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What I want to share with you today is Distributed Lock. This article uses five cases, diagrams, source code analysis, etc. to analyze.
Common synchronized, Lock and other locks are all implemented based on a single JVM
. What should we do in a distributed scenario? At this time, distributed locks appeared.
Regarding distributed implementation solutions, there are three popular ones in the industry:
1, based on database
2, based on Redis
3. Based on Zookeeper
In addition, there are also implementations using etcd
and consul
The two most commonly used solutions in development are Redis
and Zookeeper
, and the most complex of the two solutions and the most likely to cause problems is Redis
implementation plan, so today we will talk about the Redis
implementation plan.
@RestController public class IndexController { @Autowired private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; /** * 模拟下单减库存的场景 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } return "end"; } }Assume that the inventory (stock) is initialized in
Redis The value is 100.
int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock"));
这行代码,获取到的值都为100,紧跟着判断大于0后都进行-1操作,最后设置到redis 中的值都为99。但正常执行完成后redis中的值应为 95。
@RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ synchronized (this){ // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } } return "end"; }
但我们都知道,synchronized 锁是属于JVM级别的,也就是我们俗称的“单机锁”。但现在基本大部分公司使用的都是集群部署,现在我们思考下以上代码在集群部署的情况下还能保证库存数据的一致性吗?
答案是不能,如上图所示,请求经Nginx分发后,可能存在多个服务同时从Redis中获取库存数据,此时只加synchronized (单机锁)是无效的,并发越高,出现问题的几率就越大。
setnx:将 key 的值设为 value,当且仅当 key 不存在。
若给定 key 已经存在,则 setnx 不做任何动作。
/** * 模拟下单减库存的场景 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ String lockKey = "product_001"; // 使用 setnx 添加分布式锁 // 返回 true 代表之前redis中没有key为 lockKey 的值,并已进行成功设置 // 返回 false 代表之前redis中已经存在 lockKey 这个key了 Boolean result = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent(lockKey, "wangcp"); if(!result){ // 代表已经加锁了 return "error_code"; } // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } // 释放锁 stringRedisTemplate.delete(lockKey); return "end"; }
我们知道 Redis 是单线程执行,现在再看案例2中的流程图时,哪怕高并发场景下多个请求都执行到了setnx的代码,redis会根据请求的先后顺序进行排列,只有排列在队头的请求才能设置成功。其它请求只能返回“error_code”。
/** * 模拟下单减库存的场景 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ String lockKey = "product_001"; try{ // 使用 setnx 添加分布式锁 // 返回 true 代表之前redis中没有key为 lockKey 的值,并已进行成功设置 // 返回 false 代表之前redis中已经存在 lockKey 这个key了 Boolean result = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent(lockKey, "wangcp"); if(!result){ // 代表已经加锁了 return "error_code"; } // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } }finally { // 释放锁 stringRedisTemplate.delete(lockKey); } return "end"; }
经过改进后的代码是否还存在问题呢?我们思考正常执行的情况下应该是没有问题,但我们假设请求在执行到业务代码时服务突然宕机了,或者正巧你的运维同事重新发版,粗暴的 kill -9 掉了呢,那代码还能执行 finally 吗?
@RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ String lockKey = "product_001"; try{ Boolean result = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().setIfAbsent(lockKey,"wangcp",10,TimeUnit.SECONDS); if(!result){ // 代表已经加锁了 return "error_code"; } // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } }finally { // 释放锁 stringRedisTemplate.delete(lockKey); } return "end"; }
Assume there are three requests at the same time.
We can see the problem by just simulating 3 requests now. If it is in a truly high-concurrency scenario, the lock may face "always invalid" or "permanent invalid".
