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Backbone.js 0.9.2 Source Code Comments Chinese Translation Version_Basic Knowledge

2016-05-16 15:53:061420browse
// Backbone.js 0.9.2


// (c) 2010-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.

// Backbone may be freely distributed under the MIT license.

// For all details and documentation:

// http://backbonejs.org

(function() {


  // Create a global object, represented as a window object in the browser and a global object in Node.js

  var root = this;


  // Save the value of the "Backbone" variable before it was overwritten

  // If there is a naming conflict or considering the specification, you can use the Backbone.noConflict() method to restore the value of the variable before it was occupied by Backbone, and return the Backbone object for renaming

  var previousBackbone = root.Backbone;


  //Cache the slice and splice methods in Array.prototype to local variables for calling

  var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

  var splice = Array.prototype.splice;


  var Backbone;

  if( typeof exports !== 'undefined') {

    Backbone = exports;

  } else {

    Backbone = root.Backbone = {};



  //Define Backbone version

  Backbone.VERSION = '0.9.2';


  // Automatically import Underscore in the server environment. Some methods in Backbone depend on or inherit from Underscore.

  var _ = root._;

  if(!_ && ( typeof require !== 'undefined'))

    _ = require('underscore');


  // Define the third-party library as a unified variable "$", which is used to call methods in the library during view (View), event processing and synchronization with server data (sync)

  // Supported libraries include jQuery, Zepto, etc. They have the same syntax, but Zepto is more suitable for mobile development. It is mainly aimed at Webkit core browsers.

  // You can also customize a custom library with syntax similar to jQuery for use by Backbone (sometimes we may need a customized version that is lighter than jQuery or Zepto)

  // The "$" defined here is a local variable, so it will not affect the normal use of third-party libraries outside the Backbone framework.

  var $ = root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender;


  // Manually set up third-party libraries

  // If you have not imported a third-party library before importing Backbone, you can set the "$" local variable through the setDomLibrary method

  // The setDomLibrary method is also commonly used to dynamically import custom libraries in Backbone.

  Backbone.setDomLibrary = function(lib) {

    $ = lib;


  //Abandon naming the framework after "Backbone" and return the Backbone object, generally used to avoid naming conflicts or standardize naming methods

  // For example:

  // var bk = Backbone.noConflict(); // Cancel the "Backbone" naming and store the Backbone object in the bk variable

  // console.log(Backbone); // This variable can no longer access the Backbone object and is restored to the value before Backbone was defined.

  // var MyBackbone = bk; // And bk stores the Backbone object, we rename it to MyBackbone

  Backbone.noConflict = function() {

    root.Backbone = previousBackbone;

    return this;


  // For browsers that do not support REST, you can set Backbone.emulateHTTP = true

  // The server request will be sent in POST mode, and the _method parameter will be added to the data to identify the operation name, and the X-HTTP-Method-Override header information will also be sent.

  Backbone.emulateHTTP = false;


  // For browsers that do not support application/json encoding, you can set Backbone.emulateJSON = true;

  //Set the request type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and place the data in the model parameter to achieve compatibility

  Backbone.emulateJSON = false;


  // Backbone.Events related to custom events

  // ------------------


  // eventSplitter specifies the parsing rules for event names when processing multiple events.

  var eventSplitter = /s /;


  // Custom event manager

  // By binding Events related methods in the object, it is allowed to add, delete and trigger custom events to the object.

  var Events = Backbone.Events = {


    // Bind custom events and callback functions to the current object

    //The context object in the callback function is the specified context. If the context is not set, the context object defaults to the object of the current bound event.

    // This method is similar to the addEventListener method in DOM Level2

    // events allows specifying multiple event names, separated by whitespace characters (such as spaces, tabs, etc.)

    // When the event name is "all", when any event is triggered by calling the trigger method, all callback functions bound in the "all" event will be called.

    on : function(events, callback, context) {

      //Define local variables used in some functions

      var calls, event, node, tail, list;

      //The callback function must be set


        return this;

      // Parse event names through eventSplitter, use split to split multiple event names into an array

      // Generally use blank characters to specify multiple event names

      events = events.split(eventSplitter);

      // calls records the list of events and callback functions bound in the current object

      calls = this._callbacks || (this._callbacks = {});


      // Loop through the list of event names and store the event names in the event variable from beginning to end.

      while( event = events.shift()) {

        // Get the callback function that has been bound to the event event

        // list stores the list of callback functions bound to a single event name

        // The function list is not stored in an array, but is related sequentially through the next attributes of multiple objects.


         * {

         *   tail: {Object},

         *   next: {

         *     callback: {Function},

         *     context: {Object},

         *     next: {

         *       callback: {Function},

         *       context: {Object},

         *       next: {Object}

         *     }

         *   }

         * }*/

        // The next object at each level of the list stores information related to a callback event (function body, context and next callback event)

        // The top level of the event list stores a tail object, which stores the identifier of the last bound callback event (the same object as the next of the last callback event)

        // Through the tail identifier, you can know that the last callback function has been reached when traversing the callback list

        list = calls[event];

        // The node variable is used to record information related to this callback function.

        //tail only stores the identifier of the last bound callback function

        // Therefore, if the callback function has been bound before, assign the previous tail to node as an object, and then create a new object identifier for tail

        // The reason why this callback event is added to the tail object of the previous callback is to arrange the object hierarchy of the callback function list in the binding order (the latest bound event will be placed at the bottom)

        node = list ? list.tail : {};

        node.next = tail = {};

        //Record the function body and context information of this callback

        node.context = context;

        node.callback = callback;

        //Reassemble the callback list of the current event, this callback event has been added to the list

        calls[event] = {

          tail: tail,

          next : list ? list.next : node



      // Return the current object to facilitate method chain calls

      return this;


    // Remove bound events or callback functions in the object. You can filter the events or callback functions that need to be deleted through events, callback and context.

    // - If context is empty, remove all functions specified by callback

    // - If callback is empty, remove all callback functions in the event

    // - If events is empty, but callback or context is specified, remove the callback function specified by callback or context (event names are not distinguished)

    // - If no parameters are passed, remove all events and callback functions bound in the object

    off : function(events, callback, context) {

      var event, calls, node, tail, cb, ctx;


      // No events, or removing *all* events.

