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List of answers to Alipay Ant Manor on February 27

2024-02-27 21:22:191098browse

List of answers to Alipay Ant Manor on February 27th. Friends, Ant Manor will update two questions every day. Today’s questions are: Chicken Baby will test you: Why are the windows of airplanes round or oval and The origin of my country's agriculture is said to be "rice in the south and millet in the north", where "millet" refers to. Let me tell you the correct answer below.

List of answers to Alipay Ant Manor on February 27

List of answers to Alipay Ant Manor’s February 27th

1. Baby Chicken will test you: Why are the windows of airplanes round or oval?

Correct answer: Firm and safe

2. The origin of my country’s agriculture is said to be “rice in the south and millet in the north”. “Millet” refers to

Correct answer: millet

Friends can learn all kinds of knowledge here every day. "Millet" in ancient times generally refers to the seeds of cereal crops. It is an annual herbaceous plant with small round or oval seeds. It is commonly called "millet" in the north, and "millet" after peeling.

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