Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >Test IE browser compatibility with JavaScript's AngularJS_AngularJS
Short version
To ensure that Angular applications can work on IE please confirm:
1. Polyfill JSON.stringify on IE7 or earlier. You can use JSON2 or JSON3 for polyfills.
<!doctype html> <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org"> <head> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <script src="/path/to/json2.js"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> ... </body> </html>
2. Add id="ng-app" to the root element at the connection point and use the ng-app attribute
<!doctype html> <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org" id="ng-app" ng-app="optionalModuleName"> ... </html>
3. You cannot use custom element tags like cbe1678e5ddae3bab5a303561ac9ed86 (use the attribute version 08c7689d8bf8fe33141f270e3fd6c1d5 instead), or
4. If you must use custom element tags, then you must take the following steps to ensure that IE8 and earlier versions can be used:
<!doctype html> <html xmlns:ng="http://angularjs.org" id="ng-app" ng-app="optionalModuleName"> <head> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script> document.createElement('ng-include'); document.createElement('ng-pluralize'); document.createElement('ng-view'); // Optionally these for CSS document.createElement('ng:include'); document.createElement('ng:pluralize'); document.createElement('ng:view'); </script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> ... </body> </html>
5. Use ng-style tag instead of style="{{ someCss }}". Subsequent versions will work under Chrome and Firefox but not IE versions
The important part is:
Version information
IE has a lot of problems with non-standard tag elements. These problems can be divided into two broad categories, each with its own solutions.
Good news
The good news is that these restrictions only apply to element tag names and not to element attribute names. Therefore, no special processing is required in IE: ee9aa6fc82bf3c8d8eeb270a32331a7216b28748ea4df4d9c2150843fecfba68
What will happen if I don't?
If you use HTML’s unknown tag mytag (the results of my:tag or my-tag are the same):
<html> <body> <mytag>some text</mytag> </body> </html>
should parse the following DOM:
#document +- HTML +- BODY +- mytag +- #text: some text
The expected behavior is that the BODY element has a mytag child element with some text.
But this is not the case in IE (if the above revision is not included)
#document +- HTML +- BODY +- mytag +- #text: some text +- /mytag
In IE, the BODY element has three child elements:
1, a self-closing mytag. For example, the self-closing tag 076402276aae5dbec7f672f8f4e5cc81. / is optional, but the 0c6dc11e160d3b678d68754cc175188a tag is not allowed to have child elements. The browser treats 0c6dc11e160d3b678d68754cc175188asome text0b9f73f8e206867bd1f5dc5957dbcb38 as three sibling tags, while some text is not 0c6dc11e160d3b678d68754cc175188a child elements.
2, a text node some text. In the above this should be a child element of mytag, not a sibling tag
3. A corrupted self-closing /mytag. This is a broken element because / characters are not allowed in element names. In addition, this sub-closed element is not part of the DOM, it is only used to describe the structure of the DOM.
CSS style custom tag naming
To ensure that CSS selectors can work on custom elements, the name of the custom element must be created in advance using document.createElement('my-tag'), regardless of the XML namespace.
<html xmlns:ng="needed for ng: namespace"> <head> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <script> // 需要确认ng-include被正常解析 document.createElement('ng-include'); // 需求启用CSS引用 document.createElement('ng:view'); </script> <![endif]--> <style> ng\:view { display: block; border: 1px solid red; } ng-include { display: block; border: 1px solid blue; } </style> </head> <body> <ng:view></ng:view> <ng-include></ng-include> ... </body> </html>