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AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

2024-04-09 11:52:071278browse

AI は確かに数学を変えています。




AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

AI の世界は劇的に変化しました。ご存知のとおり、これらの記事の多くは 1 年前に投稿されたものですが、今年中に AI は次のような変化を遂げました。多くの重要な変更。


AI ツールが数学の分野を驚くべき速度で進歩させていることは誰も否定できません。

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao


数学者の意見は分かれています。研究における機械学習の普及が目前に迫っていると信じている人もいれば、懐疑的な人もいます。1960 年代とその後の過度の楽観主義を振り返ると、 AIウィンター」。






AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

論文アドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024- 01834-5/S0273-0979-2024-01834-5.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

この論文では、Akshay Venkatesh が興味深いアイデアを提案しました 実験 -

2017 年、DeepMind の Alphazero は、チェスと囲碁を一晩で学習し、人間を超えました。

10 年後、「Alephzero」 (AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao と表記) も同じ形式の数学を行ったらどうなるでしょうか?


私たちの出発点は、「Alephzero」が高校と大学の数学を独学で学び、SpringerVerlag の数学大学院シリーズのすべての演習を完了したと仮定することです。翌朝、数学者がそれを発表し、子供たちがそれをダウンロードし、私たちのコンピューティング リソースで実行しました。

これは明らかに非現実的なため、確かに思考実験です。視野を今後 10 年または 20 年に限定することで、この思考に伴う可能性から距離を置くことができます。これを技術の進歩の結果として起こる社会的変化として考えることで、より極端なタイプの機械知能について考えることを避けることができます。そこでは、アレフゼロを生きた協力者ではなく動力ツールとしてモデル化します。








AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

論文アドレス: https://www.ams .org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01827-8/S0273-0979-2024-01827-8.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

## 数学者の鄭楽軍氏は、テクノロジーによって数学の勉強方法が変わったため、テクノロジーの進歩に直面して人間の数学者を不要にするのではなく、このテクノロジーを利用して数学をより「収束」させることができると信じています。



Zheng Lejun 氏は、コンピューター支援の校正チェッカーや証明ジェネレーターさえもいくつか存在しますが、テクノロジーは数学研究の最も奥深く、創造的で人道的な側面に実際には侵入していないと考えています。 。










AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

論文アドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01833-3/S0273-0979-2024-01833-3.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao



この記事では、ニューラル ネットワーク、コンピューター定理証明器、大規模言語モデルにおける最近の重要な開発について説明します。


AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

紙のアドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01832-1/S0273-0979-2024-01832-1.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

20 世紀初頭以来、私たちは数学的な定義と証明が厳密な構文と規則を備えた正式なシステムを通じて表現できることを理解してきました。




AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

##論文アドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01831-X/S0273-0979-2024-01831-X.pdf


奇妙な新しい世界: LLM により、数学者はより自然な言語で証明助手とコミュニケーションできるようになります

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

#論文アドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01830-8/S0273-0979-2024-01830-8.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

証明アシスタントとして知られる現在のコンピューター プログラムは、数学的証明の正しさを検証できますが、多くの人にとっては難しい特殊な証明言語を使用しています。数学的それは家族にとっての閾値を構成します。

大規模言語モデル (LLM) には、この障壁を打ち破る可能性があり、数学者がより自然な言語で証明アシスタントとコミュニケーションできるようになります。これにより、直観力が養われるだけでなく、推論が正しいことも保証されます。


AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

紙のアドレス: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01829-1/S0273-0979-2024-01829-1.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao#この記事は個人的な経験であり、純粋な数学者が研究で深層学習ツールを使用しようとするときに期待することを非公式に共有するものです。

AI は数学的研究を行うことができますか?

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

Paper address: https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01828-X/S0273- 0979-2024-01828-X.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

This article explores the current performance of AI technology in solving word problems that combine basic mathematics and common sense reasoning. Capabilities and limitations.

The author reviews three methods developed using AI natural language technology: directly giving answers, generating computer programs that solve problems, and generating formalizations that can be used by automated theorem testers Expression.

