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Add expiration date to WordPress posts

2023-09-10 12:25:061199browse

I run a few websites that include notifications and important information in a banner on their home page. I tend to use a custom post type for this, add banners and display them where needed in the theme. (If you want to do something similar, it's explained in this tutorial.)

But my banners always have an expiration date. For example, they may contain information about upcoming events or job vacancies. Once the event ends or the vacancy is filled, I have to go into the website and delete the post manually.

It would be much easier if when creating such posts I could give them an expiration date so they would no longer be visible on my site.

In this tutorial I will show you how to do this. There are three steps:

  1. Create a meta box for the expiration date in the post edit screen.
  2. Apply the jQuery UI date picker to the meta box field to enhance the interface.
  3. Finally, use the pre_get_posts hook to ensure that posts with an expired date are not displayed.

What do you need

To complete this tutorial you will need:

  • Development Installation of WordPress
  • Code Editor

You will create a plugin with all the code required for the expiration date and activate it on your website. So let’s get started!

Setting plugin

First you need to create the plugin. In the plugins folder of the wp-content directory, create an empty file named tutsplus-post-expiry-date-php.

Open the file in the code editor and add the following content to it:

Plugin Name: Add an Expiry Date to Posts
Plugin URI: https://.tutsplus.com/tutorials/add-an-expiry-date-to-wordpress-posts--cms-22665
Description: Adds an expiry date to posts, using a the jQuery UI datepicker
Author: Rachel McCollin
Version: 1.0

You will need to edit this file to use your own name and plugin URL, but that’s all you need to tell WordPress that this is a plugin and what it does.

Now go to the Plugins screen in WordPress admin and activate the plugin.

Create Meta Box

First we will create the meta box for the expiration date.

Use add_meta_box() to display the meta box

The first step is to create the function that adds the meta box to the post edit screen. Add this to your plugin file:

function tutsplus_add_expiry_date_metabox() {
        __( 'Expiry Date', 'tutsplus'), 
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'tutsplus_add_expiry_date_metabox' );

This uses the add_meta_box() function, which has six parameters:

  • 'tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox': The unique ID of this metabox
  • __( 'Expiry Date', 'tutsplus'): This is displayed as the title of the meta box

  • 'tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_callback': The callback function that will populate the metabox (we will create it next)

  • 'post': The post type

    for which this meta box will appear on the edit screen

  • 'side': Which part of the screen the meta box will appear on

  • 'high': Where the meta box will appear

Then attach the function to the add_meta_boxes hook so that it fires at the correct time.

Create callback function

If you save the plugin now and load the edit screen, you will see an error because the callback function has not been defined yet. So that's what we're going to do next.

Add this to your plugin file:

function tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_callback( $post ) { ?>
	<form action="" method="post">
		//retrieve metadata value if it exists
		$tutsplus_expiry_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'expires', true );
		<label for "tutsplus_expiry_date"><?php __('Expiry Date', 'tutsplus' ); ?></label>
		<input type="text" class="MyDate" name="tutsplus_expiry_date" value=<?php echo esc_attr( $tutsplus_expiry_date ); ?> / >			
<?php }

Let’s see what it does:

  • It defines the tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_callback() callback function, with $post as its object.
  • It opens a form element.
  • It will create a variable named $tutsplus_expiry_date with the value of the 'expires' meta key as its value.
  • It creates a label for the field in the meta box.
  • It creates an input element with the name tutsplus_expiry_date using the MyDate class required for the date picker to work, which we will use later when saving the field data, and the value$tutsplus_expiry_date.
  • It closes the form.

Now we have the form, but it won't actually do anything unless we create another function to hold the data the user adds to it.

Save data after saving

To save any data input to the form, we need to create a function and then attach it to the save_post hook.