      //The current object does not have any events bound to it

      if(!( calls = this._callbacks))


      // If no parameters are specified, remove all events and callback functions (remove the _callbacks attribute)

      if(!(events || callback || context)) {

        delete this._callbacks;

        return this;



      // Parse the event list that needs to be removed

      // - If events are specified, the event name is parsed according to eventSplitter

      // - If events are not specified, parse the name list of all bound events

      events = events ? events.split(eventSplitter) : _.keys(calls);


      // Loop event name list

      while( event = events.shift()) {

        // Remove the current event object from the list and cache it in the node variable

        node = calls[event];

        delete calls[event];

        // If the current event object does not exist (or no removal filter conditions are specified, it is considered that the current event and all callback functions will be removed), then terminate this operation (the event object has been removed in the previous step)

        if(!node || !(callback || context))


        // Create a new list, omitting the indicated callbacks.

        // According to the callback function or context filter conditions, assemble a new event object and rebind it

        tail = node.tail;

        // Traverse all callback objects in the event

        while(( node = node.next) !== tail) {

          cb = node.callback;

          ctx = node.context;

          // Based on the callback function and context in the parameters, filter the callback function and rebind the callback function that does not meet the filtering conditions to the event (because all callback functions in the event have been removed above)

          if((callback && cb !== callback) || (context && ctx !== context)) {

            this.on(event, cb, ctx);





      return this;


    // Trigger one or more events that have been defined, and execute the bound callback function list in sequence

    trigger : function(events) {

      var event, node, calls, tail, args, all, rest;

      //The current object does not have any events bound to it

      if(!( calls = this._callbacks))

        return this;

      // Get the "all" event list bound in the callback function list

      all = calls.all;

      // Parse the event name that needs to be triggered into an array according to eventSplitter rules

      events = events.split(eventSplitter);

      // Record the parameters of trigger from the second to the rest variable, which will be passed to the callback function in turn.

      rest = slice.call(arguments, 1);


      // Loop through the list of events that need to be triggered

      while( event = events.shift()) {

        // The node variable here records a list of all callback functions of the current event

        if( node = calls[event]) {

          //The tail variable records the object ID of the last binding event

          tail = node.tail;

          //The value of the node variable is assigned to the bound single callback event object in sequence according to the binding order of the event.

          // The next property of the last bound event refers to the same object as tail, which is used as the basis for judging whether the end of the list has been reached.

          while(( node = node.next) !== tail) {

            // Execute all bound events and pass the parameters when calling the trigger to the callback function

            node.callback.apply(node.context || this, rest);



        // The variable all records the "all" event during binding, that is, when any event is called, the callback function in the "all" event will be executed.

        // - The callback functions in the "all" event, regardless of the binding order, will be executed sequentially after all the callback function lists of the current event have been executed.

        // - The "all" event should be automatically called when a normal event is triggered. If the "all" event is forced to be triggered, the callback function in the event will be executed twice.

        if(node ​​= all) {

          tail = node.tail;

          //The difference from calling the callback function of a normal event is that the all event will pass the currently called event name as the first parameter to the callback function.

          args = [event].concat(rest);

          // Traverse and execute the callback function list in the "all" event

          while(( node = node.next) !== tail) {

            node.callback.apply(node.context || this, args);





      return this;




  // Aliases for binding events and release events, also for compatibility with previous versions of Backbone

  Events.bind = Events.on;

  Events.unbind = Events.off;


  // Backbone.Model data object model



  // Model is the base class of all data object models in Backbone, used to create a data model

  // @param {Object} attributes specifies the initialization data when creating the model

  // @param {Object} options

  /*** @format options

   * {

   *   parse: {Boolean},

   *   collection: {Collection}

   * }*/

  var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {

    // The defaults variable is used to store the default data of the model

    var defaults;

    // If the attributes parameter is not specified, set attributes to an empty object

    attributes || ( attributes = {});

    //Set the parsing method of attributes default data. For example, the default data is obtained from the server (or the original data is in XML format). In order to be compatible with the data format required by the set method, the parse method can be used for parsing.

    if(options && options.parse)

      attributes = this.parse(attributes);

    if( defaults = getValue(this, 'defaults')) {

      // If the Model sets defaults data when it is defined, the initialization data uses the data merged with the defaults and attributes parameters (the data in attributes will overwrite the data with the same name in defaults)

      attributes = _.extend({}, defaults, attributes);


    // Explicitly specify the Collection object to which the model belongs (when calling the add, push and other methods of Collection to add the model to the collection, the Collection object to which the model belongs will be automatically set)

    if(options && options.collection)

      this.collection = options.collection;

    //The attributes attribute stores the JSON objectified data of the current model and is empty by default when creating the model.

    this.attributes = {};

    // Define _escapedAttributes cache object, which will cache data processed through the escape method

    this._escapedAttributes = {};

    // Configure a unique identifier for each model

    this.cid = _.uniqueId('c');

    //Define a series of objects used to record data status. Please refer to the comments when defining the object for specific meanings.

    this.changed = {};

    this._silent = {};

    this._pending = {};

    // Set initialization data when creating an instance. Use the silent parameter for the first time and the change event will not be triggered.

    this.set(attributes, {

      silent : true


    // The initialization data has been set above. The status of changed, _silent, _pending objects may have changed. Re-initialize it here.

    this.changed = {};

    this._silent = {};

    this._pending = {};

    // The _previousAttributes variable stores a copy of the model data

    // Used to obtain the state before the model data is changed in the change event. The data of the previous state can be obtained through the previous or previousAttributes method.

    this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);

    //Call initialize initialization method

    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);


  // Use the extend method to define a series of properties and methods for the Model prototype

  _.extend(Model.prototype, Events, {


    //The changed attribute records the key collection of changed data each time the set method is called.

    changed: null,


    // // When the silent attribute is specified, the change event will not be triggered, and the changed data will be recorded until the next change event is triggered.

    // The _silent attribute is used to record the changed data when silent is used

    _silent : null,


    _pending : null,


    // The unique identification attribute of each model (default is "id", the id attribute name can be customized by modifying idAttribute)

    // If the id attribute is included when setting the data, the id will override the model's id.

