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Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

2024-02-19 21:03:21873browse

Dimensionality reduction refers to retaining the main information of the data as much as possible while reducing the number of features in the data set. Dimensionality reduction algorithms are unsupervised learning, and the algorithm is trained through unlabeled data.

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

Although there are many types of dimensionality reduction methods, they can all be classified into two major categories: linear and nonlinear.

Linear methods linearly project data from a high-dimensional space to a low-dimensional space (hence the name linear projection). Examples include PCA and LDA.

Nonlinear methods are a way to perform nonlinear dimensionality reduction, often used to discover the nonlinear structure of original data. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods are particularly important when the original data are not easily separated linearly. In some cases, nonlinear dimensionality reduction is also known as manifold learning. This method can handle high-dimensional data more efficiently and help reveal the underlying structure of the data. Through nonlinear dimensionality reduction, we can better understand the relationship between data, discover hidden patterns and rules in the data, and provide strong support for further data analysis and applications.

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

This article has compiled 10 commonly used nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques, which can help you choose in your daily work

1. Kernel PCA

You may be familiar with normal PCA, which is a linear dimensionality reduction technique. Kernel PCA can be viewed as a nonlinear version of normal principal component analysis.

Both principal component analysis and kernel principal component analysis can be used for dimensionality reduction, but kernel PCA is more effective in processing linearly inseparable data. The main advantage of kernel PCA is to transform nonlinearly separable data into linearly separable data while reducing the data dimension. Kernel PCA can capture the nonlinear structure in the data by introducing kernel techniques, thereby improving the classification performance of the data. Therefore, kernel PCA has stronger expressiveness and generalization ability when dealing with complex data sets.

We first create a very classic data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5])  from sklearn.datasets import make_moons X, y = make_moons(n_samples=100, noise=None, random_state=0)  plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('Linearly inseparable data')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

These two colors represent two linearly inseparable categories. It is impossible to draw a straight line here to separate these two categories.

We start with regular PCA.

 import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA  pca = PCA(n_components=1) X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X)  plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(X_pca[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after linear PCA') plt.xlabel('PC1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

As you can see, the two classes are still linearly inseparable. Now let’s try kernel PCA.

 import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA  kpca = KernelPCA(n_components=1, kernel='rbf', gamma=15) X_kpca = kpca.fit_transform(X)  plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(X_kpca[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.axvline(x=0.0, linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=1.2) plt.title('First component after kernel PCA') plt.xlabel('PC1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

The two classes become linearly separable, and the kernel PCA algorithm uses different kernels to transform data from one form to the other. a form. Kernel PCA is a two-step process. First, the kernel function temporarily projects the original data into a high-dimensional space, where the classes are linearly separable. The algorithm then projects this data back to the lower dimensions specified in the n_components hyperparameter (the number of dimensions we want to preserve).

There are four kernel options in sklearn: linear’, ‘poly’, ‘rbf’ and ‘sigmoid’. If we specify the kernel as "linear", normal PCA will be performed. Any other kernel will perform nonlinear PCA. The rbf (radial basis function) kernel is the most commonly used.

2. Multidimensional scaling (MDS)

Multidimensional scaling is another nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique that maintains the distance between high-dimensional and low-dimensional data points. Perform dimensionality reduction. For example, points that are closer in the original dimension also appear closer in the lower dimensional form.

To use Scikit-learn we can use the MDS() class.

 from sklearn.manifold import MDS  mds = MDS(n_components, metric) mds_transformed = mds.fit_transform(X)

metric hyperparameters distinguish two types of MDS algorithms: metric and non-metric. If metric=True, execute metric MDS. Otherwise, perform non-metric MDS.

We apply two types of MDS algorithms to the following nonlinear data.

 import numpy as np from sklearn.manifold import MDS  mds = MDS(n_components=1, metric=True) # Metric MDS X_mds = mds.fit_transform(X)  plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(X_mds[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('Metric MDS') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

 import numpy as np from sklearn.manifold import MDS  mds = MDS(n_components=1, metric=False) # Non-metric MDS X_mds = mds.fit_transform(X)  plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(X_mds[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('Non-metric MDS') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning



Isomap(Isometric Mapping)在保持数据点之间的地理距离,即在原始高维空间中的测地线距离或者近似的测地线距离,在低维空间中也被保持。Isomap的基本思想是通过在高维空间中计算数据点之间的测地线距离(通过最短路径算法,比如Dijkstra算法),然后在低维空间中保持这些距离来进行降维。在这个过程中,Isomap利用了流形假设,即假设高维数据分布在一个低维流形上。因此,Isomap通常在处理非线性数据集时表现良好,尤其是当数据集包含曲线和流形结构时。

 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5])  from sklearn.datasets import make_moons X, y = make_moons(n_samples=100, noise=None, random_state=0)  import numpy as np from sklearn.manifold import Isomap  isomap = Isomap(n_neighbors=5, n_components=1) X_isomap = isomap.fit_transform(X)  plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(X_isomap[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying Isomap') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning


4、Locally Linear Embedding(LLE)


 from sklearn.manifold import LocallyLinearEmbedding lle = LocallyLinearEmbedding(n_neighbors=5,n_components=1) lle_transformed = lle.fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(lle_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying LocallyLinearEmbedding') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning


Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning


5、Spectral Embedding

Spectral Embedding是一种基于图论和谱理论的降维技术,通常用于将高维数据映射到低维空间。它的核心思想是利用数据的相似性结构,将数据点表示为图的节点,并通过图的谱分解来获取低维表示。

 from sklearn.manifold import SpectralEmbedding sp_emb = SpectralEmbedding(n_components=1, affinity='nearest_neighbors') sp_emb_transformed = sp_emb.fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(sp_emb_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying SpectralEmbedding') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

6、t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)


from sklearn.manifold import TSNE tsne = TSNE(1, learning_rate='auto', init='pca') tsne_transformed = tsne.fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(tsne_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying TSNE') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning


7、Random Trees Embedding

Random Trees Embedding是一种基于树的降维技术,常用于将高维数据映射到低维空间。它利用了随机森林(Random Forest)的思想,通过构建多棵随机决策树来实现降维。

Random Trees Embedding的基本工作流程:

  • 构建随机决策树集合:首先,构建多棵随机决策树。每棵树都是通过从原始数据中随机选择子集进行训练的,这样可以减少过拟合,提高泛化能力。
  • 提取特征表示:对于每个数据点,通过将其在每棵树上的叶子节点的索引作为特征,构建一个特征向量。每个叶子节点都代表了数据点在树的某个分支上的位置。
  • 降维:通过随机森林中所有树生成的特征向量,将数据点映射到低维空间中。通常使用降维技术,如主成分分析(PCA)或t-SNE等,来实现最终的降维过程。

Random Trees Embedding的优势在于它的计算效率高,特别是对于大规模数据集。由于使用了随机森林的思想,它能够很好地处理高维数据,并且不需要太多的调参过程。


8、Dictionary Learning

Dictionary Learning是一种用于降维和特征提取的技术,它主要用于处理高维数据。它的目标是学习一个字典,该字典由一组原子(或基向量)组成,这些原子是数据的线性组合。通过学习这样的字典,可以将高维数据表示为一个更紧凑的低维空间中的稀疏线性组合。

Dictionary Learning的优点之一是它能够学习出具有可解释性的原子,这些原子可以提供关于数据结构和特征的重要见解。此外,Dictionary Learning还可以产生稀疏表示,从而提供更紧凑的数据表示,有助于降低存储成本和计算复杂度。

 from sklearn.decomposition import DictionaryLearning  dict_lr = DictionaryLearning(n_components=1) dict_lr_transformed = dict_lr.fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(dict_lr_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying DictionaryLearning') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

9、Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Independent Component Analysis (ICA) 是一种用于盲源分离的统计方法,通常用于从混合信号中估计原始信号。在机器学习和信号处理领域,ICA经常用于解决以下问题:

  • 盲源分离:给定一组混合信号,其中每个信号是一组原始信号的线性组合,ICA的目标是从混合信号中分离出原始信号,而不需要事先知道混合过程的具体细节。
  • 特征提取:ICA可以被用来发现数据中的独立成分,提取数据的潜在结构和特征,通常在降维或预处理过程中使用。


 from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA  ica = FastICA(n_components=1, whiten='unit-variance') ica_transformed = dict_lr.fit_transform(X) plt.figure(figsize=[7, 5]) plt.scatter(ica_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros((100,1)), c=y, s=50, cmap='plasma') plt.title('First component after applying FastICA') plt.xlabel('Component 1')

Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning

10、Autoencoders (AEs)


Comparative summary of ten nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques in machine learning






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