In your plugin file, add the following:

function tutsplus_save_expiry_date_meta( $post_id ) {
	// Check if the current user has permission to edit the post. */
	if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ) )
	if ( isset( $_POST['tutsplus_expiry_date'] ) ) {		
		$new_expiry_date = ( $_POST['tutsplus_expiry_date'] );
		update_post_meta( $post_id, 'expires', $new_expiry_date );		
add_action( 'save_post', 'tutsplus_save_expiry_date_meta' );

This does the following:

  • 它检查当前用户是否具有当前帖子的 edit_post 能力。
  • 如果是,它会使用 isset 检查数据是否已添加到元框字段。
  • 如果是这种情况,它会创建一个名为 $new_expiry_date 的变量,并将其定义为输入的值。
  • 最后,它会使用该值更新帖子的元数据。





wp_nonce_field( 'tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_nonce', 'tutsplus_nonce' );

接下来,在用于保存数据的 tutsplus_save_expiry_date_meta() 函数中,在函数开头添加以下内容:

if( !isset( $_POST['tutsplus_nonce'] ) ||
    !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['tutsplus_nonce'],
	) ) 


Add expiration date to WordPress posts

这是一个好的开始,但问题是目前这是一个普通的文本字段,所以没有办法确保您的用户仅以正确的格式输入日期。我们将通过添加 jQuery UI 日期选择器来纠正这个问题。

添加 JQuery UI 日期选择器

好消息是 jQuery UI 日期选择器预装了 WordPress,因此您无需注册或安装它:只需将其放入函数中即可。


function tutsplus_load_jquery_datepicker() {    
	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' );
	wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-style', 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'tutsplus_load_jquery_datepicker' );

这会将脚本本身和存储在 Google API 上的脚本样式表排入队列。请注意,您必须将其挂钩到 admin_enqueue_scripts 操作挂钩,而不是像在前端使用脚本时那样挂钩到 wp_enqueue_scripts

接下来,您需要将脚本添加到输出表单的回调函数中。在 input 元素之后和结束 标记之前,添加以下内容:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
			dateFormat : 'dd-mm-yy'

这引用了您已添加到输入元素的 MyDate 类,并向其中添加了日期选择器脚本。


function tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_callback( $post ) { ?>
	<form action="" method="post">
		// add nonce for security
		wp_nonce_field( 'tutsplus_expiry_date_metabox_nonce', 'tutsplus_nonce' );
		//retrieve metadata value if it exists
		$tutsplus_expiry_date = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'expires', true );
		<label for "tutsplus_expiry_date"><?php __('Expiry Date', 'tutsplus' ); ?></label>
		<input type="text" class="MyDate" name="tutsplus_expiry_date" value=<?php echo esc_attr( $tutsplus_expiry_date ); ?> / >
		<script type="text/javascript">
			jQuery(document).ready(function() {
					dateFormat : 'dd-mm-yy'
<?php }


Add expiration date to WordPress posts



最后一步是使用 pre_get_posts 挂钩修改主查询。


function tutsplus_filter_expired_posts( $query ) {
    // doesn't affect admin screens
    if ( is_admin() )
    // check for main query	
	if ( $query->is_main_query() ) {

    	//filter out expired posts
        $today = date('d-m-Y');
        $metaquery = array(
                 'key' => 'expires',
                 'value' => $today,
                 'compare' => '<',
                 'type' => 'DATE',
        $query->set( 'meta_query', $metaquery );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'tutsplus_filter_expired_posts' );


  • 首先,它定义 tutsplus_filter_expired_posts() 函数,并以 $query 作为其对象。
  • 它会检查我们是否位于管理屏幕中,因为我们不想排除其中过期的帖子。
  • 接下来,它检查主查询是否正在运行。
  • 如果是这样,它将变量 $today 定义为今天的日期,并使用与日期选择器相同的日期格式。
  • 然后,它使用 compare 运算符定义 $metaquery 来排除过期日期早于今天的帖子。
  • 最后,它使用 $metaquery 变量重置查询。

该函数与 pre_get_posts 挂钩,这将使其在查询获取帖子时运行。




通过使用 jQuery 日期选择器,您创建了一个用户友好的元框,您可以使用它来节省时间并避免访问者的困惑。

The above is the detailed content of Add expiration date to WordPress posts. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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