Home > Article > Web Front-end > Create collaboration-boosting web applications using PubNub, React.js, and ES6
In previous tutorials, I demonstrated how to prototype an IoT device and create data visualizations from hardware sensors using PubNub's dataflow network. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to build a real-time collaborative web application using PubNub with React.js, which lets you manipulate the DOM very efficiently, and the next generation of JavaScript, ES6.
Live Demonstration: Collaboration Sticky Notes
I created two versions of the same Stickie Note app: the version I hosted on CodePen using a CDN-hosted React version, and the other version hosted on GitHub using a package manager. In this tutorial, I'm using the "lite" version of the latter. I'll walk you through how to build your app using all the goodies: npm, webpack, Babel for JSX, and ES6!
To continue, you need:
<li>Get a working knowledge of the webpack module builder, which bundles JavaScript and other resources for the browser (it works similar to grunt or gulp)
<li> Node.js and npm installed on your computer
This tutorial does not cover how to start using React. However, you can learn more from many other excellent Envato Tuts tutorials.
You will now build a simple web application using PubNub. PubNub is a Data Streaming Network (DSN) that provides a global infrastructure that allows you to easily build and scale real-time applications and IoT devices. Here you'll create a shareable "sticky note." Here is the user flow of the application:
<p></p><li>The user enters content on the note board and then presses the Enter key to submit.
<li>The new sticky note will appear with other sticky notes on your browser and all other browsers currently online.
Now, let’s get started!
In your app's directory, run npm init
to set up your package.json file and then install the modules.
Install the webpack module builder, which compiles, concatenates, minifies and compresses static resources for the front end:
$ npm install webpack --save-dev
Install webpack web server to run a local server:
$ npm install webpack-dev-server --save-dev
Install React, React DOM and CSS animation add-ons:
$ npm install React React-dom React-addons-css-transition-group --save
Install Babel to use JSX and ES6. We will be writing in ES6 (ES 2015) with the help of the compiler Babel, which is the next generation of JavaScript:
$ sudo npm install babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel- preset-react --save
Install PubNub for real-time communication:
$ npm install pubnub --save
Create an application structure similar to this:
├── /app │ ├── app.jsx │ ├── stickie.jsx │ ├── stickieList.jsx ├── /dist ├── /css ├── /images ├── /node_modules ├── index.html ├── package.json └── webpack.config.js
And configure webpack.config.js:
var webpack = require('webpack'); module.exports = { entry: './app/app.jsx', output: {path: './dist', filename: 'bundle.js'}, watch: true, module: {...} }
View the entire configuration file on this GitHub repository.
Basically, you are setting up an entry point file (top-level file) and output destination, and after running the webpack command, all js (and .jsx) files will be built into a single file. Additionally, by setting watch: true
, you can ensure that webpack will watch your file changes and automatically rebuild your output files.
Include the script bundle.js in your index.html file:
<p></p><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Collaborative Stickies</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> </head> <body> <section id="container"></section> <script src="dist/bundle.js"></script> </body> </html>
Also, please note the elements with id="container"
in the body. This is where your React application will be inserted.
You can run the development server using the following command:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server
Or you can set it in package.json by adding the following line:
<p></p>"scripts": { "start": "webpack-dev-server" },
So you can use the npm start
command to run the server.
In your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ and you should see your application (so far a blank HTML page) running.
Open a new app.jsx file in the application directory based on the entry point you configured in webpack.config.js. As you can tell from the file extension, we will be using the JSX JavaScript syntax extension.
