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How to remove the red dot prompt, that is, the unread message mark, in the Messages app in iOS 16?

2023-12-27 12:35:291755browse

Some users reported that on devices running iOS 16 or higher, a red dot prompt appeared in the Messages app, but unread messages could not be seen after opening the app. How should this problem be solved?

How to remove the red dot prompt, that is, the unread message mark, in the Messages app in iOS 16?

You can try the following methods:

1. Ask Siri to help you read messages

When the number of unread messages prompted by the red dot is not large, you can ask Siri to help you Read this information. You can say to Siri: "Hey Siri, read the unread messages for me." Then wait for Siri to finish reading the messages

2. Set unread messages

Manually set several read messages Set as "Unread," then manually select one or two to view and set them as "Read." Finally, select all the messages in the unread messages and set all unread messages as "read" with one click

3. Set the message retention time

Please note: this method will delete all Information older than 30 days. If you still need this information, please do not do this and try other methods

Open the iPhone's settings, tap Information, find the Keep information option, set the information retention time to 30 days, and then return to the Messages app to view Refreshed unread messages

How to remove the red dot prompt, that is, the unread message mark, in the Messages app in iOS 16?

4. Turn off information notifications

If there are a lot of little red dot prompts and cannot be cleared by the above method, you can consider turning off information notifications

When setting up on iPhone, you can open Settings-Notifications. Next, find the Messages app and turn off the Allow notifications option

How to remove the red dot prompt, that is, the unread message mark, in the Messages app in iOS 16?

5. If the Messages app displays an exclamation mark

If an exclamation mark is displayed instead of a number in the Messages app, it may be iMessage has not been successfully activated or enabled. You can try to go to iPhone Settings - Messages - iMessage, try to turn off and then re-enable iMessage

The above is the detailed content of How to remove the red dot prompt, that is, the unread message mark, in the Messages app in iOS 16?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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