    // The id is used to find and identify the model in the Collection. When communicating with the backend interface, the id will also be used as the identifier of a record.

    idAttribute: 'id',


    // Model initialization method, automatically called after the model is constructed

    initialize : function() {


    // Return a copy of the data in the current model (JSON object format)

    toJSON : function(options) {

      return _.clone(this.attributes);


    //According to the attr attribute name, get the data value in the model

    get : function(attr) {

      return this.attributes[attr];


    //According to the attr attribute name, obtain the data value in the model. The HTML special characters contained in the data value will be converted into HTML entities, including & < > " '

    // Implemented through _.escape method

    escape : function(attr) {


      // Find data from the _escapedAttributes cache object, and return directly if the data has been cached

      if(html = this._escapedAttributes[attr])

        return html;

      // No data found in _escapedAttributes cache object

      // Then get the data from the model first

      var val = this.get(attr);

      // Convert the HTML in the data into entities using the _.escape method, and cache it to the _escapedAttributes object for easy retrieval next time

      return this._escapedAttributes[attr] = _.escape(val == null ? '' : '' val);


    // Check whether a certain attribute exists in the model. When the value of the attribute is converted to Boolean type and the value is false, it is considered not to exist.

    // If the value is false, null, undefined, 0, NaN, or an empty string, it will be converted to false

    has : function(attr) {

      return this.get(attr) != null;


    //Set the data in the model. If the key value does not exist, it will be added to the model as a new attribute. If the key value already exists, it will be modified to the new value.

    set : function(key, value, options) {

      // Record the data objects that need to be set in the attrs variable

      var attrs, attr, val;


      // The parameter form allows key-value object form, or separate settings through key and value parameters.

      // If key is an object, it is considered to be set in object form, and the second parameter will be regarded as the options parameter.

      if(_.isObject(key) || key == null) {

        attrs = key;

        options = value;

      } else {

        // Set the two parameters of key and value separately, and put the data into the attrs object for unified processing.

        attrs = {};

        attrs[key] = value;



      // The options configuration item must be an object. If options are not set, the default value is an empty object.

      options || ( options = {});

      // No action is performed when no parameters are set.


        return this;

      // If the data object being set belongs to an instance of the Model class, assign the attributes data object of the Model object to attrs

      // Generally, this action will be performed when copying data from one Model object to another Model object.

      if(attrs instanceof Model)

        attrs = attrs.attributes;

      // If the unset attribute is set in the options configuration object, reset all attributes in the attrs data object to undefined

      // Generally, this operation is performed when copying data from one Model object to another Model object, but only the data in the Model needs to be copied without copying the value.


        for(attr in attrs)

        attrs[attr] =

        void 0;


      //Verify the current data, and stop execution if the verification fails

      if(!this._validate(attrs, options))

        return false;


      // If the set id attribute name is included in the data collection, overwrite the id to the id attribute of the model

      // This is to ensure that after customizing the id attribute name, the id can be accessed correctly when accessing the id attribute of the model.

      if(this.idAttribute in attrs)

        this.id = attrs[this.idAttribute];


      var changes = options.changes = {};

      // now records the data objects in the current model

      var now = this.attributes;

      // escaped records the data cached by escape in the current model

      var escaped = this._escapedAttributes;

      // prev records the value before the data in the model is changed

      var prev = this._previousAttributes || {};


      // Traverse the data objects that need to be set

      for(attr in attrs) {

        // attr stores the current attribute name, val stores the current attribute value

        val = attrs[attr];


        // If the current data does not exist in the model, or has changed, or the unset attribute deletion is specified in options, delete the data that was replaced by the data in _escapedAttributes.

        if(!_.isEqual(now[attr], val) || (options.unset && _.has(now, attr))) {

          // Only delete data cached through escape. This is to ensure that the data in the cache is synchronized with the real data in the model.

          delete escaped[attr];

          // If the silent attribute is specified, the change event will not be triggered by this set method call, so the changed data will be recorded in the _silent attribute so that the next time the change event is triggered, the event listening function will be notified that the data has changed.

          // If the silent attribute is not specified, directly set the current data in the changes attribute to the changed state.

          (options.silent ? this._silent : changes)[attr] = true;



        // If unset is set in options, delete the data (including key) from the model

        // If the unset attribute is not specified, it is considered that new or modified data will be added, and new data will be added to the model's data object.


        delete now[attr] : now[attr] = val;


        // If the data in the model is inconsistent with the new data, it means that the data has changed

        if(!_.isEqual(prev[attr], val) || (_.has(now, attr) != _.has(prev, attr))) {

          // Record the changed status of the current attribute in the changed attribute

          this.changed[attr] = val;


            this._pending[attr] = true;

        } else {

          // If the data has not changed, remove the changed status from the changed attribute

          delete this.changed[attr];

          delete this._pending[attr];




      // Call the change method, which will trigger the function bound to the change event



      return this;


    //Delete the specified data from the current model (attributes will also be deleted at the same time)

    unset : function(attr, options) {

      (options || ( options = {})).unset = true;

      // Inform the set method to perform the deletion operation through the options.unset configuration item

      return this.set(attr, null, options);


    // Clear all data and attributes in the current model

    clear : function(options) {

      (options || ( options = {})).unset = true;

      // Clone a copy of the properties of the current model, and tell the set method to perform the deletion operation through the options.unset configuration item

      return this.set(_.clone(this.attributes), options);


    // Obtain the default model data from the server. After obtaining the data, use the set method to fill the data into the model. Therefore, if the obtained data is inconsistent with the data in the current model, the change event will be triggered.

    fetch : function(options) {

      // Make sure options is a new object, and then change the properties in options

      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};

      var model = this;

      // In options, you can specify a custom callback function after the data is successfully obtained.

      var success = options.success;

      // When the data is obtained successfully, fill in the data and call the custom success callback function

      options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {

        // Convert the data returned by the server through the parse method

        // Fill the converted data into the model through the set method, so the change event may be triggered (when the data changes)

        // If validation fails when filling data, the custom success callback function will not be called

        if(!model.set(model.parse(resp, xhr), options))

          return false;

        //Call the custom success callback function


          success(model, resp);


      // Handle the error event through wrapError when an error occurs in the request

      options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);

      // Call the sync method to get data from the server

      return (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);


    //Save the data in the model to the server

    save : function(key, value, options) {

      // attrs stores the data objects that need to be saved to the server

      var attrs, current;


      //Supports setting a single attribute key: value

      // Support batch setting method in object form {key: value}

      if(_.isObject(key) || key == null) {

        // If key is an object, it is considered to be set through the object method

        // At this time the second parameter is considered options

        attrs = key;

        options = value;

      }else {

        // If a single attribute is set in the form of key: value, set attrs directly

        attrs = {};

        attrs[key] = value;


      // The configuration object must be a new object

      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};


      // If the wait option is set in options, the changed data will be verified in advance, and when the server does not respond to the new data (or the response fails), the local data will be restored to the state before modification.

