Hello everyone, today I would like to share with you: Do you still remember the several "L"s in MySQL?
When we first start learning database knowledge, we will first come into contact with various L, where L is the languagelanguage# The first letter of ##.
There are roughly the following types:Data query language). The basic structure is By
select clause,
from clause,
where, etc.
-- 格式 SELECT selection_list /*要查询的列名称*/ FROM table_list /*要查询的表名称*/ WHERE condition /*行条件*/ GROUP BY grouping_columns /*对结果分组*/ HAVING condition /*分组后的行条件*/ ORDER BY sorting_columns /*对结果排序*/ LIMIT offset_start, row_count /*结果限定*/
SELECT t_man.Mname,t_man.Mage FROM t_man WHERE t_man.Mage > 30 -- --------------查询条件---------------------------- -- 1.逻辑运算符 -- NOT : 取反 WHERE NOT t_man.Mage > 30 -- AND : 逻辑与 WHERE t_man.Mage > 30 AND t_man.Mname LIKE '_' -- OR : 逻辑或 WHERE t_man.Mage > 30 OR t_man.Mname LIKE '_' -- 2.比较运算符 =、<>、!=、>、>=、!>、<、<=、!< -- 3.LIKE,用于模糊查询 -- % : 后面可以跟零个或多个字符 -- _ : 匹配任意单个字符 -- [ ] : 查询一定范围内的单个字符,包括两端数据 WHERE t_man.Mname LIKE '[周李]%' -- [^] [!]: 表示不在一定范围内的单个字符,包括两端数据 -- 4.BETWEEN between xx and xx WHERE t_man.Mage BETWEEN 30 AND 31 (等同于 t_man.Mage>=30 AND t_man.Mage<=31) not between xx and xx -- 5.is (not) null -- 在 where 子句中,需要用 is (not) null 判断空值,不能使用 = 判断空值 WHERE t_man.Mage is not null -- 6.in 多条件 WHERE t_man.Mage IN (30,31) -- 7.ALL SOME ANY -- Some 和 any 等效,all 是大于最大者,any 是小于最小者 WHERE t_man.Mage > ALL(SELECT t_man.Mage FROM t_man WHERE t_man.Mname LIKE '张%') -- 8.exists 和 no exists WHERE exists (select * from t_man where t_man.Mid = 8001) -- 9.Group by 分组 SELECT AVG(t_man.Mage) FROM t_man GROUP BY t_man.Msex -- 10.Having 分组后条件 SELECT AVG(t_man.Mage) AS mk,t_man.Msex FROM t_man GROUP BY t_man.Msex HAVING mk > 30 -- 11.ORDER BY 排序 ASC,DESC SELECT * FROM t_man ORDER BY t_man.Mid ASC -- 12.DISTINCT 去重 SELECT DISTINCT(t_man.Msex) FROM t_man -- 13.LIMIT 分页(显示第一行数据) SELECT * FROM t_man LIMIT 0,1
-- 交叉连接(Cross Join),没有链接条件的表查询会出现笛卡儿积 SELECT * FROM t_man,t_dept SELECT * FROM t_man JOIN t_dept -- 内连接(inner Join 或 Join),两表中都有才显示,即两表的交集 SELECT * FROM t_man JOIN t_dept ON t_man.Mid = t_dept.Mid -- 左外连接(Left outer Join),以左边表为主,左表全部显示,没有对应的就显示空,即左并集 SELECT * FROM t_man LEFT JOIN t_dept ON t_man.Mid = t_dept.Mid -- 右外连接(Right outer Join),与左外连接相反 SELECT * FROM t_man RIGHT JOIN t_dept ON t_man.Mid = t_dept.Mid -- 全连接(Full outer Join),默认不支持,但也其他方式可以实现。 SELECT * FROM t_man LEFT JOIN t_dept ON t_man.Mid = t_dept.Mid UNION SELECT * FROM t_man RIGHT JOIN t_dept ON t_man.Mid = t_dept.Mid -- UNION ALL 与 UNION 区别是允许重复
Use pictures to express it more visually:
DML refers to data manipulation language, the full English name is Data Manipulation Language
, used to update records in tables in the database. Keywords: insert, delete, update, etc., are operations on data.