首先,导入 app.jsx 所需的模块和文件:
<p></p>import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import StickieList from './stickieList'; import 'pubnub';
ES6 中新引入的 import 语句用于导入从外部模块或脚本导出的函数、对象或基元。
然后使用此 ES6 类声明定义一个类 CollabStickies
,它扩展了 React.Component
类。这相当于 ES5 中的 React.createClass
class CollabStickies extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { stickieList: [] } } componentWillMount() { … // will explain later } ... render() { return ( <div> <StickieWritable username={this.props.username} color={this.props.color} /> <StickieList stickieList={this.state.stickieList} /> </div> ); } }
数组)的初始状态。每次收到新的便笺时,我们都会使用 this.setState()
在渲染函数中,使用 JSX 定义类似 HTML 模板的虚拟 DOM 元素。在本例中,包含自定义组件 StickieWritable
和 StickieList
。您可以将可变的 props 和 states 传递给要使用的组件。我们稍后将定义它们。
当你构建应用程序时,Babel 会将所有这些 ES6 和 JSX 语法转换为浏览器可以正常渲染的 ES5。
使用 ReactDOM.render()
包自带的),在 DOM 节点上渲染 CollabStickies
组件您的 HTML。
ReactDOM.render( <CollabStickies username={username} color={color} />, document.getElementById('container') );
在这里,您会注意到用户名和颜色 props
。此数据用于 CollabStickies
这些值应该从用户登录中获取;但是,为了简化本练习的应用程序,我们只需使用一个简单的 window.prompt()
var username = window.prompt('Your name'); const colors = ['yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']; var color = colors[~~(Math.random() * colors.length)];
虽然我在这里使用的是浏览器原生的提示对话框,但实际上,我建议您创建另一个具有登录功能的 UI 组件,或者使用第三方对话框组件。您可以找到许多可重用的组件,例如 Elemental UI 的 Modal 和 Material UI 的 Dialog。
现在,您将使用 PubNub 使应用程序具有协作性。
PubNub 是一个全球分布式数据流网络,可让您轻松构建实时应用程序。其核心功能是发布/订阅,可同时在多个用户之间发送和接收数据。
要在您的应用中使用 PubNub,请确保 pubnub 模块已安装并导入到您的文件顶部。
首先,您需要对其进行初始化以创建 Pubnub 对象的实例。您在实例化过程中需要 API 密钥,因此请注册 PubNub 以获取您自己的密钥。
const publish_key = 'pub-c-1d17120...'; // your pub key const subscribe_key = 'sub-c-85bdc...'; // your sub key const pubnub = require('pubnub').init({ publish_key : publish_key, subscribe_key : subscribe_key, ssl: true, uuid: username }); const channel = 'stickie-notes';
在这里,您将从“登录”过程中获得的用户名分配为 uuid
,唯一标识符。 (在本练习中,我们将用户输入的任何字符串作为 uuid,但实际上,您需要一个真正的登录系统,以便每个 uuid 实际上是唯一的,没有重复!)
另外,请注意,对于这些全局常量值,我使用 ES6 const
声明,而不是 var
。在 ES6 中, const
充当只读变量,表示对值的常量引用。在后面的示例中,您还将看到新引入的 let
要创建可共享笔记应用程序,您将使用 PubNub 的 publish()
方法将您的笔记发送给每个人,而 subscribe()
让其他用户接收所有笔记。每次有人发布新笔记时,都会自动调用 subscribe()
在您的 React 应用程序中,让我们在 componentWillMount()
中调用 subscribe()
componentWillMount() { pubnub.subscribe({ channel: channel, restore: true, connect: () => this.connect(), message: (m) => this.success(m) }); }
订阅方法是异步的,当每个操作成功完成时,会调用 message
回调。在回调中,我们通过设置 stickieList
在 React 中,使用 setState
success(m) { let newList = [m].concat(this.state.stickieList); this.setState({stickieList: newList}); }
我们稍后将创建视图(UI 组件)。
。这称为箭头函数,其语法比 ES5 函数表达式更短。此外,此表达式按词法绑定 this
值。再次强调,通过 Babel,我们可以利用所有 ES6 的强大功能!
