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JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
JSON syntax rules
Data in name/value pairs
Data is separated by commas
Curly brackets save objects
Square brackets save arrays
JSON has 6 types of values:
Object, array, string, number, Boolean value, null
A JSON object is an unordered collection of name/value pairs
Name: any string
Value: JSON value of any type, including arrays and objects (objects can be embedded in objects)
Note: JSON strings must use double quotes (single quotes will report an error)
1. Object
Create literals in javascript:
var object = { name:"lily", age:22 };
var object = { "name":"lily", "age":22 };
{ "name":"lily", "age":22 }
2. Array
JSON array uses the array literal form in javascript
Combining arrays and objects can form more complex data combinations
For example:
[ { "name":"lily", "age":22, "job":"docter" }, { "name":"nicy", "age":21, "job":"teacher" }, { "name":"lily", "age":22, "job":"AE" } ]
3. Parsing and serialization
JSON has a syntax similar to JavaScript and can parse JSON data structures into useful JavaScript objects
1.JSON object
Send and receive JSON data
When reading, writing, sending and receiving JSON data objects, they need to be converted into strings and can be converted from strings to JSON data objects. (read and write them the same way used for javascript)
JSON object has two methods:
① stringify(): Serialize javascript objects into JSON strings
② parse(): Parse JSON string into native javascript value
var book = { title:"professional JavaScript", authors:[ "lily" ], edition:3, year:2011 }; var jsonText = JSON.stringify(book); alert(jsonText); //{"title":"professional JavaScript","authors":["lily"],"edition":3,"year":2011} alert(typeof jsonText); //string var bookCopy = JSON.parse(jsonText); alert(typeof bookCopy); //object
In this example, JSON.stringify() is used to serialize a javascript object book into a JSON string, and then save it to jsonText; pass the JSON string jsonText directly to JSON.parse() to get the corresponding javascript Value
Note: When serializing JavaScript objects, the final values are instance properties of valid JSON data types, and any invalid values will be skipped
2. Serialization options
JSON.stringify() can receive two parameters when serializing JavaScript objects
Parameter 1: filter, which can be an array or function
Parameter two: an option indicating whether to retain indentation in the JSON string
1) Filter results
If the filter parameter is an array, the result of JSON.stringify() only contains the attributes listed in the array
For example:
var book = { "title":"professional JavaScript", "authors":[ "lily" ], edition:3, year:2011 }; var jsonText = JSON.stringify(book,["title","edition"]); alert(jsonText); //{"title":"professional JavaScript","edition":3} alert(typeof jsonText); // string
2) String indentation:
The third parameter of the JSON.stringify() method is used to control the indentation and whitespace characters in the result
3) toJSON() method
Define the toJSON() method for the object to return its own JSON data format
4. JSON access value
The first type: simple array
Value: Access the embedded value via numeric index (the index of the first item is 0)
var items = ['item1','item2','item3'];
alert(items[0]); // item1
Second type: Use {} to represent objects and arrays
{ "key":"value" }
Value: Access the embedded value through the key name
var oExample = { "name":"lily" };
alert(oExample.name); // lily
alert(oExample["name"]); // lily
Using these two methods, many data structures can be described in terms of subrecords (with named or numeric index keys):
For example:
var oNovelist = { "firstName":"lily", "lastName":"russ", "novels": [ { "title":"and choas died", "year":"1970" }, { "title":"the famale man", "year":"1976" } ] }; var msg = oNovelist.firstName+" "+oNovelist.lastName+"'s"+" "+oNovelist.novels[0].title+" "+"was published in"+oNovelist.novels[0].year; alert(msg); // lily russ's and choas died was published in1970
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.