insert into 表 (列名1,列名2,列名3...) values (值1,值2,值3...); //向表中插入某些列 insert into 表 values (值1,值2,值3...); //向表中插入所有列Note:
- The number of column names is equal to the number of values following values
- The order of columns is consistent with the order of inserted values
- The type of column name must be consistent with the inserted value
- When inserting a value, it cannot exceed the maximum length
- If the value is a string Or the date needs to be enclosed in quotes''
update 表名 set 字段名=值,字段名=值...; update 表名 set 字段名=值,字段名=值... where 条件;
列名的类型与修改的值要一致 修改值的时候不能超过最大长度 值如果是字符串或者日期要加’’
delete from 表名 [where 条件];
删除表中所有记录使用delete from 表名;还是truncate table 表名;?删除方式:delete一条一条的删除,不清空auto_increment(自增)记录数;truncate 直接删除表,重新建表,auto_increment讲置为0,重新开始。事务方面:delete删除的数据,如果在一个事务中可以找回;truncate 删除的数据找不回来。
DCL是数据控制语言(Data Control Language
:撤消用户使用GRANT命令赋予的访问权限DCL 语句主要是DBA 用来管理系统中的对象权限时所使用,一般的开发人员很少使用。
下面 通过一个例子来简单说明一下。创建一个数据库用户plf,具有对plf数据库中所有表的SELECT/INSERT 权限:
mysql> grant select,insert on plf.* to 'plf'@'%' identified by '123456'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> quit Bye [root@mysql ~]# mysql -uplf -p123456 -h Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 7 Server version: 5.6.37 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> use mysql; ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'plf'@'%' to database 'mysql' mysql> use plf Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed
由于权限变更,需要将 plf 的权限变更,收回 INSERT,只能对数据进行 SELECT 操作,这时我们需要使用root账户进行上述操作:
mysql> revoke insert on plf.* from 'plf'@'%'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> quit Bye [root@mysql ~]# mysql -uplf -p123456 -h Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 9 Server version: 5.6.37 Source distribution Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> use plf Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> show tables; +---------------+ | Tables_in_plf | +---------------+ | dept | | emp | | hk_info | | log_info | | user_info | +---------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> insert into dept values(7,'plf'); ERROR 1142 (42000): INSERT command denied to user 'plf'@'' for table 'dept' mysql> select*from dept; +--------+----------+ | deptno | deptname | +--------+----------+ | 1 | tech | | 2 | sale | | 3 | hr | | 5 | fin | +--------+----------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
DDL是数据定义语言(Data Definition Language
# 建表 CREATE TABLE sicimike ( id int(4) primary key auto_increment COMMENT '主键ID', name varchar(10) unique, age int(3) default 0, identity_card varchar(18) # PRIMARY KEY (id) // 也可以通过这种方式设置主键 # UNIQUE KEY (name) // 也可以通过这种方式设置唯一键 # key/index (identity_card, col1...) // 也可以通过这种方式创建索引 ) ENGINE = InnoDB; # 设置主键 alter table sicimike add primary key(id); # 删除主键 alter table sicimike drop primary key; # 设置唯一键 alter table sicimike add unique key(column_name); # 删除唯一键 alter table sicimike drop index column_name; # 创建索引 alter table sicimike add [unique/fulltext/spatial] index/key index_name (identity_card[(len)] [asc/desc])[using btree/hash] create [unique/fulltext/spatial] index index_name on sicimike(identity_card[(len)] [asc/desc])[using btree/hash] example: alter table sicimike add index idx_na(name, age); # 删除索引 alter table sicimike drop key/index identity_card; drop index index_name on sicimike; # 查看索引 show index from sicimike; # 查看列 desc sicimike; # 新增列 alter table sicimike add column column_name varchar(30); # 删除列 alter table sicimike drop column column_name; # 修改列名 alter table sicimike change column_name new_name varchar(30); # 修改列属性 alter table sicimike modify column_name varchar(22); # 查看建表信息 show create table sicimike; # 添加表注释 alter table sicimike comment '表注释'; # 添加字段注释 alter table sicimike modify column column_name varchar(10) comment '姓名';
TCL是事务控制语言(Transaction Control Language
: Commit the transaction ROLLBACK
: Roll back the transaction in case of any errorA transaction is a transaction consisting of one or more SQL statements Execution unit, as an indivisible execution unit, either all executions succeed or all executions fail. If one of them fails to execute, the transaction will be rolled back to the state before the transaction started. Transactions have four attributes (ACID): atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability
Transactions are only valid for data addition, deletion, and modification operations. There is no concept of transactions for table definitions, table structure changes, etc.
Storage engines refer to different technologies used in data storage. Not all storage engines support transactions. Among the storage engines commonly used in Mysql, only InnoDB supports transactions, while MyIsam and Memory do not support transactions.
How to view storage engines in Mysql: show engines;
DELETE FROM table_a WHERE id = 1;
#关闭事务的自动提交 SET autocommit = 0;#该语句仅对当前事务有效
#开启事务 SET autocommit = 0;#有了这句代码就会开启事务 START TRANSACTION;#这句代码可省略 #事务的执行语句 UPDATE account SET balance = 500 WHERE username = '张无忌'; UPDATE account SET balance = 1500 WHERE username = '赵敏'; #事务提交 COMMIT; #ROLLBACK;#事务回滚
查看隔离级别:SELECT @@tx_isolation;
SET autocommit = 0; START TRANSACTION; DELETE FROM account WHERE id = 2; SAVEPOINT a; #设置一个保存点 DELETE FROM account WHERE id = 3; ROLLBACK TO a; #回滚到a保存点
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