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Create a widget to showcase your exciting updates

2023-09-01 08:53:051502browse

Create a widget to showcase your exciting updates

A few months ago, Google launched a new Twitter-like service called Buzz. We can use this service to display our latest updates on any website. So, in this tutorial, I'm going to guide you through the process of building your own Buzz widget.

step 1. Read Buzz’s public updates

Currently, there is no API for use with the Buzz service; Google expects to provide an update in the coming months, but currently public updates are available as Atom feeds.

First, we need to get data from the Buzz service. To do this, we will set up a PHP script to read data from the Buzz service. This script will be a proxy that we will use to retrieve data. By doing this, we can make an AJAX request and get an XML document containing the required updates.

Create a widget to showcase your exciting updates

This is the original PHP code:

header('Content-type: application/xml');	 //Setting up the response content type to XML
$handle = fopen($_GET['url'], "r");		//Open the given URL

if ($handle) {
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        $buffer = fgets($handle, 4096);		//reading the data
        echo $buffer;

Save this file as "readfeed.php" and remember this is just an example. In real world projects you should sanitize url parameters and make sure the user doesn't have important content open on the file system.

Step 2. Structure for creating JavaScript objects

Once we can read this data, we need to construct an object to hold the JavaScript code. Create a new file and name it "buzz-widget.js". To extend an object we need to use the "prototype" property; if you have questions about this you should watch the tutorial where Jeffrey shows us how it works with native objects.

The structure of our object will be like this:

var BuzzReader = function(options){	//Step 1
	//code for the constructor

BuzzReader.prototype = {			//Step 2
	renderTo: "",			
	proxy	: "readfeed.php",
	user	: "",
	url		: "",
	items	: 10,
	onLoad	: function(){},		
	onRender: function(){},
	render	: function(element){
	read	: function(){
	parse	: function(xml,success,response){


	format		: function(date){

	createDate	: function(str){

In the first step, we created the constructor for the object. Now we will check the required configuration and read updates from our agent.

  • renderTo : The element that the widget will be rendered on; this property can also be a jQuery selector.
  • Proxy: The URL where we will make the AJAX request call to retrieve the data. We have created the PHP file that reads information from the Buzz service; by default it is "readfeed.php".
  • User: The Buzz user we want to get updates from.
  • items: The number of updates we want to display in the widget.
  • onLoad : The event we will fire when data is loaded into the widget; by default, this is an empty function.
  • onRender: This event is triggered when the widget is about to be rendered on the page; the default is an empty function.

Step 3. Constructor

Let’s study the widget’s constructor.

var BuzzReader = function(options){
	var url = "http://buzz.googleapis.com/feeds/{user}/public/posted";	//Step 1
	jQuery.extend(this,options || {});			//Step 2
	if(this.user === "") throw "The 'user' property is required";	//Step 3
	if(this.renderTo === "") throw "The 'renderTo' property is required";

	if(this.url === "")this.url = url.replace(/{user}/g,this.user);	//Step 4
	this.read();		//Step 5

In the first step, we defined the URL of the Buzz service from which we want to retrieve data. We will replace the "{user}" string with the user configuration (see step 4).

In the second step, we override the default properties with the given options; we use jQuery.extend to do this.

In the third step, we checked the required configurations, one of which was "user" and "renderTo". If one of them is missing, we will throw an exception. This is very useful for developers using our plugin.

In the fourth step, we search for the "{user}" string in the variable "url" and replace it with the user whose dynamic updates we want to display in the widget.

The last step is very important. Here we begin the process of reading and displaying information.

Step 4. Read information

We have set up a PHP script to pull the data to our server. Now we just need to make an Ajax request to retrieve the data using jQuery; let's take a look at the following code:

read	: function(){
	this.el = jQuery(this.renderTo);		//Step 1
	this.loader = this.el.append("<div class=\"buzz-loading\"></div>");
	jQuery.ajax({				//Step 2
		url		: this.proxy,
		data	: "url="+this.url,
		context	: this,
		success	: this.parse

In the first step, we append a new element to the container, informing the viewer that we are currently processing information.

