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Implement multi-language switching function in WeChat mini program

2023-11-21 16:12:411997browse

Implement multi-language switching function in WeChat mini program

With the development of globalization, all walks of life are increasingly using multiple languages ​​to communicate. When developing WeChat applet, in order to allow more users to use the applet conveniently, the implementation of multi-language switching function becomes very important. In this article, we will introduce how to implement multi-language switching function in WeChat applet and provide specific code examples.

1. Definition of language package

Before we start to implement the multi-language switching function, we need to define the language package first. A language pack is a file in JSON format, which contains various language texts used in mini programs, such as button copy, label text, prompts, etc. The following is a simple language pack example:

  "zh-cn": {
    "app_title": "微信小程序",
    "button_text": "点击我",
    "input_placeholder": "请输入内容",
    "toast_text": "操作成功"
  "en": {
    "app_title": "WeChat Mini Program",
    "button_text": "Click me",
    "input_placeholder": "Please enter content",
    "toast_text": "Operation succeeded"

In the above example, we have defined text in two languages, namely Simplified Chinese and English for Mainland China. The text for each language is placed under a key called the language identifier, such as zh-cn and en. In fact, every mini program must support at least one language. This language is the native language used by the mini program developer and is usually the language used by the target users.

2. Loading the language package

Next step, we need to load the defined language package in the mini program. Here we can use the wx.getSystemInfo API provided by WeChat to obtain the language and region information currently used by the user, and then dynamically load different language packages based on this information. The following is a sample code:

// 获取用户当前语言和地区
let language = wx.getStorageSync('language') || wx.getSystemInfoSync().language

// 加载语言包
let langData = require(`../../i18n/${language}.json`)

In the above code, we first obtain the user's current language and region information. If the user has made language settings before, the user's selected language can be retrieved from the cache. . Then, we use the require method to dynamically load the file corresponding to the language package. For example, if the language identifier above is en, the en.json file will be loaded.

3. Text replacement

When the user performs a language switch operation, we hope that various texts in the mini program can be changed accordingly. To do this, we need to define a setDataLang method in the mini program page. This method will traverse all text elements that need to be updated in the current page and replace their corresponding text with those in the language pack. Corresponding text. The following is the sample code:

setDataLang() {
  // 遍历所有需要被更新的文本元素
  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-lang]')).forEach(item => {
    // 获取语言包中对应的文本
    let key = item.getAttribute('data-lang')
    let value = langData[key]

    // 根据元素类型进行不同的文本替换操作
    switch (item.tagName) {
      case 'INPUT':
        // 如果是输入框,则替换 placeholder 属性的值
        item.setAttribute('placeholder', value)

      case 'TEXTAREA':
        // 如果是文本域,则替换 placeholder 属性的值
        item.setAttribute('placeholder', value)

      case 'BUTTON':
        // 如果是按钮,则替换 innerText 属性的值
        item.innerText = value
        // 默认情况下,替换元素的 innerHTML 属性值
        item.innerHTML = value

In the above code, we first obtain all elements with the data-lang attribute in the page through the document.querySelectorAll method. We then iterate through these elements and perform the required text replacement operations individually based on the element's type. For example, if it is an input box or text field element, you need to replace the value of its placeholder attribute; if it is a button element, you need to replace the value of its innerText attribute; if none of the above , the value of its innerHTML attribute will be replaced by default.

4. Processing of language switching events

Finally, we need to handle language switching events in the mini program. In this example, we will define a switchLanguage method in the app.js file of the mini program to handle the language switching operation. This method will be triggered after the user selects a new language. . The following is a sample code:

switchLanguage() {
  // 获取用户选择的新语言
  let newLanguage = this.globalData.language === 'zh-cn' ? 'en' : 'zh-cn'

  // 保存新语言到缓存中
  wx.setStorageSync('language', newLanguage)

  // 重新加载语言包
  langData = require(`./i18n/${newLanguage}.json`)

  // 遍历所有页面并进行文本替换
  let pages = getCurrentPages()
  pages.forEach(page => {

In the above code, we first get the user's newly selected language by determining whether the current language is Simplified Chinese, and then save it to the cache. Next, we reload the new language pack and traverse all pages for text replacement. Finally, we can trigger the switchLanguage method by binding the language switching event.

5. Summary

Through the above steps, we can implement the multi-language switching function in the WeChat applet. In the entire implementation process, the most critical step is to dynamically load the corresponding language package according to the language currently used by the user. After the language pack is loaded, we can perform text replacement operations by traversing the page elements and achieve the effect of multi-language switching. In actual development, we can follow the above steps to implement the corresponding multi-language switching function, and make corresponding optimizations and improvements as needed.

The above is the detailed content of Implement multi-language switching function in WeChat mini program. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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