Home >Java >JavaInterview questions >Interviewer: Spring Aop common annotations and execution sequence
Recently, when I was revising resumes and doing mock interviews for many people, some friends gave me feedback on Spring AOP interview questions, and I will ask them today.
The most powerful thing about Spring at the beginning is the two core functions of IOC/AOP. Today we will learn about the common annotations and execution sequence of Spring AOP.
Spring interview core points:
IOC, AOP, Bean injection, Bean life cycle, Bean circular dependency
First of all we Let’s review some commonly used annotations in Spring Aop:
Pre-notification: Execute before the target method @After
Post notification: executed after the target method (always executed) @AfterReturning
Post notification: execution method ends Execute before (not executed if exception occurs)@AfterThrowing
Exception notification: Execute after exception @Around
Around notification: Around target method executionLet’s quickly build a demo program of spring aop to discuss spring together Some details in aop.
For the convenience, I directly use spring-boot for quick projects To build, you can use the spring-boot project quick creation function of idea, or go to start.spring.io
to quickly create a spring-boot application.
Because I often manually post some dependencies on the Internet, there are some problems such as dependency conflicts and service startup failure.
plugins { id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.6.3' id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE' id 'java' } group 'io.zhengsh' version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/milestone' } maven { url 'https://repo.spring.io/snapshot' } } dependencies { # 其实这里也可以不增加 web 配置,为了试验简单,大家请忽略 implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator' implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aop' testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test' } tasks.named('test') { useJUnitPlatform() }
First we need to define an interface. Here we can review the choice of JDK's default proxy implementation:
The logic of this piece is in DefaultAopProxyFactory
If you are interested, you can take a look.
public interface CalcService { public int div(int x, int y); }
Here we will simply do a division operation, which can simulate normal or easy errors.
@Service public class CalcServiceImpl implements CalcService { @Override public int div(int x, int y) { int result = x / y; System.out.println("====> CalcServiceImpl 被调用了,我们的计算结果是:" + result); return result; } }
#To declare an interceptor, we need to add @Aspect and @Component to the current object. The author has only stepped on it before. Only one such pit has been added.
其实这块我刚开始也不是很理解,但是我看了 Aspect 注解的定义我就清楚了
这里面根本就没有 Bean 的定义。所以我们还是乖乖的加上两个注解。
还有就是如果当测试的时候需要开启Aop 的支持为配置类上增加@EnableAspectJAutoProxy
其实 Aop 使用就三个步骤:
@Aspect @Component public class MyAspect { @Pointcut("execution(* io.zhengsh.spring.service.impl..*.*(..))") public void divPointCut() { } @Before("divPointCut()") public void beforeNotify() { System.out.println("----===>> @Before 我是前置通知"); } @After("divPointCut") public void afterNotify() { System.out.println("----===>> @After 我是后置通知"); } @AfterReturning("divPointCut") public void afterReturningNotify() { System.out.println("----===>> @AfterReturning 我是前置通知"); } @AfterThrowing("divPointCut") public void afterThrowingNotify() { System.out.println("----===>> @AfterThrowing 我是异常通知"); } @Around("divPointCut") public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) throws Throwable { Object retVal; System.out.println("----===>> @Around 环绕通知之前 AAA"); retVal = proceedingJoinPoint.proceed(); System.out.println("----===>> @Around 环绕通知之后 BBB"); return retVal; } }
其实我这个测试类,虽然用了 @Test 注解,但是我这个类更加像一个 main 方法把:如下所示:
结果记录:spring 4.x, spring-boot 1.5.9
我直接说一下结论:Spring 4 中环绕通知是在最里面执行的
结果记录:spring 版本5.3.15 springboot 版本2.6.3
下面一种场景会导致 aop 代理失效,因为我们在执行 a 方法的时候其实本质是执行 AServer#a
)链, 当我们在 a 方法内直接执行b(), 其实本质就相当于 this.b() , 这个时候由执行 a方法是调用到 a 的原始对象相当于是 this 调用,那么会导致 b() 方法的代理失效。这个问题也是我们开发者在开发过程中最常遇到的一个问题。
@Service public class AService { public void a() { System.out.println("...... a"); b(); } public void b() { System.out.println("...... b"); } }
The above is the detailed content of Interviewer: Spring Aop common annotations and execution sequence. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!