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2016-06-01 13:26:501453browse



-- 建立测试表和数据create table webuser (username varchar(10));insert into webuser values ('a1'),('a2'),('a3'),('b1'),('b2'),('b3');commit;-- 建立存储过程drop procedure if exists dynamic_cursor;delimiter //CREATE PROCEDURE dynamic_cursor (IN p_name varchar(10))BEGIN     DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0;    DECLARE v_username varchar(10);    DECLARE cur CURSOR for( SELECT username from webuser_view);    DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1;    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS webuser_view;    SET @sqlstr = "CREATE VIEW webuser_view as ";    SET @sqlstr = CONCAT(@sqlstr , "SELECT username FROM webuser WHERE username like '", p_name,"%'");    PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstr;    EXECUTE stmt;    DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;    OPEN cur;    f_loop:LOOP     FETCH cur INTO v_username;	IF done THEN 		LEAVE f_loop;  	END IF; 	SELECT v_username;        END LOOP f_loop;    CLOSE cur;END;//delimiter ;-- 测试call dynamic_cursor('a');


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