      // If the wait option is not set, the local data will be modified to the latest status regardless of whether the server is set successfully.

      if(options.wait) {

        // Verify the data that needs to be saved in advance

        if(!this._validate(attrs, options))

          return false;

        //Record the data in the current model, used to restore the data after sending it to the server

        // If the server response fails or no data is returned, the state before modification can be maintained

        current = _.clone(this.attributes);



      // silentOptions adds silent to the options object (no data verification)

      // Use the silentOptions configuration item when using the wait parameter, because the data has been verified above

      // If the wait parameter is not set, the original options configuration items are still used

      var silentOptions = _.extend({}, options, {

        silent : true


      // Save the latest modified data to the model, so that the model data can be obtained in the sync method and saved to the server.

      if(attrs && !this.set(attrs, options.wait ? silentOptions : options)) {

        return false;



      var model = this;

      // In options, you can specify a custom callback function after successfully saving the data.

      var success = options.success;

      //Execute success after the server responds successfully

      options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {

        // Get the latest status data of the server's response

        var serverAttrs = model.parse(resp, xhr);

        // If the wait parameter is used, the modified data status will be set directly to the model first.

        if(options.wait) {

          delete options.wait;

          serverAttrs = _.extend(attrs || {}, serverAttrs);


        //Set the latest data status into the model

        // If verification fails when calling the set method, the custom success callback function will not be called.

        if(!model.set(serverAttrs, options))

          return false;

        if(success) {

          //Call the customized success callback function after the response is successful

          success(model, resp);

        } else {

          // If no custom callback is specified, the sync event is triggered by default

          model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);



      // Handle the error event through wrapError when an error occurs in the request

      options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);

      //Save the data in the model to the server

      // If the current model is a newly created model (without id), use the create method (new), otherwise it is considered to be the update method (modified)

      var method = this.isNew() ? 'create' : 'update';

      var xhr = (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, method, this, options);

      // If options.wait is set, restore the data to the state before modification

      // The saved request has not received a response at this time, so if the response fails, the model will remain in the state before modification. If the server responds successfully, the data in the model will be set to the latest state in success.


        this.set(current, silentOptions);

      return xhr;


    //Delete the model, the model will be deleted from the Collection to which it belongs.

    // If the model is created on the client, delete it directly from the client.

    // If the model data exists on the server at the same time, the server-side data will be deleted at the same time.

    destroy : function(options) {

      // The configuration item must be a new object

      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};

      var model = this;

      // In options, you can specify a custom callback function after the data is successfully deleted.

      var success = options.success;

      // Called successfully to delete data, the destroy event is triggered. If the model exists in the Collection, the collection will listen to the destroy event and remove the model from the collection when triggered.

      // When deleting a model, the data in the model has not been cleared, but the model has been removed from the collection, so when there is no reference to the model anywhere, it will be automatically released from memory.

      // It is recommended to set the reference variable of the model object to null when deleting the model.

      var triggerDestroy = function() {

        model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options);


      // If the model is a model newly created by the client, directly call triggerDestroy to remove the model from the collection.

      if(this.isNew()) {


        return false;

      }// When deleting data from the server is successful

      options.success = function(resp) {

        // If the wait item is configured in the options object, it means that the model data in local memory will be deleted after the server data is successfully deleted.

        // If the server response fails, the local data will not be deleted



        if(success) {

          //Call the custom success callback function

          success(model, resp);

        } else {

          // If there is no custom callback, the sync event is triggered by default

          model.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);



      // Handle the error event through wrapError when an error occurs in the request

      options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, model, options);

      //Send a request to delete data through the sync method

      var xhr = (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'delete', this, options);

      // If the wait item is not configured in the options object, the local data will be deleted first, and then a request will be sent to delete the server data.

      // At this time, regardless of whether the server deletion is successful or not, the local model data has been deleted.



      return xhr;


    // Get the URL corresponding to the model in the server interface. When calling save, fetch, destroy and other methods to interact with the server, this method will be used to obtain the URL.

    // The generated URL is similar to the "PATHINFO" mode. The server only has one URL for model operations. For modification and deletion operations, the model ID will be appended to the URL for easy identification.

    // If urlRoot is defined in the model, the server interface should be in the form of [urlRoot/id]

    // If the Collection to which the model belongs defines the url method or attribute, use the url form in the collection: [collection.url/id]

    // When accessing the server url, the model id will be appended to the url to facilitate the server to identify a record, so the id in the model needs to correspond to the server record.

    // If the url of the model or collection cannot be obtained, the urlError method will be called and an exception will be thrown.

    // If the server interface is not organized according to "PATHINFO", you can achieve seamless interaction with the server by overloading the url method.

    url : function() {

      //Define the url path corresponding to the server

      var base = getValue(this, 'urlRoot') || getValue(this.collection, 'url') || urlError();

      // If the current model is a model newly created by the client, there is no id attribute, and the server url directly uses base.


        return base;

      // If the current model has an id attribute, the save or destroy method may be called, and the model's id will be appended to the base.

      //The following will determine whether the last character of base is "/", and the generated URL format is [base/id]

      return base (base.charAt(base.length - 1) == '/' ? '' : '/') encodeURIComponent(this.id);


    // The parse method is used to parse the data obtained from the server and return a model data that can be parsed by the set method.

    // Generally, the parse method will be overloaded based on the data returned by the server in order to build a seamless connection with the server.

    // When the data structure returned by the server is inconsistent with the data structure required by the set method (for example, when the server returns XML format data), the parse method can be used for conversion.

    parse : function(resp, xhr) {

      return resp;


    // Create a new model with the same data as the current model

    clone : function() {

      return new this.constructor(this.attributes);


    // Check whether the current model is a new model created by the client

    // The checking method is based on whether the model has an id identifier. The new model created by the client does not have an id identifier.

    // Therefore, the model data responded by the server must contain the id identifier. The attribute name of the identifier defaults to "id". You can also customize the identifier by modifying the idAttribute attribute.

    isNew : function() {

      return this.id == null;


    // Function that triggers change event binding when data is updated

    // When the set method is called, the change method will be called automatically. If the silent configuration is specified when the set method is called, the change method needs to be called manually.

    change : function(options) {

      // options must be an object

      options || ( options = {});

      // There are some problems with the logic related to this._changing

      // this._changing is set to false at the end of the method, so the value of the changing variable above the method is always false (the first time is undefined)

      // The author's original intention should be to use this variable to indicate whether the change method has been executed. It is meaningless for single-threaded scripts on the browser side because this method will block other scripts when executed.

