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Solve golang error: undefined struct field 'x' in composite literal, solution

2023-08-27 13:51:191204browse

解决golang报错:undefined struct field \'x\' in composite literal,解决方法

Solution to golang error: undefined struct field 'x' in composite literal, solution

When using Golang for programming development, sometimes you will encounter some errors and exceptions . One of the common errors is the error "undefined struct field 'x' in composite literal". This error is usually caused by giving a non-existent field name when using a structure literal. This article will detail the cause of this error and how to solve it, and provide some code examples to help readers better understand.

Cause of error
When we use structure literals to create a structure object, we need to give the values ​​of the fields of the structure. If we specify a field name that does not exist when giving a field value, it will cause the compiler to report an error "undefined struct field 'x' in composite literal".

To resolve this error, we need to double-check that the given field names are correct and ensure that we include all necessary fields in the literal. Here are some ways to solve this error:

  1. Check the structure definition
    First, we need to check the structure definition to confirm whether the required fields are declared correctly. For example, suppose we have the following structure definition:
type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age int

When using structure literals to create objects, we need to give the values ​​of the fields of the structure within curly braces, for example:

p := Person{
    Name: "John",
    Age: 30,

If we give a field name that is not defined in the structure field, the compiler will report an error "undefined struct field".

  1. Check the spelling of the field name
    In addition, we also need to check whether the spelling of the field name is correct. Golang is case-sensitive, so the case of field names must be consistent with that in the structure definition.

For example, if we misspell the Name field in the above structure definition as name, we are using the structure literal When creating an object, an "undefined struct field 'name' in composite literal" error occurs. We need to make sure that the spelling of the field names is consistent with the structure definition.

Code sample

To help readers better understand the solution, here is a complete sample code:

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    p := Person{
        Name: "John",
        Age:  30,
        Sex:  "Male",   // 错误!不存在的字段名称


In the above sample code, I have given a Non-existent field name Sex, and the field is not declared in the structure definition. Therefore, the compiler will report an error "undefined struct field 'Sex' in composite literal".

In order to solve this error, we need to delete the Sex field in the sample code, or correct it to a field that has been declared in the structure definition.

In Golang, when we use structure literals to create objects, we must pay attention to whether the given field names are correct and whether the spelling is consistent. By carefully checking the code and following the correct syntax, we can easily resolve the "undefined struct field 'x' in composite literal" error.

We hope that the solutions and sample code provided in this article can help readers better understand and solve this error, and avoid making similar mistakes in future programming work.

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