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World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

2024-02-26 12:34:25953browse

The biggest characteristic of Blizzard designers is that they like to teach players how to play games. Even if some mechanisms obviously affect the popularity of the game, the designers are still complacent and think that their work is very successful.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

Recently, Blizzard chief software engineer Nora Valletta and senior game producer Josh Greenfield talked about the current situation and future of the exploration server in an interview. The core content includes the following points:

1. Blizzard realized that the PVP gameplay in the P2 stage of the exploration server has become a mutual defeat, and the designer believes that this mutual second situation is normal and does not plan to modify it. .

2. Compared with the disguised PVE of the Battle of Ashvale in the P1 phase, the Blood Moon Battle in the P2 phase is more inclined to the players’ previous PVP, which is more in line with expectations (could this expectation be mutual brushing?) .

World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

#3, the ban on gold groups is very effective and will continue to be implemented. The reason is that Blizzard can more easily check the whereabouts of gray gold coins, but the previous gold group directly washed these gray gold coins white, and Blizzard has no way to trace them.

4. A 40-person group is still a 40-person group, but Blizzard has felt that players prefer a 10-person group.

5, the designer hinted that the exploration server will have an exciting future! This future may be the version update plan of the exploration server, such as opening the TBC version of the exploration server.

Obviously, most of the content mentioned by the designer is just "little talk". The only thing worthy of players' attention is the third one, that is, the ban on gold groups is very successful and will continue to be implemented. . But are the words of Blizzard designers really reliable? Obviously not, only data can most intuitively see the impact of banning gold groups.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

When the exploration server was first opened, player enthusiasm was very high, and the number of daily active players reached more than 3 million. As the P1 phase came to an end, the number of players began to decline and has remained Around 150W.

After entering the P2 stage, the number of players once again rose to about 2 million, and then plummeted. The latest data shows that the number of daily active players is currently only 60W.

From 300W to 60W, in less than 3 months, the number of players plummeted by 80%. This data is very exaggerated.

Although the plummeting number of players has a certain relationship with the game content, players who have actually played the exploration server in the P2 stage know that the fundamental reason for the plummeting number of players is the ban on gold groups.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

In the P1 stage, whether it is the collection stone or the world channel, there is team information at all times. There is rarely team information on the weekends in the P2 stage. If It's a car repair team, and it can't even form a team.

Blizzard’s original intention of banning gold groups was to crack down on scripts and offline transactions. However, does banning gold groups really solve these problems? of course not.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard is cold! The number of global players plummeted by 80%, and the designer said the plan was successful

#The script is still brushing materials and gold coins unscrupulously. The rich people all went to the "Double Horse Group", and the income of the Paigu people was higher than that of the Jin Group. Ordinary players are trapped in a situation where they have no team to fight, and as the price of materials gets higher and higher, many players without gold team income cannot even afford to go professional.

The number of players has plummeted by 80%. Blizzard designers actually think that the rules banning gold groups are successful. It is really frustrating. You must know that most players have not used up their first monthly card after the opening of the P2 phase. After it is used up, more players will inevitably choose AFK.

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