Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JS drag and drop plug-in implementation steps_javascript skills
This article introduces the implementation steps of JS drag and drop plug-in in detail. It mainly analyzes the following six steps in detail. The specific content is as follows:
1. The principle of js drag and drop plug-in
2. The most basic effect achieved based on the principle
3. Code abstraction and optimization
4. Extension: Effective drag and drop elements
5. Performance optimization and summary
6. jquery plug-in
JS drag and drop is a common web page effect. This article will implement a simple JS plug-in from scratch.
1. The principle of js drag and drop plug-in
What are common drag and drop operations? The whole process probably has the following steps:
1. Click the dragged element with the mouse
2. Press and hold the mouse and move the mouse
3. Drag the element to a certain position and release the mouse
The process here involves three DOM events: onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseup. So the basic idea of dragging is:
1. Click the dragged element with the mouse to trigger onmousedown
(1) Set the draggability of the current element to true, indicating that it can be dragged
(2) Record the current mouse coordinates x, y
(3) Record the coordinates x,y of the current element
2. Move the mouse to trigger onmousemove
(1) Determine whether the element can be dragged and dropped, if so, go to step 2, otherwise return directly to
(2) If the element can be dragged, set the coordinates of the element
The x-coordinate of the element = the horizontal distance moved by the mouse. The original x-coordinate of the element = the current x-coordinate of the mouse - the x-coordinate before the mouse. The original x-coordinate of the element
The y coordinate of the element = the horizontal distance moved by the mouse. The original y coordinate of the element = the current y coordinate of the mouse - the y coordinate before the mouse. The original y coordinate of the element
3. Release the mouse to trigger onmouseup
(1) Set the draggable state of the mouse to false
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2. The most basic effect achieved based on the principle
Before realizing the basic effect, there are a few points that need to be explained:
1. If an element wants to be dragged, its postion attribute must be relative or absolute
2. Get the coordinates of the mouse through event.clientX and event.clientY
3. onmousemove is bound to the document element rather than the drag element itself, which can solve the problem of delay or stop movement caused by fast dragging
The code is as follows:
var dragObj = document.getElementById("test"); dragObj.style.left = "px"; dragObj.style.top = "px"; var mouseX, mouseY, objX, objY; var dragging = false; dragObj.onmousedown = function (event) { event = event || window.event; dragging = true; dragObj.style.position = "relative"; mouseX = event.clientX; mouseY = event.clientY; objX = parseInt(dragObj.style.left); objY = parseInt(dragObj.style.top); } document.onmousemove = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (dragging) { dragObj.style.left = parseInt(event.clientX - mouseX + objX) + "px"; dragObj.style.top = parseInt(event.clientY - mouseY + objY) + "px"; } } document.onmouseup = function () { dragging = false; }
First, simply encapsulate some commonly used methods:
; (function (window, undefined) { var dom = { //绑定事件 on: function (node, eventName, handler) { if (node.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener(eventName, handler); } else { node.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handler); } }, //获取元素的样式 getStyle: function (node, styleName) { var realStyle = null; if (window.getComputedStyle) { realStyle = window.getComputedStyle(node, null)[styleName]; } else if (node.currentStyle) { realStyle = node.currentStyle[styleName]; } return realStyle; }, //获取设置元素的样式 setCss: function (node, css) { for (var key in css) { node.style[key] = css[key]; } } }; window.Drag = Drag; })(window, undefined);
The first drag object, which contains an element node and the coordinates x and y before dragging:
function DragElement(node) { this.node = node;//被拖拽的元素节点 this.x = ;//拖拽之前的x坐标 this.y = ;//拖拽之前的y坐标 } DragElement.prototype = { constructor: DragElement, init: function () { this.setEleCss({ "left": dom.getStyle(node, "left"), "top": dom.getStyle(node, "top") }) .setXY(node.style.left, node.style.top); }, //设置当前的坐标 setXY: function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x) || ; this.y = parseInt(y) || ; return this; }, //设置元素节点的样式 setEleCss: function (css) { dom.setCss(this.node, css); return this; } }
Another object is the mouse, which mainly contains x coordinates and y coordinates:
function Mouse() { this.x = ; this.y = ; } Mouse.prototype.setXY = function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x); this.y = parseInt(y); }
If a page can have multiple drag-and-drop elements, what should you pay attention to:
1. Each element corresponds to a drag object instance
2. Each page can only have one element being dragged
For this purpose, we define a unique object to save the relevant configuration:
; (function (window, undefined) { var dom = { //绑定事件 on: function (node, eventName, handler) { if (node.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener(eventName, handler); } else { node.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handler); } }, //获取元素的样式 getStyle: function (node, styleName) { var realStyle = null; if (window.getComputedStyle) { realStyle = window.getComputedStyle(node, null)[styleName]; } else if (node.currentStyle) { realStyle = node.currentStyle[styleName]; } return realStyle; }, //获取设置元素的样式 setCss: function (node, css) { for (var key in css) { node.style[key] = css[key]; } } }; //#region 拖拽元素类 function DragElement(node) { this.node = node; this.x = ; this.y = ; } DragElement.prototype = { constructor: DragElement, init: function () { this.setEleCss({ "left": dom.getStyle(node, "left"), "top": dom.getStyle(node, "top") }) .setXY(node.style.left, node.style.top); }, setXY: function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x) || ; this.y = parseInt(y) || ; return this; }, setEleCss: function (css) { dom.setCss(this.node, css); return this; } } //#endregion //#region 鼠标元素 function Mouse() { this.x = ; this.y = ; } Mouse.prototype.setXY = function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x); this.y = parseInt(y); } //#endregion //拖拽配置 var draggableConfig = { zIndex: , draggingObj: null, mouse: new Mouse() }; function Drag(ele) { this.ele = ele; function mouseDown(event) { var ele = event.target || event.srcElement; draggableConfig.mouse.setXY(event.clientX, event.clientY); draggableConfig.draggingObj = new DragElement(ele); draggableConfig.draggingObj .setXY(ele.style.left, ele.style.top) .setEleCss({ "zIndex": draggableConfig.zIndex++, "position": "relative" }); } ele.onselectstart = function () { //防止拖拽对象内的文字被选中 return false; } dom.on(ele, "mousedown", mouseDown); } dom.on(document, "mousemove", function (event) { if (draggableConfig.draggingObj) { var mouse = draggableConfig.mouse, draggingObj = draggableConfig.draggingObj; draggingObj.setEleCss({ "left": parseInt(event.clientX - mouse.x + draggingObj.x) + "px", "top": parseInt(event.clientY - mouse.y + draggingObj.y) + "px" }); } }) dom.on(document, "mouseup", function (event) { draggableConfig.draggingObj = null; }) window.Drag = Drag; })(window, undefined);
注意的一点,为了防止选中拖拽元素中的文字,通过onselectstart事件处理程序return false来处理这个问题。
function drag(ele) { var dragNode = (ele.querySelector(".draggable") || ele); dom.on(dragNode, "mousedown", function (event) { var dragElement = draggableConfig.dragElement = new DragElement(ele); draggableConfig.mouse.setXY(event.clientX, event.clientY); draggableConfig.dragElement .setXY(dragElement.target.style.left, dragElement.target.style.top) .setTargetCss({ "zIndex": draggableConfig.zIndex++, "position": "relative" }); }).on(dragNode, "mouseover", function () { dom.setCss(this, draggableStyle.dragging); }).on(dragNode, "mouseout", function () { dom.setCss(this, draggableStyle.defaults); }); }
function move(event) { if (draggableConfig.dragElement) { var mouse = draggableConfig.mouse, dragElement = draggableConfig.dragElement; dragElement.setTargetCss({ "left": parseInt(event.clientX - mouse.x + dragElement.x) + "px", "top": parseInt(event.clientY - mouse.y + dragElement.y) + "px" }); dom.off(document, "mousemove", move); setTimeout(function () { dom.on(document, "mousemove", move); }, ); } }
; (function ($, window, undefined) { //#region 拖拽元素类 function DragElement(node) { this.target = node; node.onselectstart = function () { //防止拖拽对象内的文字被选中 return false; } } DragElement.prototype = { constructor: DragElement, setXY: function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x) || ; this.y = parseInt(y) || ; return this; }, setTargetCss: function (css) { $(this.target).css(css); return this; } } //#endregion //#region 鼠标元素 function Mouse() { this.x = ; this.y = ; } Mouse.prototype.setXY = function (x, y) { this.x = parseInt(x); this.y = parseInt(y); } //#endregion //拖拽配置 var draggableConfig = { zIndex: , dragElement: null, mouse: new Mouse() }; var draggableStyle = { dragging: { cursor: "move" }, defaults: { cursor: "default" } } var $document = $(document); function drag($ele) { var $dragNode = $ele.find(".draggable"); $dragNode = $dragNode.length > ? $dragNode : $ele; $dragNode.on({ "mousedown": function (event) { var dragElement = draggableConfig.dragElement = new DragElement($ele.get()); draggableConfig.mouse.setXY(event.clientX, event.clientY); draggableConfig.dragElement .setXY(dragElement.target.style.left, dragElement.target.style.top) .setTargetCss({ "zIndex": draggableConfig.zIndex++, "position": "relative" }); }, "mouseover": function () { $(this).css(draggableStyle.dragging); }, "mouseout": function () { $(this).css(draggableStyle.defaults); } }) } function move(event) { if (draggableConfig.dragElement) { var mouse = draggableConfig.mouse, dragElement = draggableConfig.dragElement; dragElement.setTargetCss({ "left": parseInt(event.clientX - mouse.x + dragElement.x) + "px", "top": parseInt(event.clientY - mouse.y + dragElement.y) + "px" }); $document.off("mousemove", move); setTimeout(function () { $document.on("mousemove", move); }, ); } } $document.on({ "mousemove": move, "mouseup": function () { draggableConfig.dragElement = null; } }); $.fn.drag = function (options) { drag(this); } })(jQuery, window, undefined)