The author believes that the importance of these limitations in the development of AI technology for pure mathematical research has not yet been clearly defined, but they are extremely critical in mathematical applications and in developing computers that can understand human-written software. Mathematics content is also important during the program.

What is proof in the machine age

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

Paper address: https://www. ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01826-6/S0273-0979-2024-01826-6.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

In this article, the author explores the nature of proof and its evolution in the machine age, analyzing it by comparing the values ​​in traditional verification and computer verification.

The method ultimately proposed in the article may allow computers to prove successful strategies borrowed from human experience.

Automation allows mathematicians to reflect on their own value

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

Paper address: https://www .ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01825-4/S0273-0979-2024-01825-4.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

In the paper, the authors harshly criticize colleagues for their lack of thinking, especially when considering the mechanized future of mathematics, and for ignoring important debates about technology and artificial intelligence at a wider level in society.

Continued fractions in p-adic number field

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

Paper address: https://www .ams.org/journals/bull/2024-61-02/S0273-0979-2024-01819-9/S0273-0979-2024-01819-9.pdf

Continued fractions It has a long history in number theory, especially in the field of Diophantine approximation.

This article aims to outline the core results of p-adic continued fraction theory, which is a continued fraction defined on the p-adic number field Qp.

The content will start from basic concepts to introduce the latest progress and open issues currently faced.

Tao Zhexuan posted: Machine assisted proof

By the way, Tao Zhexuan also made use of the "Machine assisted proof" of the paper he wrote before.

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

Paper address: https://terrytao.files.wordpress.com/2024/03/machine-assisted-proof-notices.pdf

AI subverts mathematical research! Fields Medal winner and Chinese-American mathematician led 11 top-ranked papers | Liked by Terence Tao

In this paper, Tao Zhexuan said that with the help of LLM's ability to process natural language input, they are likely to become a user-friendly platform, allowing mathematicians without specific software knowledge to use advanced tools.

Today, he and many scientists are accustomed to using these models to generate simple code in various languages, including symbolic algebra packages, or to create complex diagrams and images.

Currently, formal proof verification (formal proof verification) relies heavily on human effort, which makes it impractical to fully formalize a large number of current research papers in real time.

In the field of partial differential equations, it is often necessary to go through multiple pages of calculations to estimate integral expressions involving one or more unknown functions (such as the solution of a PDE).

This involves using the bounds of these functions in different function space norms (such as Sobolev space norm), combined with standard inequalities (such as Hölder inequality and Sobolev inequality), and such as Differential identities in integral or integral notation.

Although this type of calculation is a routine operation, it may contain various degrees of errors (such as sign errors). For reviewers, carefully checking these calculations is tedious and time-consuming. , and the calculations themselves hardly provide deeper mathematical understanding or insight other than the final estimate being correct.

It is conceivable that in the future tools may be developed to establish mathematical estimates in an automatic or semi-automatic manner, and replace the current lengthy and uninspiring estimation proofs with a pointing formal proof Link to the certificate.

Going a step further, we might be able to expect that, based on an initial set of assumptions and methods, a future AI tool will be able to come up with the best estimate it can, without having to do a paper first Pen calculations were made to predict what this estimate might be.

At present, it is estimated that the possible state space is too complex to be explored automatically; but with the development of technology, the possibility of realizing such automated exploration is not out of reach.

Once achieved, we will be able to conduct mathematical exploration at a scale that currently seems unfeasible.

Let’s take partial differential equations as an example. Current research usually only studies one or two equations at a time; but in the future, we may be able to study hundreds of equations at the same time.

For example, first develop a complete argument for an equation, and then let the AI ​​tool adapt these arguments to a large number of related equation families, if necessary, when the expansion of the argument presents unconventional situations , the AI ​​will ask the author questions.

Now, in other areas of mathematics, such as graph theory, the first signs of such large-scale mathematical exploration are beginning to appear.

However, these current preliminary attempts are difficult to promote on a large scale because they rely on AI models with extremely high computational costs or require a large amount of expert-level human participation and supervision.

However, Terence Tao believes that in the near future, we will witness the birth of more innovative machine-assisted mathematical methods.

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