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Super awesome JavaScript React framework introductory tutorial_Basic knowledge

2016-05-16 15:51:541764browse

React is an awesome framework created by a group of awesome coders at Facebook. A virtual DOM is implemented, using the DOM method to add required components in seconds and delete unnecessary components in seconds. React plays the role of V in the MVC structure, but if you use it with Flux, you will have a very awesome framework that can easily synchronize M and V. We will talk about Flux later~

In React, you can create a component with special functions that you can’t find in HTML elements, such as the drop-down navigation in this tutorial. Each component has its own scope, so after we define a component, we can use it over and over again without interacting with other components at all!

Each component has a function called render , which can efficiently return HTML to be emitted to the browser. We can also call other components of React, which means that React is as deep as the sea. Oh, no, there is nothing we can't think of but nothing we can't do.


If you pay attention to React often, you may find that there is something called JSX. JSX allows us to write HTML in Javascript, rather than HTML containing Javascript. It helps us develop quickly because we don't have to worry about strings and line breaks etc. You can run JSX in the browser, but it is not recommended as it will slow down your page. gulp and grunt provide a JSX interpreter for your preprocessing tasks, so if you want to use JSX, I recommend turning this feature on.

As mentioned before, each JSX component has a render method, which generates a "ViewModel" - before returning HTML to the component, you can put the information of this model (ViewModel) into the view , meaning your HTML will dynamically change based on this model (such as a dynamic list).

Once you're done, you can return what you want to render, it's so easy with JSX

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
        Hello World!

If you were to run this code in your browser, you would only get a syntax error because the 709755eb0d440af414163d2e5288b1b1 characters are enclosed in quotes in Javascript. When you run the JSX interpreter on your code, it will be converted to something like this

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
      React.createElement('div', {className: 'navigation'}, 'Hello World!')

You can click here to test the example - I am using the browser JSX interpreter (this is not recommended, but for the sake of JSFiddle).

It’s running! JSX interprets all DOM nodes you generate using React.createElement, generating node types, parameters, and content. You can do without JSX, but that means you have to manually write all DOM nodes except React.createElement. Countless examples tell me to use JSX.

You must be wondering why I use className instead of class on the DOM. This is because class is a reserved word in Javascript. When JSX interprets your code it will change all properties on this node to an object, but you can't treat objects as properties!

Use variables on attributes
If you want to dynamically change the component's style class (or any other attribute value), you can use variables. But you can't just pass in a variable name, you have to wrap it with a pair of curly brackets, like this JSX will know that this is an external variable.

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
render: function () {
  var navigationClass = 'navigation';
  return (
    <div className={ navigationClass }>
      Hello World!

You can see this feature here.
Initial renderer
When you initially render a React component, you need to tell React what component to render and specify an existing DOM node to indicate where to render the component. To do this you will use React.render Function.

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
render: function () {
  return (
    <div className="navigation">
      Hello World!
React.render(<ExampleContent />, document.body);

It will render the component on the body node - easy! From then on you can call other components as usual, or use the render function as many times as you want, if you don't want to use React to render the entire page but still want to use multiple components.

The basis of a component

Components can have their own "state". This allows us to reuse the same components multiple times but have them look completely different because the state of each component instance is unique.

When you pass properties to a component these are called properties. Don't just limit yourself to HTML attributes, you can pass anything you want and access it via this.props inside the component. This allows us to reuse the same component but pass a different set of properties, such as the component's "configuration".

Based on our previous "Hello World!" example, we have the className attribute on the HTML node. Inside the component we can access this value using this.props.classname but as mentioned earlier you can pass whatever you like. For our dropdown, we need to configure the navigation as an object, which the component will use as the configuration to render. Let’s get started—

var navigationConfig = [];
var Navigation = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="navigation">

React.render(75a8dba852246be4150860216e62d5c1, document.body);

如果现在能访问 this.props.config 的话,我们会受到一个空数组(navigationConfig 的值)。在我们进入到真正导航的编码前先让我们说明一下状态。


如之前所讨论的,每一个组件都有其自己的”状态”。当要使用状态时,你要定义初始状态,让后才可以使用 this.setState 来更新状态。无论何时状态得到了更新,组件都会再一次调用 render 函数,拿新的值去替换或者改变之前渲染的值。这就是虚拟 DOM 的奥义 - 计算差异的算法实在 React 内部完成的,因此我们不用去以来 DOM 的更新了(因为 DOM 很慢)。React 会计算出差异并产生一堆指令的集合 (例如,加入向”navigation__link“加入”active“类,或者移除一个节点),并在 DOM 上执行它们。

