Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JavaScript implements four-directional text seamless scrolling effect
This article mainly shares with you the code for controllable four-directional text seamless scrolling using pure JavaScript. The effect is very good. Friends in need can refer to it.
Achieve a seamless text scrolling effect:
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scroll('#textbox2',{vis:3,btnHidden:false,dir:'prev',type:'v'}); function scroll(container,options){ var box = $(container); var boxUl = box.find('ul').eq(0); var LiHeight = 0; //不包含克隆li列表高度 var cloneLiHeight = 0; //包含克隆li列表高度 var LiWidth = 0; //不包含克隆li列表宽度 var cloneLiWidth = 0; //包含克隆li列表宽度 var Lis = boxUl.children(); var btnPrev = box.find('.btnPrev'); var btnNext = box.find('.btnNext'); //默认参数 var defult= { vis : 2, //显示个数 autoPlay:true, //自动播放 speed :50, //滚动速度 dir:'prev', //滚动方向 btnHidden:false, //按钮是否隐藏 type:'v' // 水平或者垂直方向 }; var opt = $.extend({},defult,options); //构建DOM结构 var lastClone=0; //最后克隆元素 var lastCloneHeight=0;//最后克隆元素高度 var allCloneHeight=0;//全部克隆元素总高度 var lastCloneWidth=0; var allCloneWidth=0; var visHeight=0; //可视高度 var visWidth=0; var boxUl_wrap; if(opt.type === "v"){ //垂直方向 Lis.each(function(){ $(this).height($(this).height()); LiHeight += $(this).outerHeight(true); }); lastClone= boxUl.children(':last').clone().addClass('clone').prependTo(boxUl); lastCloneHeight = lastClone.outerHeight(true); allCloneHeight = lastClone.outerHeight(true); for(var i = 0; i < opt.vis ; i++){ Lis.eq(i).clone().addClass('clone').appendTo(boxUl); allCloneHeight += Lis.eq(i).outerHeight(true); } visHeight = allCloneHeight - lastCloneHeight; cloneLiHeight = LiHeight + allCloneHeight; boxUl_wrap = $('<p></p>').css({'width':'100%','height':visHeight,'overflow':'hidden','position':'relative'}).attr('id','ulWrap'); boxUl.css({'height':cloneLiHeight,'top':-lastCloneHeight}).wrap(boxUl_wrap); }else if(opt.type ==="h"){ //水平方向 Lis.css({'whiteSpace':'nowrap','float':'left','paddingRight':'10px'}); Lis.each(function(){ $(this).width($(this).width()); LiWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); lastClone= boxUl.children(':last').clone().addClass('clone').prependTo(boxUl); lastCloneWidth= lastClone.outerWidth(true); allCloneWidth = lastClone.outerWidth(true); for(var j = 0; j < opt.vis ; j++){ Lis.eq(j).clone().addClass('clone').appendTo(boxUl); allCloneWidth += Lis.eq(j).outerWidth(true); } visHeight = Lis.eq(0).outerHeight(true); visWidth = allCloneWidth - lastCloneWidth; cloneLiWidth = LiWidth + allCloneWidth; boxUl_wrap = $('<p></p>').css({'width':visWidth,'height':visHeight,'overflow':'hidden','position':'relative'}).attr('id','ulWrap'); boxUl.css({'width':cloneLiWidth,'left':-lastCloneWidth}).wrap(boxUl_wrap); box.css({'width':visWidth}); } //添加事件处理 var timer = null; var scrollTop = function(){ clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function(){ var tmp = parseInt(boxUl.css('top').replace('px',"")); tmp--; boxUl.animate({'top':tmp},0,function(){ if(tmp <= -(LiHeight + lastCloneHeight)){ boxUl.css('top',-lastCloneHeight); } }); },opt.speed); }; var scrollDown = function(){ clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function(){ var tmp = parseInt(boxUl.css('top').replace('px',"")); tmp++; boxUl.animate({'top':tmp},0,function(){ if(tmp >= 0){ boxUl.css('top',-(LiHeight)); } }); },opt.speed); }; var scrollLeft = function(){ clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function(){ var tmp = parseInt(boxUl.css('left').replace('px',"")); tmp--; boxUl.animate({'left':tmp},0,function(){ if(tmp <= -(LiWidth + lastCloneWidth)){ boxUl.css('left',-(lastCloneWidth)); } }); },opt.speed); }; var scrollRight = function(){ clearInterval(timer); timer = setInterval(function(){ var tmp = parseInt(boxUl.css('left').replace('px',"")); tmp++; boxUl.animate({'left':tmp},0,function(){ if(tmp >= 0){ boxUl.css('left',-(LiWidth)); } }); },opt.speed); }; var scrollType = function(type,dir){ if(Lis.length >= opt.vis){ //显示个数不能多于列表个数,否则不显示效果 var sdir = typeof dir!=="undefined" ? dir : opt.dir; switch(type){ case "v": if(sdir == "prev"){scrollTop();}else{scrollDown();} break; case "h": if(sdir == "prev"){scrollLeft();}else{scrollRight();} } } }; if(opt.autoPlay){ scrollType(opt.type); } //添加事件处理 box.find('#ulWrap').hover(function(){ clearInterval(timer); },function(){ scrollType(opt.type); }); //按钮是否隐藏 if(!opt.btnHidden){ btnPrev.unbind('mouseover'); btnNext.unbind('mouseover'); btnPrev.mouseover(function(){ scrollType(opt.type,"prev"); }); btnNext.mouseover(function(){ scrollType(opt.type,"next"); }); }else{ btnPrev.hide(); btnNext.hide(); } } </script> </body> </html>
Some problems:
No problem in local testing, but through document After .write() inputs and executes the code, there will be a problem in obtaining the height() of li in vertical mode. The reason is unknown and very puzzling..
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope you all like it.
For more related tutorials, please visit JavaScript Basics Tutorial