      // changing gets the status of the last execution. If the last script has not been executed, the value is true.

      var changing = this._changing;

      //Start executing the flag. The value is always true during execution. After execution, this._changing is modified to false.

      this._changing = true;


      //Add data status other than this change to the _pending object

      for(var attr in this._silent)

      this._pending[attr] = true;


      // The changes object contains all the data that has been changed since the last time the change event was executed on the current data.

      // If the change event was not triggered by using silent before, it will be placed in the changes object this time.

      var changes = _.extend({}, options.changes, this._silent);

      //Reset _silent object

      this._silent = {};

      // Traverse the changes object and trigger separate change events for each attribute.

      for(var attr in changes) {

        // Pass the Model object, attribute values, and configuration items as parameters to the event listening function

        this.trigger('change:' attr, this, this.get(attr), options);



      //If the method is executing, stop execution


        return this;


      // Trigger the change event. After any data is changed, the "change:property" event and "change" event will be triggered in sequence.

      while(!_.isEmpty(this._pending)) {

        this._pending = {};

        // Trigger the change event, and pass the Model instance and configuration items as parameters to the listening function

        this.trigger('change', this, options);

        // Traverse the data in the changed object, and remove the status of the changed data from changed in turn

        // After this, if you call hasChanged to check the data status, you will get false (unchanged)

        for(var attr in this.changed) {

          if(this._pending[attr] || this._silent[attr])


          //Remove the status of the data in changed

          delete this.changed[attr];


        // After the change event is executed, the _previousAttributes attribute will record the latest data copy of the current model

        // Therefore, if you need to get the previous state of the data, you can usually only get it through the previous or previousAttributes method in the triggered change event.

        this._previousAttributes = _.clone(this.attributes);



      //Execution completed flag

      this._changing = false;

      return this;


    // Check whether a certain data has been changed since the last change event was executed

    /*** Generally used in conjunction with the previous or previousAttributes method in the change event, such as:

     * if(model.hasChanged('attr')) {

     * var attrPrev = model.previous('attr');

     * }*/

    hasChanged : function(attr) {


        return !_.isEmpty(this.changed);

      return _.has(this.changed, attr);


    // Get the data collection in the current model and the data that has changed in the last data

    // (Generally, the change method is not called when using the silent attribute, so the data will be temporarily stored in the changed attribute. The last data can be obtained through the previousAttributes method)

    // If a diff set is passed, the last model data will be compared with the data in the diff set, and an inconsistent data set will be returned.

    // If there is no difference in the comparison result, return false

    changedAttributes : function(diff) {

      // If diff is not specified, the data collection of the current model that has changed from the previous state will be returned. These data have been stored in the changed attribute, so a copy of the changed collection is returned.


        return this.hasChanged() ? _.clone(this.changed) : false;

      // The diff set that needs to be compared is specified, and the comparison result between the last data and the diff set will be returned.

      //The old variable stores the model data of the previous state

      var val, changed = false, old = this._previousAttributes;

      // Traverse the diff collection and compare each item with the collection of previous states

      for(var attr in diff) {

        // Temporarily store data with inconsistent comparison results into the changed variable

        if(_.isEqual(old[attr], ( val = diff[attr])))


        (changed || (changed = {}))[attr] = val;


      // Return the comparison result

      return changed;


    // In the change event triggered by the model, obtain the data of the previous state before an attribute was changed, which is generally used for data comparison or rollback.

    // This method is generally called in the change event. After the change event is triggered, the _previousAttributes attribute stores the latest data.

    previous : function(attr) {

      // attr specifies the attribute name that needs to get the previous state

      if(!arguments.length || !this._previousAttributes)

        return null;

      return this._previousAttributes[attr];


    // When the model triggers the change event, obtain the data collection of the previous state of all attributes

    // This method is similar to the previous() method. It is generally called in the change event and is used for data comparison or rollback.

    previousAttributes : function() {

      // Clone the data object of the previous state into a new object and return

      return _.clone(this._previousAttributes);


    // Check if the model is currently in a valid state. It's only possible to

    // get into an *invalid* state if you're using silent changes.

    // Verify whether the data in the current model can be verified by the validate method. Please make sure the validate method is defined before calling.

    isValid : function() {

      return !this.validate(this.attributes);


    // Data verification method is automatically executed when calling set, save, add and other data update methods.

    // Failure in verification will trigger the "error" event of the model object. If an error processing function is specified in options, only the options.error function will be executed.

    // @param {Object} attrs attributes of the data model, which stores the objectized data of the model

    // @param {Object} options configuration items

    // @return {Boolean} Returns true if the verification passes, false if it fails.

    _validate : function(attrs, options) {

      // If the options.silent attribute is set when calling set, save, add and other data update methods, verification is ignored

      // If the validate method is not added to the Model, validation is ignored

      if(options.silent || !this.validate)

        return true;

      // Get all attribute values ​​​​in the object and put them into the validate method for verification

      //The validate method contains two parameters, which are the data collection and configuration object in the model. If the validation passes, no data will be returned (the default is undefined). If the validation fails, data with error information will be returned.

      attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes, attrs);

      var error = this.validate(attrs, options);

      //Verification passed


        return true;

      // Verification failed

      // If the error error handling method is set in the configuration object, call this method and pass the error data and configuration object to this method

      if(options && options.error) {

        options.error(this, error, options);

      } else {

        // If an error event listener is bound to the model, the binding event will be triggered.

        this.trigger('error', this, error, options);


      //Return verification failed identification

      return false;




  // Backbone.Collection data model collection related



  // Collection stores a series of data models of the same class and provides related methods to operate the models

  var Collection = Backbone.Collection = function(models, options) {

    //Configuration object

    options || ( options = {});

    //Set the model class of the collection in the configuration parameters


      this.model = options.model;

    // If the comparator attribute is set, the data in the collection will be sorted according to the sorting algorithm in the comparator method (it will be automatically called in the add method)


      this.comparator = options.comparator;

    //Reset the internal state of the collection when instantiated (the first call can be understood as the definition state)


    // Call the custom initialization method. If necessary, the initialize method will generally be overloaded.

    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

    // If models data is specified, call the reset method to add the data to the collection.