此外,我们还使用可选的 connect
回调到订阅方法来检索“历史记录”。当第一次建立与 PubNub 的连接时,这将获取过去的数据。
connect() { pubnub.history({ channel: channel, count: 50, callback: (m) => { m[0].reverse(); for (var v of m[0]) { let newList = this.state.stickieList.concat(v); this.setState({stickieList: newList}); } } }); }
是 PubNub 存储和回放功能的一部分,在本例中,它从 PubNub 获取最后 50 条消息。在 success
回调中,也通过在此处设置 stickieList
render() { return ( <div className={'stickie-note writable ' + this.props.color}> <textarea type='text' placeholder='Your new note...' onKeyUp={this.handleTextChange.bind(this)} /> </div> ); }
函数检查是否键是返回/输入键。请注意,我在调用函数时绑定了 this 。与 React.createClass()
(React 的 ES5 方法创建类)不同,ES6 类不会自动将方法绑定到对象的实例,因此您需要自己绑定它。 (有几种不同的方法可以实现同一目标。)
var data = { username: this.props.username, color: this.props.color, text: e.target.value, timestamp: Date.now() }; pubnub.publish({ channel: channel, message: data, callback: e.target.value = '' // resetting the text field });
现在,当用户在记事本中键入一些文本并按回车键时,该消息将发送到 PubNub,并且所有其他用户同时接收该消息(在 1/4 秒内!)。
应用程序 UI 由一些 UI 组件组成,如下所示:
1. CollabStickies
2. StickieWritable
组件 1 和 2 已经处理完毕,所以让我们创建组件 3,一个单独的便签组件。
<p></p>创建一个新文件stickie.jsx以使用 JSX 呈现 UI。与 StickieWritable
组件不同,这是一个只读 UI 组件,没有 UX 功能。它只有一个 render()
函数,可以使用 prop 数据绘制带有文本的便签。
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; export default class Stickie extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div className={'stickie-note ' + this.props.color} > <p className='note'>{this.props.text}</p> <p className='username'>{this.props.username}</p> </div> ); } }
接下来,我们将创建另一个 UI 组件 stickieList.jsx,它是该组件的容器,并包含一堆便签纸。
将 Stickie.jsx 和所有其他依赖项导入到 StickieList.jsx 中。在这里,我使用 ReactCSSTransitionGroup
插件和自定义 Web 字体。
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ReactCSSTransitionGroup from 'react/lib/ReactCSSTransitionGroup'; import Stickie from './stickie'; import webfontloader from 'webfontloader'
您可以使用 npm 安装 Web 字体加载器:
$ npm install webfontloader
然后您可以加载您选择的任何自定义字体。您可以查看源代码,了解如何导入自定义 Google 字体。
在 render()
中,使用 ES6 箭头函数和 map()
迭代数组,并使用 stickieList
进行渲染您刚刚创建的每个 Stickie 组件:
export default class StickieList extends React.Component { render() { let items = (this.props.stickieList || []).map((item) => <li key={item.username + '-' + item.timestamp} > <div className="stickieWrapper"> <Stickie text={item.text} color={item.color} username={item.username}/> </div> </li>); return ( <ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName='animation' transitionEnterTimeout={500} transitionLeaveTimeout={500} component='ul' id="stickiesList"> {items} </ReactCSSTransitionGroup> ) } }
定义的组件可以使用 <reactcsstransitiongroup></reactcsstransitiongroup>
进行动画处理。设置 transitionName
,您需要在 CSS 中使用它来定义动画样式。另外,请注意 <li>
中的关键属性。当您使用 <reactcsstransitiongroup></reactcsstransitiongroup>
React 添加了额外的类名。例如,当你的 transitionName
是 'animation
' 时,你还会有 'animation-enter
', ' Animation-enter-active
' 和 'animation-leave-active
以下是 /css/style.css 中的代码:
<p></p>.animation-enter { opacity: 0.1; transform: scale(1.3); transition: all 1s ease-out; } .animation-enter.animation-enter-active { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } ...
现在,您刚刚使用 React 和 PubNub 构建了一个实时协作应用程序!我希望您喜欢本教程!
You can view the full code, including CSS, in this GitHub repository. Although in this tutorial I'm using the "lite" version app-lite.jsx, you can check out app.jsx for more features. p>
If you are interested in building more real-time applications, such as chat applications, multiplayer games, trading applications, and more, head over to PubNub and find more resources!
We have a course specifically aimed at maximizing your React skills. In this course, you'll start building modern web applications using React and Redux. Starting from scratch, you'll use these two libraries to build a complete web application.
You will start with the simplest architecture and slowly build the application feature by feature. You'll learn about basic concepts like tools, reducers, and routing. You'll also learn about some more advanced techniques, such as smart and dumb components, pure components, and asynchronous operations. Finally, you'll create a complete flashcards app for learning with spaced repetition.
<p></p>Are you interested? Let's see!
<li> React: JavaScript library for creating user interfaces
<li> ES6: ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification
<li> webpack: module generator
The above is the detailed content of Create collaboration-boosting web applications using PubNub, React.js, and ES6. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!