So where is the specific problem? The summary is as follows:
We think about the corresponding solutions to the problem:
Spring Boot
<dependency> <groupId>org.redisson</groupId> <artifactId>redisson</artifactId> <version>3.6.5</version> </dependency>
@Bean public RedissonClient redisson(){ // 单机模式 Config config = new Config(); config.useSingleServer().setAddress("redis://").setDatabase(0); return Redisson.create(config); }
@RestController public class IndexController { @Autowired private RedissonClient redisson; @Autowired private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; /** * 模拟下单减库存的场景 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/duduct_stock") public String deductStock(){ String lockKey = "product_001"; // 1.获取锁对象 RLock redissonLock = redisson.getLock(lockKey); try{ // 2.加锁 redissonLock.lock(); // 等价于 setIfAbsent(lockKey,"wangcp",10,TimeUnit.SECONDS); // 从redis 中拿当前库存的值 int stock = Integer.parseInt(stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().get("stock")); if(stock > 0){ int realStock = stock - 1; stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue().set("stock",realStock + ""); System.out.println("扣减成功,剩余库存:" + realStock); }else{ System.out.println("扣减失败,库存不足"); } }finally { // 3.释放锁 redissonLock.unlock(); } return "end"; } }
<T> RFuture<T> tryLockInnerAsync(long leaseTime, TimeUnit unit, long threadId, RedisStrictCommand<T> command) { internalLockLeaseTime = unit.toMillis(leaseTime); return commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, command, "if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) then " + "redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " + "redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "return nil; " + "end; " + "if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then " + "redis.call('hincrby', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); " + "redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "return nil; " + "end; " + "return redis.call('pttl', KEYS[1]);", Collections.<Object>singletonList(getName()), internalLockLeaseTime, getLockName(threadId)); }
没错,加锁最终执行的就是这段lua 脚本
if (redis.call('exists', KEYS[1]) == 0) then redis.call('hset', KEYS[1], ARGV[2], 1); redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); return nil; end;
private void scheduleExpirationRenewal(final long threadId) { if (expirationRenewalMap.containsKey(getEntryName())) { return; } Timeout task = commandExecutor.getConnectionManager().newTimeout(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run(Timeout timeout) throws Exception { RFuture<Boolean> future = commandExecutor.evalWriteAsync(getName(), LongCodec.INSTANCE, RedisCommands.EVAL_BOOLEAN, "if (redis.call('hexists', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) == 1) then " + "redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]); " + "return 1; " + "end; " + "return 0;", Collections.<Object>singletonList(getName()), internalLockLeaseTime, getLockName(threadId)); future.addListener(new FutureListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Boolean> future) throws Exception { expirationRenewalMap.remove(getEntryName()); if (!future.isSuccess()) { log.error("Can't update lock " + getName() + " expiration", future.cause()); return; } if (future.getNow()) { // reschedule itself scheduleExpirationRenewal(threadId); } } }); } }, internalLockLeaseTime / 3, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (expirationRenewalMap.putIfAbsent(getEntryName(), task) != null) { task.cancel(); } }
is deployed in a cluster in actual deployment and use. In high concurrency scenarios, we lock. After writing the key to the master node, the master still The master went down when it was not synchronized to the slave node. The original slave node became the new master node after election. At this time, the lock failure problem may occur. Redis
helps us queue the requests for execution, which means converting our parallelism into serialization. . There will definitely be no concurrency problems in serially executed code, but the performance of the program will definitely be affected. Thinking When solving the problem, we first think of the CAP principle (consistency, availability, partition tolerance), then the current Redis
satisfies AP (availability, partition tolerance). If we want to solve this problem, we need to find A distributed system that meets CP
(consistency, partition fault tolerance). The first thing that comes to mind is Zookeeper
. The inter-cluster data synchronization mechanism of Zookeeper
is that when the master node receives the data, it will not immediately return a successful feedback to the client. It will first communicate with the child node. Synchronization, the client will be notified of successful reception only after more than half of the nodes have completed synchronization.And if the master node goes down, the re-elected master node according to the Zab
protocol of Zookeeper
atomic broadcast) must have been successfully synchronized.
Then the question is, how do we choose between Redisson
and Zookeeper
distributed locks? The answer is that if the amount of concurrency is not that high, you can use Zookeeper
to do distributed locks, but its concurrency capability is far inferior to Redis
. If you have relatively high concurrency requirements, then use Redis. The occasional master-slave architecture lock failure problem is actually tolerable.
Regarding the second issue of improving performance, we can refer to the idea of lock segmentation technology of ConcurrentHashMap
, such as the inventory of our code The amount is currently 1000, then we can divide it into 10 segments, each segment is 100, and then lock each segment separately, so that the locking and processing of 10 requests can be performed at the same time. Of course, students who have requirements can continue to subdivide. But in fact, the Qps
of Redis
has reached 10W
, which is completely sufficient in scenarios without particularly high concurrency.
The above is the detailed content of Distributed lock: 5 cases, from entry to burial. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!