Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >linux(ubuntu)下C++访问mysql数据库_MySQL


2016-06-01 13:11:461417browse


  1. Ubuntu安装msyql

    1. 安装mysql数据库

      sudo apt-get install mysql-server
    2. 安装mysql客户端

      sudo apt-get install mysql-client
  2. C API的基本类型

    1. MYSQL

      1. 该结构代表1个数据库连接的句柄.

      2. 几乎所有的MySQL函数均使用它.

      3. 不应尝试拷贝MYSQL结构, 不保证这类拷贝结果会有用.

    2. MYSQL_RES

      1. 该结构代表返回行的查询结果

    3. MYSQL_ROW

      1. 这是1行数据的“类型安全”表示。它目前是按照计数字节字符串的数组实施的。

      2. 行是通过调用mysql_fetch_row()获得的。

    4. 官方文档地址 

      1. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/zh/apis.html#c
  3. 代码

    1. 向表中插入(删除)一条数据

      #include <iostream>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){    //准备mysql的访问结构    MYSQL mysql;    mysql_init( &mysql );     mysql_real_connect(        &mysql,        "",	//要访问数据库的IP地址        "root",			//用户名        "root",			//密码        "test",			//要访问的数据库        3306,			//该数据库的端口        NULL,			//一般为NULL        0			//一般为0    );      //插入     string sql = "insert into student value(1, 'jp', 24, 'gzjd')";     //删除    //string sql = "delete from student where id = 33";     //执行sql语句    mysql_query( &mysql, sql.c_str() );     //关闭数据库连接    mysql_close( &mysql );    return 0;}//编译    //g++ file.cpp -o target -lmysqlclient//执行    //./target//验证    //成功
    2. 更新表内容

      #include <iostream>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	MYSQL mysql;	mysql_init( &mysql );		mysql_real_connect(		&mysql,		"",		"root",		"root",		"test",		3306,		NULL,		0	);	string sql = "update student set name = 'pj' where id = 2";	mysql_query( &mysql, sql.c_str() );             mysql_close(&mysql);                return 0;}
    3. 调用存储过程

      #include <iostream>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	MYSQL mysql;	mysql_init( &mysql );		mysql_real_connect(		&mysql,		"",		"root",		"root",		"test",		3306,		NULL,		0		);		string sql = "call myPorc();";	int ret = mysql_query( &mysql, sql.c_str() );	//      debug info//	cout << mysql_error( &mysql );//	cout << ret << endl;	mysql_close(&mysql);	return 0;}
    4. 查询数据表的内容

      #include <iostream>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	MYSQL mysql;	mysql_init( &mysql );	mysql_real_connect(		&mysql,		"",		"root",		"root",		"test",		3306,		NULL,		0		);	string sql = "select * from student";	mysql_query( &mysql, sql.c_str() );		MYSQL_RES *result = NULL;	result = mysql_store_result( &mysql );		//得到查询出来所有数据的条数	int row_count = mysql_num_rows( result );	cout << "all data number: " << row_count << endl;	//得到字段的个数和字段的名字	int field_count = mysql_num_fields( result );	cout << "field count : " << field_count << endl;	//得到所有字段的名字	MYSQL_FIELD* field = NULL;	for( int i = 0; i < field_count; ++i)	{		field = mysql_fetch_field_direct( result, i );		cout << field->name << "/t";	}	cout << endl;	//显示表中的所有数据	MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;	row = mysql_fetch_row( result );	while ( NULL != row )	{		for( int i = 0; i < field_count; ++i)		{			cout << row[i] << "/t";		}		cout << endl;		row = mysql_fetch_row( result );	}       mysql_free_result(result);    mysql_close( &mysql );		return 0;}
    5. 得到指定数据库test中的所有表

      #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <mysql/mysql.h>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	//定义一个数据库连接句柄	MYSQL mysql;		//对数据句柄进行初始化	mysql_init( &mysql );	//连接数据库	mysql_real_connect(		&mysql,		"",		"root",		"root",		"test",		3306,		NULL,		0	);	//查询数据库	string sql = "show tables;";		mysql_query( &mysql, sql.c_str() ); 	MYSQL_RES *result = NULL;	result = mysql_store_result( &mysql );	//得到查询出来所有数据记录的数量	vector<string> allTable;	MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row( result );	while( NULL != row )	{		allTable.push_back( row[0] );		row = mysql_fetch_row( result );	}	for(vector<string>::const_iterator cit = allTable.begin(); cit != allTable.end(); ++cit )	{		cout << *cit << "/t";	}	cout << endl;		mysql_free_result( result );		mysql_close( &mysql );		return 0;}

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