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"Backwater Cold" guide to intercepting goods thieves

2024-03-01 10:07:27688browse

php Editor Yu Zai brings you the strategy for intercepting cargo thieves in "Nishui Han"! In this ancient martial arts game, cargo interceptor is an important profession, good at spying on intelligence and stealing. This guide will introduce in detail the skill combination, equipment selection and operation skills of the cargo interceptor, helping players better master the gameplay of this profession, allowing you to play with ease in the game and become an efficient cargo interceptor!

Backwater Cold guide to intercepting goods thieves

The mission process of Nishuihan mobile game: The Adventure of a Cargo Thief

1. Triggering method: Go to (Lianyun Village, trigger at 1086,1277

Backwater Cold guide to intercepting goods thieves

2. Mission process: After triggering, talk to Tong Suda and defeat Ji Feng, Peng Biao, and Hou Weld to complete the plot.

3. Mission rewards: Binding jade, wind and cloud order, etc.

Backwater Cold guide to intercepting goods thieves

The above is the detailed content of "Backwater Cold" guide to intercepting goods thieves. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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