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How to implement K-means clustering algorithm in C#

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How to implement K-means clustering algorithm in C#

How to implement the K-means clustering algorithm in C

Clustering is a common data analysis technology, used in machine learning and data mining fields are widely used. Among them, K-means clustering algorithm is a simple and commonly used clustering method. This article will introduce how to use the C# language to implement the K-means clustering algorithm and provide specific code examples.

1. Overview of K-means clustering algorithm
K-means clustering algorithm is an unsupervised learning method used to divide a set of data into a specified number of clusters (clustering). The basic idea is to divide data points into clusters with the closest distance by calculating the Euclidean distance between data points. The specific steps of the algorithm are as follows:

  1. Initialization: Randomly select K data points as the initial clustering center.
  2. Distance calculation: Calculate the Euclidean distance between each data point and the cluster center.
  3. Mark data points: Assign each data point to the nearest cluster center.
  4. Update cluster center: Calculate the new cluster center position based on the assigned data points.
  5. Iteration: Repeat steps 2-4 until the cluster center no longer changes or the preset number of iterations is reached.

2. Implementing K-means clustering algorithm in C
#The following is a sample code that uses C# language to implement K-means clustering algorithm. The MathNet.Numerics library is used in the code to perform vector calculations and matrix operations.

using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra;
using MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Double;

public class KMeans
    private readonly int k; // 聚类数
    private readonly int maxIterations; // 最大迭代次数
    private Matrix<double> data; // 数据
    private Matrix<double> centroids; // 聚类中心

    public KMeans(int k, int maxIterations)
        this.k = k;
        this.maxIterations = maxIterations;

    public void Fit(Matrix<double> data)
        this.data = data;
        Random random = new Random();

        // 随机选择K个数据点作为初始的聚类中心
        centroids = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(k, data.ColumnCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            int index = random.Next(data.RowCount);
            centroids.SetRow(i, data.Row(index));

        for (int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++)
            Matrix<double>[] clusters = new Matrix<double>[k];

            // 初始化聚类
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                clusters[i] = Matrix<double>.Build.Dense(0, data.ColumnCount);

            // 计算距离并分配数据点到最近的聚类中心
            for (int i = 0; i < data.RowCount; i++)
                Vector<double> point = data.Row(i);
                double minDistance = double.MaxValue;
                int closestCentroid = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                    double distance = Distance(point, centroids.Row(j));

                    if (distance < minDistance)
                        minDistance = distance;
                        closestCentroid = j;

                clusters[closestCentroid] = clusters[closestCentroid].Stack(point);

            // 更新聚类中心
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                if (clusters[i].RowCount > 0)
                    centroids.SetRow(i, clusters[i].RowSums().Divide(clusters[i].RowCount));

    private double Distance(Vector<double> a, Vector<double> b)
        return (a.Subtract(b)).Norm(2);

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Matrix<double> data = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(new double[,]
            {1, 2},
            {2, 1},
            {4, 5},
            {5, 4},
            {6, 5},
            {7, 6}

        int k = 2;
        int maxIterations = 100;
        KMeans kMeans = new KMeans(k, maxIterations);

        // 输出聚类结果

The above code demonstrates how to use the C# language to implement the K-means clustering algorithm. First, we defined the KMeans class to represent the K-means clustering algorithm, including parameters such as the number of clusters and the maximum number of iterations. Then, in the Fit method, we randomly select K data points as the initial cluster center, iteratively calculate the distance between each data point and the cluster center, and assign it to the nearest cluster center. Finally, the cluster center position is updated and the distance of the data points is recalculated until the stopping condition is met.

In the Main method, we use a simple two-dimensional data set for demonstration. By passing in the data and the number of clusters, we can see the final cluster centers. Under normal circumstances, the output cluster centers will vary depending on the input data and algorithm parameters.

This article introduces how to use the C# language to implement the K-means clustering algorithm and provides specific code examples. Using this code example, you can easily implement the K-means clustering algorithm in a C# environment and experiment and apply it on your own data sets. I hope this article will help you understand the principle and implementation of the K-means clustering algorithm.

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