    // The silent parameter is set when called for the first time, so the "reset" event will not be triggered.


      this.reset(models, {

        silent : true,

        parse : options.parse



  // Define the collection class prototype method through the extend method

  _.extend(Collection.prototype, Events, {


    // Define the model class of the collection. The model class must be a subclass of Backbone.Model

    // When using collection-related methods (such as add, create, etc.), data objects are allowed to be passed in. The collection method will automatically create the corresponding instance according to the defined model class.

    //The data models stored in the collection should all be instances of the same model class

    model : Model,


    // Initialization method, this method is automatically called after the collection instance is created

    // This method is generally overloaded when defining the collection class

    initialize : function() {


    // Return an array containing the data objects of each model in the collection

    toJSON : function(options) {

      // Use Undersocre's map method to form an array of toJSON results for each model in the collection, and return

      return this.map(function(model) {

        // Call the toJSON method of each model object in turn. This method will return the model's data object (copied copy) by default.

        // If you need to return a string or other forms, you can overload the toJSON method

        return model.toJSON(options);



    //Add one or more model objects to the collection

    // The "add" event will be triggered by default. If the silent attribute is set in options, this event triggering can be turned off.

    // The models passed in can be one or a series of model objects (instances of the Model class). If the model attribute is set in the collection, data objects (such as {name: 'test'}) are allowed to be passed in directly. Automatically instantiate the data object into the model object pointed to by model

    add : function(models, options) {

      //Local variable definition

      var i, index, length, model, cid, id, cids = {}, ids = {}, dups = [];

      options || ( options = {});

      // models must be an array, if only one model is passed in, convert it to an array

      models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];


      // Traverse the list of models that need to be added. During the traversal process, the following operations will be performed:

      // - Convert data object to model object

      // - Establish a reference between the model and the collection

      // - Log invalid and duplicate models and filter them later

      for( i = 0, length = models.length; i < length; i ) {

        //Convert the data object into a model object, resume the reference of the model and collection, and store it in the model (at the same time, the corresponding model in models has been replaced with a model object)

        if(!( model = models[i] = this._prepareModel(models[i], options))) {

          throw new Error("Can't add an invalid model to a collection");


        //Cid and id of the current model

        cid = model.cid;

        id = model.id;

        //Invalid or duplicate model indexes (indexes in the models array) are recorded in the dups array and will be filtered and deleted in the next step.

        // If the index of the model already exists in the cids and ids variables, it is considered that the same model has been declared multiple times in the passed models array.

        // If the index of the model already exists in the _byCid, _byId object, the same model is considered to already exist in the current collection.

        // For the above two situations, record the index of the model to dups for filtering and deletion

        if(cids[cid] || this._byCid[cid] || ((id != null) && (ids[id] || this._byId[id]))) {




        // Record the models that have been traversed in models for repeated inspection in the next cycle

        cids[cid] = ids[id] = model;



      // Delete invalid or duplicate models from models, and retain the list of models that really need to be added to the current collection.

      i = dups.length;

      while(i--) {

        models.splice(dups[i], 1);



      // Traverse the models that need to be added, listen to model events and record _byCid, _byId list, which is used as an index when calling the get and getByCid methods.

      for( i = 0, length = models.length; i < length; i ) {

        // Listen to all events in the model and execute the _onModelEvent method

        // The _onModelEvent method will process the add, remove, destroy and change events thrown by the model to keep the model synchronized with the state in the collection.

        (model = models[i]).on('all', this._onModelEvent, this);

        //Record the model to the _byCid object based on cid to facilitate search based on cid

        this._byCid[model.cid] = model;

        //Record the model to the _byId object based on the id to facilitate search based on the id

        if(model.id != null)

          this._byId[model.id] = model;



      //Change the length attribute of the collection. The length attribute records the number of models in the current collection.

      this.length = length;

      //Set the position where the new model list is inserted into the collection. If the at parameter is set in options, insert it at the at position of the collection.

      // Will be inserted at the end of the collection by default

      // If a comparator custom sorting method is set, then after setting at, it will also be sorted according to the method in the comparator, so the final order may not be at the position specified by at

      index = options.at != null ? options.at : this.models.length;

      splice.apply(this.models, [index, 0].concat(models));

      // If the comparator method is set, the data will be sorted according to the algorithm in the comparator

      // Automatic sorting uses the silent attribute to prevent the reset event from being triggered.



          silent : true


      // Trigger the "add" event for each model object in turn. If the silent attribute is set, prevent the event from being triggered.


        return this;

      // Traverse the newly added model list

      for( i = 0, length = this.models.length; i < length; i ) {

        if(!cids[( model = this.models[i]).cid])


        options.index = i;

        // Trigger the "add" event of the model, because the collection listens to the "all" event of the model, so in the _onModelEvent method, the collection will also trigger the "add" event

        // For detailed information, please refer to Collection.prototype._onModelEvent method

        model.trigger('add', model, this, options);


      return this;


    //Remove model objects from the collection (supports removing multiple models)

    //The models passed in can be the model object that needs to be removed, or the cid of the model and the id of the model

    // Removing the model will not call the model's destroy method

    // If the options.silent parameter is not set, the remove event of the model will be triggered, and the remove event of the collection will be triggered (the collection listens to all events of the model through the _onModelEvent method)

    remove : function(models, options) {

      var i, l, index, model;

      // options default to an empty object

      options || ( options = {});

      // models must be of array type, when only one model is removed, put it into an array

      models = _.isArray(models) ? models.slice() : [models];

      // Traverse the list of models that need to be removed

      for( i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; i ) {

        // The passed models list can be the model object that needs to be removed, or the cid of the model and the id of the model

        // (In the getByCid and get methods, the model can be obtained through cid and id. If a model object is passed in, the model itself is returned)

        model = this.getByCid(models[i]) || this.get(models[i]);

        //The model was not obtained



        // Remove the model's id reference from the _byId list

        delete this._byId[model.id];

        // Remove the model's cid reference from the _byCid list

        delete this._byCid[model.cid];

        // indexOf is a method in the Underscore object. Here, the indexOf method is used to obtain the position where the model first appears in the collection.

        index = this.indexOf(model);

        //Remove the model from the collection list

        this.models.splice(index, 1);

        //Reset the length property of the current collection (record the number of models in the collection)


        // If the silent attribute is not set, the remove event of the model is triggered.

        if(!options.silent) {

          //Add the position of the current model in the collection to the options object and pass it to the remove listening event so that it can be used in the event function

          options.index = index;

          model.trigger('remove', model, this, options);


