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How to create a new page template in wordpress

2024-04-15 16:12:14790browse

Steps to create a new WordPress page template: Create a text file and name it template-name.php. Add code, including template name, header, footer, and custom content. Save the file to your theme's /templates folder. Refresh the backend and select a template on the New Page screen.

How to create a new page template in wordpress

How to create a new WordPress page template

WordPress page templates are pre-designed templates used to create a specific format or layout page. These templates are typically used to create custom landing pages, archive pages, or blog post list pages.

To create a new WordPress page template, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new file

  1. Use a text editor, Like Notepad or Sublime Text, create a new text file.
  2. Name the file template-name.php, where template-name is the template name of your choice.

Step 2: Add Template Content

Paste the following code in the text file:

  • Template Name : This line specifies the name of the template that will be displayed on the New Page screen. The
  • get_header(); and get_footer(); functions contain the header and footer parts respectively.

Step 3: Place the template content

in the get_header(); and get_footer(); functions place your template content in between. This can include any HTML, PHP and WordPress functions.

Step 4: Save the File

Save the text file into the /templates folder of your WordPress theme directory.

Step 5: Refresh Page

Refresh your WordPress backend and go to the New Page screen. You should now see the new template you created appear in the Templates drop-down list in the Page Properties box.

Step 6: Use a template

Choose your new template and create a new page. WordPress will use this template to render the page.

The above is the detailed content of How to create a new page template in wordpress. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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