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Vue3+TS+Vite development skills: how to optimize SEO

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Vue3+TS+Vite development skills: how to optimize SEO

Vue3 TS Vite development skills: How to perform SEO optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to optimizing the structure, content and keywords of the website so that It ranks higher in search engines, thereby increasing website traffic and exposure. In the development of modern front-end technologies such as Vue3 TS Vite, how to optimize SEO is a very important issue. This article will introduce some Vue3 TS Vite development techniques and methods to help developers better perform SEO optimization.

  1. Use pre-rendering or SSR (server-side rendering) technology

Traditional Vue development usually uses the client-side rendering (CSR) method, which is very important for SEO It is not very user-friendly because search engine crawlers cannot directly obtain the content of the CSR. To solve this problem, pre-rendering or SSR technology can be used.

Pre-rendering refers to generating static HTML files during build, then deploying these files to the server, and returning the corresponding HTML files directly when the user requests it. Vue3 implements pre-rendering through the plug-in vue-cli-plugin-prerender. For specific usage methods, please refer to the official documentation.

SSR renders on the server side and returns the rendered page content to the client. Vue3 implements SSR through the plug-ins vue-router and vue-server-renderer. For specific usage methods, you can also refer to the official documentation. Using pre-rendering or SSR technology allows search engine crawlers to directly obtain page content, thereby improving the SEO effect of the website.

  1. Add keywords and descriptions

In Vue3 TS Vite development, you can use the vue-meta-info plug-in to manage the keywords and descriptions of the page. In the components of each page, you can set the keywords and description of the page by configuring the vue-meta-info plug-in, so that search engines can obtain this information when crawling the web page, thus improving the keyword matching of the web page. .

  1. Use appropriate routing configuration

In Vue3 TS Vite development, use the vue-router plug-in to manage routing. In order to improve SEO effect, you can use appropriate routing configuration. For example, you can set up dynamic routing to include keyword information as part of the URL, thereby increasing the keyword density of the web page.

In addition, you can also set the keywords and description information of each page by adding the meta field in the routing configuration, so that each page can have unique keywords and descriptions, thereby improving the website SEO effect.

  1. Processing asynchronous data

In Vue3 TS Vite development, asynchronous loading of data is usually used, such as obtaining data through interface requests. In order to improve the SEO effect, the data can be pre-added to the web page when loading data asynchronously, so that search engine crawlers can obtain the data. You can use the vue-async-data-loader plug-in to implement this function. For specific usage methods, please refer to the official documentation.

  1. Add sitemap and robots.txt files

In order to help search engines better crawl and index web pages, you can add sitemap in the root directory of the Vue3 TS Vite project .xml and robots.txt files.

The sitemap.xml file is an XML format file used to list all URLs in the website to guide search engine crawlers to crawl the web page.

The robots.txt file is a text file used to specify search engine crawler access rules for the website, such as which pages are not crawled, which pages are ignored, etc.

In the Vue3 TS Vite project, you can use related plug-ins to automatically generate these two files, or manually write these two files and deploy them to the server.


In the development of Vue3 TS Vite, SEO optimization is very important. By using pre-rendering or SSR technology, adding keywords and descriptions, appropriate routing configuration, processing asynchronous data, and adding sitemap and robots.txt files, you can improve your website's ranking in search engines and increase your website's traffic and exposure. . I hope this article will be helpful to developers who use Vue3 TS Vite for SEO optimization.

The above is the detailed content of Vue3+TS+Vite development skills: how to optimize SEO. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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