使用导航,我们将下拉菜单打开保持在状态中。为此,添加一个 getInitialState 函数到类配置对象上,并返回带有我们想要的初始状态的对象。

var navigationConfig = [];
var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);

你会发现我们将其设置成了-1。当我们准备去打开一个下拉菜单时,将使用状态里面的配置数组中的导航项的位置,而由于数组索引开始于0,我们就得使用 -1 来表示还没有指向一个导航项。

我们可以使用 this.state 来访问状态,因此如果我们去观察 atthis.state.openDropdown,应该会有 -1 被返回。


每个组件都有其“生命周期”—这是一系列你可以在组件配置里定义的函数,它们将在部件生命周期内被调用。我们已经看过了 getinitialstate 一它只被调用一次,在组件被挂载时调用。

当组件要被挂载时这个函数被调用。这意味着我们可以在此运行组件功能必须的代码。为由于 render 在组件生命周期里被多次调用,我们一般会把只需要执行一次的代码放在这里,比如 XHR 请求。

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  componentWillMount: function () {
    // xhr request here to get data
  render: function () {
    // this gets called many times in a components life
    return (
        Hello World!


一旦你的组件已经运行了 render 函数,并实际将组件渲染到了 DOM 中,componentDidMount 就会被调用。我们可以在这儿做任何需要做的 DOM 操作,已经任何需要依赖于组件已经实际存在于 DOM 之后才能做的事情, 例如渲染一个图表。你可以通过调用 this.getDOMNode 在内部访问到 DOM 节点。

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  componentDidMount: function () {
    var node = this.getDOMNode();
    // render a chart on the DOM node
  render: function () {
    return (
        Hello World!


如果你准备吧组件从 DOM 移除时,这个函数将会被调用。这让我们可以在组件背后进行清理,比如移除任何我们已经绑定的事件监听器。如果我们没有在自身背后做清理,而当其中一个事件被触发时,就会尝试去计算一个没有载入的组件,React 就会抛出一个错误。

var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  componentWillUnmount: function () {
    // unbind any event listeners specific to this component
  render: function () {
    return (
        Hello World!


React 也为组件提供了更方便我们工作的方法。它们会在组件的创建过程中被调用到。例如getInitialState,能让我们定义一个默认的状态,这样我们不用担心在代码里面对状态项目是否存在做进一步的检查了。


当你定义了组件时,这些默认的属性会被缓存起来,因而针对每个组件的实例它们都是一样的,并且不能被改变。对于导航组件,我们将配置指定为一个空的数组,因而就算没有传入配置,render 方法内也不会发生错误。

var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      config: []
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
<p>React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);</p> 



var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      config: []
  propTypes: {
    config: React.PropTypes.array
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);


我们也可以在组件中加入 mixins。这是一个独立于 React 的基本组件(只是一个对象类型的配置)。这意味着,如果我们有两个功能类似的组件,就可以共享一个配置了(如果初始状态相同)。我们可以抽象化地在 mixin 中建立一个方法,这样就不用把相同的代码写上两次了。

var ExampleMixin = {
  componentDidMount: function () {
    // bind some event listeners here
  componentWillUnmount: function () {
    // unbind those events here!
var ExampleComponent = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ExampleMixin],
  render: function () {
    return (
        Hello World!
var AnotherComponent = React.createClass({
  mixins: [ExampleMixin],
  render: function () {
    return (
        Hello World!

这样全部组件都有一样的 componentDidMount 和 componentWillUnmount 方法了,保存我们重写的代码。无论如何,你不能 override(覆盖)这些属性,如果这个属性是在mixin里设置的,它在这个组件中是不可覆盖的。


当我们有一个包含对象的数组,如何循环这个数组并渲染每一个对象到列表项中?JSX 允许你在任意 Javascript 文件中使用它,你可以映射这个数组并返回 JSX,然后使用 React 去渲染。

var navigationConfig = [
    href: 'http://ryanclark.me',
    text: 'My Website'
var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      config: []
  propTypes: {
    config: React.PropTypes.array
  render: function () {
    var config = this.props.config;
    var items = config.map(function (item) {
      return (
        <li className="navigation__item">
          <a className="navigation__link" href={ item.href }>
            { item.text }
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
        { items }
React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);

在 JSFilddle 中随意使用 navigationConfigin

导航配置由数组和对象组成,包括一个指向超链接的 href 属性和一个用于显示的 text 属性。当我们映射的时候,它会一个个依次通过这个数组去取得对象。我们可以访问 href 和 text,并在 HTML 中使用。当返回列表时,这个数组里的列表项都将被替换,所以我们把它放入 React 中处理时它将知道怎么去渲染了!


