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Analysis of the security and permission management strategies of swoole development functions

2023-08-06 10:09:211179browse

Analysis of security and permission management strategies of swoole development functions

With the continuous development of Internet technology, the development of Web applications has become more and more important. During this process, security and permission management are among the most critical considerations. As a high-performance PHP network communication engine, Swoole provides developers with a more flexible, reliable and efficient development method. This article will analyze the security of Swoole development functions, introduce the corresponding permission management strategies, and provide code examples.

1. Security of Swoole development functions
1.1 Preventing network attacks
In the process of web application development, network attacks are a common threat, such as cross-site scripting attacks (XSS), SQL Injection etc. In order to ensure the security of the application, we can take the following measures:
(1) Input filtering and verification: Filter and verify the data entered by the user to prevent the injection of malicious code. You can use the swoole_websocket_server::onMessage event provided by Swoole to process the received data, and filter and verify it before processing.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('message', function ($server, $frame) {
    $data = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'data', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    // 进行数据验证与处理
    // ...

(2) Set access restrictions: Prevent the impact of malicious requests by setting access restrictions. For example, an IP whitelist or blacklist can be set up to limit accessible IP addresses. Swoole provides the swoole_websocket_server::onOpen event to handle new connection requests, in which the client's IP address can be checked and restricted.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('open', function (swoole_websocket_server $server, $request) {
    $allowed_ips = ['', ''];
    $ip = $request->server['remote_addr'];
    if (!in_array($ip, $allowed_ips)) {

1.2 Preventing server-side attacks
In addition to preventing network attacks, we also need to consider the prevention of server-side attacks. For example, a malicious user could exhaust server resources through a large number of connection requests or malicious requests and cause the service to become unavailable. In order to ensure the stability and security of the server, we can take the following measures:
(1) Concurrent connection limit: Set the maximum number of concurrent connections of the server, limit the number of connections for each IP address, and prevent malicious users from using a large number of connections requests to exhaust server resources. Swoole provides the swoole_websocket_server::onOpen event to handle new connection requests, and concurrent connections can be limited in this event.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
    'max_conn' => 100, // 最大连接数
    'max_request' => 100, // 最大请求数
    'worker_num' => 4, // worker进程数
$server->on('open', function (swoole_websocket_server $server, $request) {
    $ip = $request->server['remote_addr'];
    $connectionCount = $server->getConnectionCount($ip);
    if ($connectionCount >= 10) {

(2) Request frequency limit: Limit the request frequency of a certain IP address to access a certain interface to prevent malicious users from exhausting server resources through frequent requests. You can use the Table provided by Swoole to count the number of requests and limit them before the interface processes them.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$table = new swoole_table(1024);
$table->column('count', swoole_table::TYPE_INT);

$server->on('message', function ($server, $frame) use ($table) {
    $ip = $frame->header['server']->remote_addr;
    if (!isset($table[$ip])) {
        $table[$ip] = ['count' => 1];
    } else {
        $table[$ip]['count'] += 1;

    if ($table[$ip]['count'] > 5) {
    } else {
        // 处理接收到的消息

2. Permission management strategy
In actual application development, each user often has different permissions, and needs to be configured for sensitive operations or access to private information. ASD. The following are some common permission management strategies:
2.1 User role permission control
Assign users to different roles, each role has different permissions. In an application, you can control a user's access to sensitive operations or private information by determining their role.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('message', function ($server, $frame) {
    $userId = getUserIdFromToken($frame->header['cookie']); // 根据token获取用户ID
    $userRole = getUserRole($userId); // 获取用户角色
    if ($userRole == 'admin') {
        // 执行敏感操作
    } else {
        // 拒绝访问

2.2 API interface permission verification
For public API interfaces, in order to ensure data security, permission verification needs to be performed. You can add identity authentication information to the interface, such as using an API key to verify the legitimacy of the request.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('message', function ($server, $frame) {
    $apiKey = $frame->header['x-api-key']; // 获取API密钥
    if (isValidApiKey($apiKey)) { // 验证API密钥的合法性
        // 执行接口操作
    } else {
        // 拒绝访问

2.3 Data permission control
For data-sensitive applications, permission control needs to be performed on the data of each user or user group. You can add access permission fields to each data item in the database and perform corresponding permission verification when querying or updating data.

Code example:

$server = new swoole_websocket_server("", 9501);
$server->on('message', function ($server, $frame) {
    $userId = getUserIdFromToken($frame->header['cookie']); // 根据token获取用户ID
    $dataId = $frame->data['id']; // 获取数据ID
    $dataPermission = getDataPermission($dataId); // 获取数据的访问权限
    if (checkDataPermission($userId, $dataPermission)) { // 验证用户对数据的访问权限
        // 执行数据操作
    } else {
        // 拒绝访问

This article analyzes the security issues in Swoole development and introduces the corresponding permission management strategies. By filtering and verifying user-entered data, and setting access restrictions, concurrent connection limits, and request frequency limits, the impact of network attacks and server-side attacks can be effectively prevented. At the same time, through strategies such as user role permission control, API interface permission verification, and data permission control, the control and management of user access to sensitive operations and private information is achieved. In actual application development, developers can choose appropriate security and permission management strategies based on specific needs to ensure the stability and security of the application.

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