In the second step, we make an Ajax request. The most important is the "Context" property; this configuration will allow you to change the context of the function that is called when the server responds. Finally, we set the context to "this", which is the BuzzReader object.

Remember that PHP scripts require the "url" parameter. So don't forget to send; when the server responds, execute the "parse" method.

Step 5.Parse XML document

The Buzz service provides data in an Atom feed format, so we need to parse it and extract the information we need.

This is an example of an XML document returned from the Buzz service:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
    <link rel="self"
    <link rel="hub" href="http://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/"/>
    <title type="text">Google Buzz</title>
    <generator>Google - Google Buzz</generator>
      <title type="html">Buzz by A. Googler from Mobile</title>
      <link rel="alternate"
        <name>A. Googler</name>
      <content type="html">Bzz! Bzz!</content>
        <title>Buzz by A. Googler from Mobile</title>
        <content type="html">Bzz!  Bzz!</content>
      <link rel="replies"

Once we know the response, we can easily parse the document using jQuery.

parse	: function(xml,status){
	var that = this;
	var nodes = jQuery("entry",xml);	//Step 1
	var info = [];
	nodes.each(function(){			//Step 2
		var date = that.createDate(jQuery("published",this).text());
			title		: jQuery("title",this).text(),
			author		: jQuery("author > name",this).text(),
			uri			: jQuery("author > uri",this).text(),
			summary 	: jQuery("summary ").text(),
			content		: jQuery("content:first",this).text(),
			published	: that.format(date),
			updated		: jQuery("updated",this).text(),
			date		: date,
			reply		: jQuery("link[rel=replies]",this).attr("href")
	this.data = info;				//Step 3
	this.render(this.renderTo);		//Step 4

We receive two parameters: the first is the data, in this case an XML document; the second parameter is the text status of the request.

在第一步中,我们获得了所有“入口”节点;这是我们的 Buzz 更新和我们需要的所有信息所在的地方。接下来,我们清空小部件的容器,并创建一个空数组来将数据存储为每个节点的 JavaScript 对象。


我想指出我们提取“reply”属性的行 - 选择器看起来像这样:




在第四步中,我们执行了 render 方法。


在“createDate”方法中,我们只会使用给定的字符串创建一个新的 Date 对象。该字符串的格式为“2009-12-14T20:04:39.977Z”,因此我们可以按如下方式创建 Date 对象:

createDate	: function(str){
	var date = new Date();
	date.setMonth(str.substring(5,7) - 1);
	return date;

或者我们可以使用一个简单的正则表达式来格式化字符串并将其提供给 Date 构造函数:

createDate	: function(str){
	//str = '2009-12-14T20:04:39.977Z'
	str = str.substring(0,19).replace(/[ZT]/," ").replace(/\-/g,"/");
	//str = '2009/12/14 20:04:39'
	return new Date(str);

在 format 方法中,我们将使用刚刚创建的日期对象,并返回发布日期和系统本地时间之间的时间 - 例如“11 分钟前”或“3 小时前”。

format		: function(date){
	var diff   = (((new Date()).getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000),
		days   = Math.floor(diff / 86400),
		months = Math.floor(days / 31);

	if (isNaN(days) || days < 0)return date.toString();
	if(days == 0){ 
		if(diff < 60)return "Just now";
		if(diff < 120)return "1 minute ago";
		if(diff < 3600)return Math.floor( diff / 60 ) + " minutes ago";
		if(diff < 7200)return "1 hour ago";
		if(diff < 86400)return  Math.floor( diff / 3600 ) + " hours ago";
	}else if(days < 31){
		if(days == 1)return "Yesterday";
		if(days < 7)return days + " days ago";
		if(days < 31)return Math.ceil( days / 7 ) + " weeks ago";
		if(months == 1)return "A month ago";
		if(months < 12)return Math.ceil( days / 31 ) + " months ago";
		if(months >=12)return Math.floor( days / 365 ) + " years ago";



