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fopen() function in PHP

2023-08-27 21:41:061854browse

fopen() function in PHP

Use the fopen() function to open a file or URL. If the function fails, it returns FALSE and an error message. Add '@' in front of the function name to hide error output.


fopen(file_path, mode, include_path, context)


  • file_path − The path to the file.

  • mode − The type of access you require to the file

    • "r" - read-only
    • " r " - read/write
    • "w" - write only
    • "w " - read/write
    • "a" - write only. Open and write to the end of the file, or create a new file if it does not exist)
    • "a " - read/write. Preserve file contents by writing to end of file)
    • "x" - write only. Create new file. Returns FALSE and an error if the file already exists)
    • "x " - read/write. Create new file. Returns FALSE and error if the file already exists)
  • incude_path − If you want to search for a file in include_path (in php.ini), Please set it to '1'.

  • context − The context of the file pointer.

Return value

The fopen() function returns FALSE and an error on failure. Add '@' in front of the function name to hide error output.

Suppose we have a file named "new.txt" with the following content.

The content of the file!

Now, let’s see an example -



The content of the file!

Let’s see an example of a “one.txt” file.



demo content

The above is the detailed content of fopen() function in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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