到目前位置,我们已经做到了所有下拉列表的展开。我们需要知道被下来的项目是哪个,我们将使用 .children 属性去遍历我们的 navigationConfig 数组。接下来,我们可以通过循环来操作下拉的子元素条目。

var navigationConfig = [
    href: 'http://ryanclark.me',
    text: 'My Website',
    children: [
        href: 'http://ryanclark.me/how-angularjs-implements-dirty-checking/',
        text: 'Angular Dirty Checking'
        href: 'http://ryanclark.me/getting-started-with-react/',
        text: 'React'
var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      config: []
  propTypes: {
    config: React.PropTypes.array
  render: function () {
    var config = this.props.config;
    var items = config.map(function (item) {
      var children, dropdown;
      if (item.children) {
        children = item.children.map(function (child) {
          return (
            <li className="navigation__dropdown__item">
              <a className="navigation__dropdown__link" href={ child.href }>
                { child.text }
        dropdown = (
          <ul className="navigation__dropdown">
            { children }
      return (
        <li className="navigation__item">
          <a className="navigation__link" href={ item.href }>
            { item.text }
          { dropdown }
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
        { items }
React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);

实例在这里 - 但是我们还是能看见下来条目,尽管我们将 openDropdown 设置成为了 -1 。

我们可以通过在组件中访问 this.state ,来判断下拉是否被打开了,并且,我们可以为其添加一个新的 css 样式 class 来展现鼠标 hover 的效果。

var navigationConfig = [
    href: 'http://ryanclark.me',
    text: 'My Website',
    children: [
        href: 'http://ryanclark.me/how-angularjs-implements-dirty-checking/',
        text: 'Angular Dirty Checking'
        href: 'http://ryanclark.me/getting-started-with-react/',
        text: 'React'
var Navigation = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {
      openDropdown: -1
  getDefaultProps: function () {
    return {
      config: []
  openDropdown: function (id) {
      openDropdown: id
  closeDropdown: function () {
      openDropdown: -1
  propTypes: {
    config: React.PropTypes.array
  render: function () {
    var config = this.props.config;
    var items = config.map(function (item, index) {
      var children, dropdown;
      if (item.children) {
        children = item.children.map(function (child) {
          return (
            <li className="navigation__dropdown__item">
              <a className="navigation__dropdown__link" href={ child.href }>
                { child.text }
        var dropdownClass = 'navigation__dropdown';
        if (this.state.openDropdown === index) {
          dropdownClass += ' navigation__dropdown--open';
        console.log(this.state.openDropdown, index);
        dropdown = (
          <ul className={ dropdownClass }>
            { children }
      return (
        <li className="navigation__item" onMouseOut={ this.closeDropdown } onMouseOver={ this.openDropdown.bind(this, index) }>
          <a className="navigation__link" href={ item.href }>
            { item.text }
          { dropdown }
    }, this);
    return (
      <div className="navigation">
        { items }
React.render(<Navigation config={ navigationConfig } />, document.body);

在这里看实例 - 鼠标划过“My Website”,下拉即会展现。

在前面,我已经给每个列表项添加了鼠标事件。如你所见,我用的是 .bind (绑定) 调用,而非其它的方式调用 - 这是因为,当用户的鼠标划出元素区域,我们并不用关注光标在哪里,所有我们需要知晓的是,将下拉关闭掉,所以我们可以将它的值设置成为-1。但是,我们需要知晓的是当用户鼠标划入的时候哪个元素被下拉展开了,所以我们需要知道该参数(元素的索引)。 我们使用绑定的方式去调用而非简单的透过函数(function)去调用是因为我们需要通过 React 去调用。如果我们直接调用,那我们就需要一直调用,而不是在事件中调用他。

现在我们可以添加很多的条目到 navigationConfig 当中,而且我们也可以给他添加样式到下来功能当中。查看实例.

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