        //Resolve the relationship between the model and the collection, including references to the model and event monitoring in the collection



      return this;


    //Add model object to the end of the collection

    // If the comparator sorting method is defined in the collection class, the models added through the push method will be sorted according to the algorithm defined by the comparator, so the order of the models may be changed.

    push : function(model, options) {

      // Instantiate the model into a model object through the _prepareModel method. This code is redundant, because the model will also be obtained through _prepareModel in the add method called below.

      model = this._prepareModel(model, options);

      //Call the add method to add the model to the collection (by default, it is added to the end of the collection)

      this.add(model, options);

      return model;


    //Remove the last model object in the collection

    pop : function(options) {

      // Get the last model in the collection

      var model = this.at(this.length - 1);

      //Remove the model through the remove method

      this.remove(model, options);

      return model;


    //Insert the model into the first position of the collection

    // If the comparator sorting method is defined in the collection class, the models added through the unshift method will be sorted according to the algorithm defined by the comparator, so the order of the models may be changed.

    unshift : function(model, options) {

      // Instantiate the model into a model object through the _prepareModel method

      model = this._prepareModel(model, options);

      //Call the add method to insert the model into the first position of the collection (set at to 0)

      // If the comparator sorting method is defined, the order of the collection will be rearranged

      this.add(model, _.extend({

        at: 0

      }, options));

      return model;


    // Remove and return the first model object in the collection

    shift : function(options) {

      // Get the first model in the collection

      var model = this.at(0);

      //Remove the model from the collection

      this.remove(model, options);

      // Return model object

      return model;


    //Find the model from the collection based on id and return it

    get : function(id) {

      if(id == null)


        void 0;

      return this._byId[id.id != null ? id.id : id];


    //Find the model from the collection based on cid and return it

    getByCid : function(cid) {

      return cid && this._byCid[cid.cid || cid];


    // Find the model from the collection according to the index (subscript, starting from 0) and return

    at : function(index) {

      return this.models[index];


    // Filter the models in the collection based on values

    // attrs is a filter object, such as {name: 'Jack'}, which will return all models (array) with the name "Jack" in the collection

    where : function(attrs) {

      // attrs cannot be empty


        return [];

      // Filter the models in the collection through the filter method

      // The filter method is a method in Underscore, which is used to traverse the elements in the collection and return the elements that can pass the processor verification (return value is true) as an array

      return this.filter(function(model) {

        // Traverse the validation rules in the attrs object

        for(var key in attrs) {

          // Match the validation rules in attrs with the models in the collection

          if(attrs[key] !== model.get(key))

            return false;


        return true;



    // Sort the models in the collection according to the method specified by the comparator attribute

    // If the silent parameter is not set in options, the reset event will be triggered after sorting

    sort : function(options) {

      // options defaults to an object

      options || ( options = {});

      // The comparator attribute (sorting algorithm method) must be specified when calling the sort method, otherwise an error will be thrown


        throw new Error('Cannot sort a set without a comparator');

      // boundComparator stores the comparator sorting algorithm method bound to the current collection context object.

      var boundComparator = _.bind(this.comparator, this);

      if(this.comparator.length == 1) {

        this.models = this.sortBy(boundComparator);

      } else {

        //Call Array.prototype.sort to custom sort the data through the comparator algorithm



      // If the silent parameter is not specified, the reset event is triggered


        this.trigger('reset', this, options);

      return this;


    // Store the attr attribute values ​​​​of all models in the collection into an array and return

    pluck : function(attr) {

      // map is a method in Underscore, used to traverse a collection and return the return values ​​of all processors as an array

      return _.map(this.models, function(model) {

        // Return the attr attribute value of the current model

        return model.get(attr);



    //Replace all model data (models) in the collection

    // This operation will delete all current data and status in the collection and reset the data to models

    // models should be an array, which can contain a series of Model model objects, or original objects (will be automatically created as model objects in the add method)

    reset : function(models, options) {

      // models is the model (or data) array for replacement

      models || ( models = []);

      // options defaults to an empty object

      options || ( options = {});

      // Traverse the models in the current collection, delete and release their reference relationships with the collection in turn

      for(var i = 0, l = this.models.length; i < l; i ) {



      //Delete collection data and reset state


      //Add new model data to the collection through the add method

      // Here, the configuration item is overwritten to a new object through the exnted method. The default silent value of this object is true, so the "add" event will not be triggered.

      // If the silent attribute is not set when calling the reset method, the reset event will be triggered. If set to true, no event will be triggered. If set to false, the "add" and "reset" events will be triggered in sequence.

      this.add(models, _.extend({

        silent : true

      }, options));

      // If the silent attribute is not set when calling the reset method, the reset event is triggered.


        this.trigger('reset', this, options);

      return this;


    // Get the initialization data of the collection from the server

    // If the parameter add=true is set in options, the obtained data will be appended to the collection, otherwise the current data in the collection will be replaced with the data returned by the server

    fetch : function(options) {

      //Copy the options object, because the options object will be modified later for temporary storage of data

      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};

      if(options.parse === undefined)

        options.parse = true;

      // collection records the current collection object for use in the success callback function

      var collection = this;

      // Custom callback function, after the data request is successful and the addition is completed, the custom success function will be called

      var success = options.success;

      // Execute options.success when requesting data from the server successfully. This function will parse and add data.

      options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {

        // Use the parse method to parse the data returned by the server. If you need to customize the data structure, you can overload the parse method.

        // If add=true is set in options, the add method is called to add data to the collection, otherwise the data in the collection will be replaced with the data returned by the server through the reset method

        collection[options.add ? 'add' : 'reset'](collection.parse(resp, xhr), options);

        // If a custom success callback is set, execute


          success(collection, resp);


      // When the server returns a status error, handle the error event through the wrapError method

      options.error = Backbone.wrapError(options.error, collection, options);

      // Call the Backbone.sync method to send a request to obtain data from the server

      // If the required data is not obtained from the server, or the acquisition method does not use AJAX, you can overload the Backbone.sync method

      return (this.sync || Backbone.sync).call(this, 'read', this, options);


    // Add and create a model to the collection and save the model to the server

    // If you create a model through a data object, you need to declare the model class corresponding to the model attribute in the collection.