第 6 步。创建 GUI

到目前为止,我们仅从 Buzz 服务器中提取了数据,并解析了 XML 文档。这意味着我们已准备好在屏幕上显示信息。

render	: function(element){
	this.onRender.call(this,this);		//Step 1
	var html = [];				//Step 2
	for(var i = 0; i < this.items || i < this.data.lenght;i++){
		html.push("<li><strong><a href=\""+this.data[i].uri+"\">"+this.data[i].author+"</a></strong><span>"+this.data[i].published+"</span>"+this.data[i].content+"</li>");
	this.el.append(html.join(""));	//Step 3


在第二步中,我们创建了一个数组来存储动态 HTML。之后,我们创建了一个列表“ul”,然后迭代数据,为每个项目创建“li”节点;您可能注意到“for”条件有一个“or”运算符;这允许我们在数据数组结束时或当索引“i”达到将要使用该插件的开发人员定义的“items”属性时停止迭代。

在最后一步中,我们使用“append”方法将 HTML 插入到容器中。

第 7 步。使用小部件

为了使用我们的小部件,我们需要创建“BuzzReader”类的一个实例,但是,在此之前,让我们定义要渲染它的位置。创建一个 HTML 文件,并在 body 元素中添加以下内容:

<div id="buzz">
	<div class="reader"></div>

我们将使用类“reader”在 div 内渲染我们的小部件,让我们按如下方式创建小部件的实例:


	new BuzzReader({
		renderTo	: "#buzz .reader",
		user	: "nettutsblog",
		items	: 3

不要忘记将 jQuery 库和“buzz-widget.js”导入到您的 HTML 文件中。如果所有内容均已正确配置和编码,您应该会看到类似于下图的内容:

Create a widget to showcase your exciting updates

第 8 步。设置小部件的样式


/* step 1 */
body{font-family:"Trebuchet MS",Arial,sans-serif;line-height:24px;font-size:14px;}

/*Step 2*/
#buzz{width:300px;margin:100px auto;border:1px solid #AFAFAF;}
#buzz > div{background-color:#E4E4E4;border:1px solid #F6F6F6;padding:10px;}
#buzz .reader{height:350px;overflow:auto;border:1px solid #F6F6F6;padding:80px 10px 10px 10px;background:#fff url(title.jpg) center 0 no-repeat;}
/* Step 3 */
#buzz ul{margin:0;padding:0;}
#buzz ul li{list-style-type:none;color:#A3A3A3;border-bottom:1px solid #E4E4E4;margin-bottom:5px;padding-bottom:5px;}
#buzz ul li div{color:#777;}
#buzz ul li a{color:#444;text-decoration:none;font-weight:normal;}
#buzz ul li a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}
#buzz ul li span{float:right;}

/* Step 4*/
#buzz .buzz-loading{position:absolute;margin-left:240px;width:16px;height:16px;background:transparent url(ajax-loader.gif) center center no-repeat;}




Google buzz widget

步骤 9.创建插件

本教程的最后一步是创建 jQuery 插件。让我们修改“buzz-widget.js”文件,将以下代码添加到文件末尾。

jQuery.fn.buzzReader = function(options){  	//Step 1
	return this.each(function(){
		var opts = options || {};		//Step 2
		opts.renderTo = this;
		new BuzzReader(opts);		//Step 3




现在,我们可以在 HTML 中使用我们的插件,如下所示:

	$("#buzz .reader").buzzReader({
		user	: "nettutsblog",
		items	: 3
Google buzz widget


我希望您已经了解了如何从 XML 文档中提取数据以及如何在任何网站上显示最新动态。任何问题?感谢您的阅读!

The above is the detailed content of Create a widget to showcase your exciting updates. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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