = LabelEncoder() # Label encoding the target sc = StandardScaler() # Scaling the input features y = le.fit_transform(y)#Label Encoding the target log_reg = LogisticRegression(max_iter=200,random_state=11,C=c) # LogisticRegression model # Pipeline with scaling and classification as steps, must use a pipelne since we are using KFoldCV lr = Pipeline(steps=(['scaler',sc],['classifier',log_reg])) cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5,random_state=11,shuffle=True) # Creating a StratifiedKFold object with 5 folds cv_scores = cross_val_score(lr,X,y,scoring="accuracy",cv=cv) # Storing the CV scores (accuracy) of each fold lr.fit(X,y) # Fitting the model train_score = lr.score(X,y) # Scoring the model on train set #Building the learning curve train_size,train_scores,test_scores =learning_curve(estimator=lr,X=X,y=y,cv=cv,scoring="accuracy",random_state=11) train_scores = 1-np.mean(train_scores,axis=1)#converting the accuracy score to misclassification rate test_scores = 1-np.mean(test_scores,axis=1)#converting the accuracy score to misclassification rate lc =pd.DataFrame({"Training_size":train_size,"Training_loss":train_scores,"Validation_loss":test_scores}).melt(id_vars="Training_size") return {"cv_scores":cv_scores,"train_score":train_score,"learning_curve":lc}
The above code is very simple, it is our daily training process. Now we start to introduce the use of learning curve
We will use the 'learn_curve' function to obtain a good fitted model by setting the anti-regularization variable/parameter 'c' to 1 (i.e. we don't perform any regularization).
lc = learn_curve(X,y,1) print(f'Cross Validation Accuracies:\n{"-"*25}\n{list(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Mean Cross Validation Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.mean(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Standard Deviation of Deep HUB Cross Validation Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.std(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Training Accuracy:\n{"-"*15}\n{lc["train_score"]}\n\n') sns.lineplot(data=lc["learning_curve"],x="Training_size",y="value",hue="variable") plt.title("Learning Curve of Good Fit Model") plt.ylabel("Misclassification Rate/Loss");
#In the above results, the cross-validation accuracy is close to the training accuracy.
Training loss (blue): The learning curve of a good fitted model will gradually decrease and decrease as the number of training examples increases. It gradually becomes flat, indicating that adding more training examples does not improve the model's performance on the training data.
Validation loss (yellow): The learning curve of a well-fitted model has a high validation loss at the beginning, which gradually decreases and gradually decreases as the number of training examples increases. tends to be flat, indicating that the more samples, the more patterns can be learned. These patterns will be helpful for "unseen" data
Finally, you can also see that in After adding a reasonable number of training examples, the training loss and validation loss approach each other.
We will use the 'learn_curve' function by deregularizing the variable/parameter 'c 'Set to 10000 to get an overfitted model (high values of 'c' result in overfitting).
lc = learn_curve(X,y,10000) print(f'Cross Validation Accuracies:\n{"-"*25}\n{list(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Mean Cross Validation Deep HUB Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.mean(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Standard Deviation of Cross Validation Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.std(lc["cv_scores"])} (High Variance)\n\n\ Training Accuracy:\n{"-"*15}\n{lc["train_score"]}\n\n') sns.lineplot(data=lc["learning_curve"],x="Training_size",y="value",hue="variable") plt.title("Learning Curve of an Overfit Model") plt.ylabel("Misclassification Rate/Loss");
将反正则化变量/参数' c '设置为1/10000来获得欠拟合模型(' c '的低值导致欠拟合)。
lc = learn_curve(X,y,1/10000) print(f'Cross Validation Accuracies:\n{"-"*25}\n{list(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Mean Cross Validation Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.mean(lc["cv_scores"])}\n\n\ Standard Deviation of Cross Validation Accuracy:\n{"-"*25}\n{np.std(lc["cv_scores"])} (Low variance)\n\n\ Training Deep HUB Accuracy:\n{"-"*15}\n{lc["train_score"]}\n\n') sns.lineplot(data=lc["learning_curve"],x="Training_size",y="value",hue="variable") plt.title("Learning Curve of an Underfit Model") plt.ylabel("Misclassification Rate/Loss");
使用早停(early stopping)等技术来避免过度训练。
The above is the detailed content of Identify overfitting and underfitting through learning curves. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!