    // If the wait attribute is declared in options, the model will be added to the collection after the server is successfully created. Otherwise, the model will be added to the collection first and then saved to the server (regardless of whether the save is successful or not)

    create : function(model, options) {

      var coll = this;

      //Define options object

      options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};

      // Get the instance of the model class through _prepareModel

      model = this._prepareModel(model, options);

      // Model creation failed


        return false;

      // If the wait attribute is not declared, add the model to the collection through the add method


        coll.add(model, options);

      // Success stores the custom callback function after successfully saving to the server (declared through options.success)

      var success = options.success;

      // Listen to the callback function after the model data is successfully saved.

      options.success = function(nextModel, resp, xhr) {

        // If the wait attribute is declared, the model will be added to the collection only after the server saves successfully.


          coll.add(nextModel, options);

        // If a custom success callback is declared, the custom function will be executed, otherwise the model's sync event will be triggered by default

        if(success) {

          success(nextModel, resp);

        } else {

          nextModel.trigger('sync', model, resp, options);



      // Call the save method of the model to save the model data to the server

      model.save(null, options);

      return model;


    // Data parsing method, used to parse server data into structured data usable by models and collections

    // By default, resp itself will be returned. This needs to define the data format supported by Backbone with the server. If you need to customize the data format, you can overload the parse method.

    parse : function(resp, xhr) {

      return resp;


    // chain is used to build a chain operation of collection data. It converts the data in the collection into an Underscore object, and uses Underscore's chain method to convert it into a chain structure.

    // Regarding the conversion method of the chain method, please refer to the comments on the chain method in Underscore.

    chain : function() {

      return _(this.models).chain();


    //Delete all collection elements and reset the data state in the collection

    _reset : function(options) {

      //Delete collection elements

      this.length = 0;

      this.models = [];

      //Reset collection state

      this._byId = {};

      this._byCid = {};


    // Some preparation before adding the model to the collection

    // Including instantiating the data as a model object, and referencing the collection to the collection property of the model

    _prepareModel : function(model, options) {

      options || ( options = {});

      // Check whether the model is a model object (i.e. an instance of the Model class)

      if(!( model instanceof Model)) {

        //The model passed in is a model data object, not a model object

        // Pass data as parameters to Model to create a new model object

        var attrs = model;

        //Set the collection of model references

        options.collection = this;

        // Convert data into model

        model = new this.model(attrs, options);

        // Validate the data in the model

        if(!model._validate(model.attributes, options))

          model = false;

      }else if(!model.collection) {

        // If a model object is passed in but no reference to the collection is established, set the collection property of the model to the current collection.

        model.collection = this;


      return model;


    //Unbind the relationship between a model and the collection, including references to the collection and event monitoring

    // Generally called automatically when the remove method is called to delete the model or the reset method is called to reset the state.

    _removeReference : function(model) {

      // If the model refers to the current collection, remove the reference (you must ensure that all references to the model have been released, otherwise the model may not be released from memory)

      if(this == model.collection) {

        delete model.collection;


      // Cancel all model events monitored in the collection

      model.off('all', this._onModelEvent, this);


    // Automatically called when adding a model to the collection

    // Used to monitor the events of the models in the collection. When the model triggers an event (add, remove, destroy, change event), the collection performs related processing.

    _onModelEvent : function(event, model, collection, options) {

      // When adding and removing model events, you must ensure that the collection to which the model belongs is the current collection object.

      if((event == 'add' || event == 'remove') && collection != this)


      //When the model triggers the destruction event, it is removed from the collection

      if(event == 'destroy') {

        this.remove(model, options);


      // When the id of the model is modified, the reference to the model is stored in the collection modification _byId to maintain synchronization with the model id, making it easier to obtain the model object using the get() method.

      if(model && event === 'change:' model.idAttribute) {

        // Get the id of the model before the change, and remove it from the _byId list of the collection based on this id

        delete this._byId[model.previous(model.idAttribute)];

        // Use the new id of the model as the key and store the reference to the model in the _byId list

        this._byId[model.id] = model;


      // Trigger the event corresponding to the model in the collection. No matter what event the model triggers, the collection will trigger the corresponding event.

      // (For example, when a model is added to a collection, the "add" event of the model will be triggered, and the "add" event of the collection will also be triggered in this method)

      // This is very useful for listening to and handling changes to model state in a collection

      // In the monitored collection event, the model that triggered the corresponding event will be passed as a parameter to the collection's listening function.

      this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);




  // Define related methods for collection operations in Underscore

  //Copy a series of collection operation methods in Underscore to the prototype object of the Collection class

  // This way you can call Underscore related collection methods directly through the collection object.

  //The collection data operated by these methods when called is the models data of the current Collection object.

  var methods = ['forEach', 'each', 'map', 'reduce', 'reduceRight', 'find', 'detect', 'filter', 'select', 'reject', 'every', 'all ', 'some', 'any', 'include', 'contains', 'invoke', 'max', 'min', 'sortBy', 'sortedIndex', 'toArray', 'size', 'first', 'initial', 'rest', 'last', 'without', 'indexOf', 'shuffle', 'lastIndexOf', 'isEmpty', 'groupBy'];


  // Traverse the list of defined methods

  _.each(methods, function(method) {

    //Copy the method to the prototype object of the Collection class

    Collection.prototype[method] = function() {

      // Use the Underscore method directly when calling, and the context object remains the Underscore object.

      // It should be noted that the collection parameter passed to the Underscore method here is this.models, so when using these methods, the collection object operated is the models data of the current Collection object.

      return _[method].apply(_, [this.models].concat(_.toArray(arguments)));



  // Backbone.Router URL router



  // Implement a custom router by inheriting the Backbone.Router class

  // The router allows you to define routing rules, navigate through URL fragments, and map each rule to a method that will be automatically executed when the URL matches a certain rule.

  // The router navigates through the URL. The navigation methods are divided into pushState, Hash, and listening methods (for details, please refer to the Backbone.History class)

  // When creating a Router instance, set the listening method corresponding to a certain routing rule through options.routes

  // The routing rules in options.routes are organized according to {rule name: method name}. The method corresponding to each routing rule must be a declared method in the Router instance.

  // The routing rules defined by options.routes are matched in order. If the current URL can be matched by multiple rules, only the first matching event method will be executed.

  var Router = Backbone.Router = function(options) {

    // options defaults to an empty object

    options || ( options = {});

    // If the routes object (routing rule) is set in options, assign it to the routes attribute of the current instance

    // The routes attribute records the binding relationship between routing rules and event methods. When the URL matches a certain rule, the associated event method will be automatically called.
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