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My uncle revealed the latest opening time of Blizzard’s national server! Blizzard Battle.net may be coming to an end

2024-02-15 14:06:251043browse

Uncle broke the news about the latest opening time of Blizzard’s national server

There has been no decent news about the Blizzard family’s national server since last month. What Xiao O learned a few days ago is that NetEase and Blizzard are now The two parties reached an agreement years ago, and the national server agent has also been confirmed. But when will the server be launched? Recently, my uncle released the news that the Chinese server will be available to play in April at the earliest.

And according to him, the official launch of the national server may be in May or June, and there will not be a long gap between the official announcement and the launch of the test. In other words, it is likely that the official announcement will not be made until everything is ready.

My uncle revealed the latest opening time of Blizzard’s national server! Blizzard Battle.net may be coming to an end

According to what we learned, NetEase has been recruiting customer service and other personnel a few years ago, and some of the personnel in Guangzhou have already started working in January, and some have received News of appointment in March. This reason has been confirmed by the fact that NetEase's great masters have been engaging in activities. The people who were originally responsible for the Warcraft section are now back on duty, and they are engaged in activities and publicity.

The era of Blizzard has basically come to an end. In the future, Blizzard will be a studio under Microsoft that outputs content. Of course, it would be a good thing if you can focus on making games well.

After Microsoft’s acquisition, the Blizzard Battle.net client may come to an end

Another news comes from the Weibo of Zhang Dong, the former head of NetEase. He talked about the issue of Blizzard Battle.net today. He said that no matter how you look at it, there is no need for the battlenet client to exist, and it will soon be integrated into xgp and connected with the xgp account. He expects that time to be about a year to a year and a half.

My uncle revealed the latest opening time of Blizzard’s national server! Blizzard Battle.net may be coming to an end

In fact, Blizzard should have been more ambitious after launching the Battle.net platform, but everyone knows that Blizzard has always been very arrogant. It is for this reason that in addition to its own Battle.net It has not made any decent expansion at all other than its games, and it is indeed a pity that it has not become a big platform like Steam.

When Blizzard was under Activision, it was still a component on an equal footing with Activision, so Blizzard Battle.net was still necessary to exist. But after being acquired by Microsoft, Blizzard games have become a very small part of the huge scale of Microsoft games.

My uncle revealed the latest opening time of Blizzard’s national server! Blizzard Battle.net may be coming to an end

Last year, Diablo and Overwatch were also launched on the Steam platform. After being acquired by Microsoft, the Blizzard Battle.net client actually became dispensable. Sooner or later will cease to exist.

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