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I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

2023-08-02 17:54:121746browse

The so-called open source means opening up the source code of the software. Everyone can see the source code. Everyone can study the source code together and optimize the software. and improvements.

More and more IT companies are open to open source. On the one hand, with excellent open source projects, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. It can be used directly; on the other hand, your company has excellent self-research projects. In order to grow and develop, you can choose to open source the project so that more developers can participate and work together to improve the functions of the software!

In recent years, many large domestic IT companies have gradually launched some high-quality open source projects, such as Huawei’s open source Hongmeng system , Tencent open sourced its self-developed top database TBase, Alibaba open sourced its self-developed scientific computing engine Mars, etc.

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Next, let’s briefly review the status of enterprise open source released by Red Hat. Survey report, and then briefly introduce some of the open source projects most favored by IT companies. These are mainly enterprise-oriented application software projects, covering several categories such as web servers, big data, cloud computing, cloud storage, operating systems, and databases.

## Red Hat releases the 2019 Enterprise Open Source Survey Report

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

There is no doubt that open source technology has been widely used in enterprises. Tech giants like Google and Microsoft also acknowledge the power of open source—as evidenced by Google Cloud’s recent partnerships with companies such as MongoDB, redis Labs, Neo4j, and Confluent. But what do these companies think about open source? Why choose open source? What are their next steps for open source? Based on the above questions, Red Hat launched the "State of Enterprise Open Source" survey.

This report is the result of interviews with 950 IT leaders around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Latin America and Asia Pacific. Region, aiming to understand the open source profile of enterprises in different geographical regions.

Do companies consider open source to be of strategic importance? This is the first question that Red Hat raises and is most eager to understand.

The survey results show that the vast majority of the 950 respondents believe that open source is strategically important to the enterprise's overall infrastructure software strategy. In fact, more than 69% said it was very or extremely important.

In addition, 68% of enterprises have increased their use of enterprise open source in the past 12 months, and more than 59% expect to increase their use of enterprise open source in the past 12 months. Enterprise open source will continue to be used over the next 12 months.

Today, enterprise open source can also replace proprietary software for many different purposes, from virtualization to message buses to application servers. . Open source also helps define and shape new approaches to infrastructure, from containerization to software-defined storage and networking.

Among them, the proportion of enterprises using open source technology to achieve infrastructure modernization and application modernization is 53% and 42% respectively.

#Open source software isn’t just about replacing old infrastructure, though. 42% of respondents said they are using it for digital transformation, primarily for big data analytics and database management. This trend cannot be underestimated.

Open source is unique in that it enables individuals and organizations to collaborate and achieve common goals with minimal barriers.

#Many new categories of software today are influenced by open source technology. Artificial intelligence, software-defined infrastructure, and cloud-native platforms are some good examples.

Much of the innovation in today’s software world is happening with open source, and organizations that rely on software to support their business want to be able to take advantage of this innovation.

As Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst said at the beginning of the survey report: "The most exciting technological innovations taking place in this era are taking shape in the open source community." .

web server

1, Nginx

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##Nginx (engine x) is a high-performance HTTP and reverse proxy web server developed by the Russians. It also provides IMAP/POP3/SMTP services. It is characterized by small memory usage and strong concurrency capabilities. Nginx's concurrency capabilities perform better among web servers of the same type. Many people use Nginx as a load balancer and web reverse proxy.

  • Supported operating systems: windows, linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://nginx.org

##2. Lighttpd

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##Lighttpd is a lightweight open source web server software. Its fundamental purpose is to provide a secure, fast, compatible and flexible web server environment specifically for high-performance websites. It has the characteristics of very low memory overhead, low CPU usage, good performance and rich modules. It is widely used in some embedded web servers.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related Website: https://www.lighttpd.net/


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Tomcat server is a free and open source Web application server. It is a lightweight application server and is mainly used to run JSP pages and Servlets. Because Tomcat has advanced technology, stable performance, and is free, it is deeply loved by JAVA enthusiasts and recognized by some software developers, making it a popular Web application server.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://tomcat.Apache.org

##4, Apache HTTP Server

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Apache HTTP Server (referred to as Apache) is an open source web server of the Apache Software Foundation, which can be used on most computer operating systems It runs on the Internet and is widely used due to its cross-platform and security features. It is the most popular web server system on the Internet since 1996. It is said that 55.3% of all websites are currently powered by Apache.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://httpd.apache.org

Big Data and Cloud Computing

##5. Hadoop

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##Hadoop is a distributed system infrastructure developed by the Apache Foundation and is recognized as a The industry's big data standard open source software provides massive data processing capabilities in a distributed environment. Almost all mainstream manufacturers focus on Hadoop development tools, open source software, commercial tools and technical services. Hadoop has become the standard framework for big data.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: http://hadoop.apache .org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Docker is an open source application container engine. Developers can package their own applications into containers and then migrate them to docker applications on other machines, which can achieve rapid deployment. It is widely used in the field of big data. Basically, companies doing big data will use this tool. In addition, when searching for the public account Linux, this is how you should learn to reply "Linux" in the background to get a surprise gift package.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related Website: https://www.docker.com


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Apache Spark is a fast and versatile computing engine designed for large-scale data processing. Spark is a general parallel framework similar to Hadoop MapReduce. Apache Spark claims that “it can run programs up to 100 times faster in memory and 10 times faster on disk than Hadoop MapReduce. Spark is better suited for data mining and machine learning and other MapReduce algorithms that require iteration.

  • ##Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related websites: http://spark.apache.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Storm is a Twitter open source distributed real-time big data processing system, which is called the real-time version of Hadoop in the industry. As more and more scenarios cannot tolerate the high latency of Hadoop's MapReduce, such as website statistics, recommendation systems, early warning systems, financial systems (high-frequency trading, stocks), etc., big data real-time processing solutions (stream computing) are becoming increasingly popular. Its applications are becoming more and more widespread, and it is now the latest explosive point in the field of distributed technology, and Storm is the leader and mainstream in stream computing technology.

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  • ##Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://storm.apache.org

9、Cloud Foundry

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Cloud Foundry is the industry’s first open source PaaS cloud platform, which supports multiple frameworks, languages, runtime environments, Cloud platform and application services enable developers to deploy and expand applications in seconds without worrying about any infrastructure issues. It claims to be "built by industry leaders for industry leaders," and its backers include IBM, Pivotal, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, VMware, Intel, SAP and EMC.

  • Supported operating systems: System independent

  • Related website: https://www.cloudfoundry.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

CloudStack is an open source cloud computing platform with high availability and scalability, and it is also an open source cloud computing solution. Accelerates the deployment, management, and configuration of highly scalable public and private clouds (IaaS). Using CloudStack as a foundation, data center operators can quickly and easily create cloud services using existing infrastructure.

  • ##Supported operating systems: Operating system independent

  • Related websites: https://cloudstack.apache.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing management platform project and a combination of a series of software open source projects. An open source code project jointly developed and initiated by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and Rackspace and authorized. OpenStack provides scalable and elastic cloud computing services for private clouds and public clouds. The project goal is to provide a cloud computing management platform that is easy to implement, massively scalable, rich, and has unified standards. This popular cloud computing platform claims that "hundreds of the world's biggest brands" rely on it every day.

  • ##Supported operating systems: Operating system independent

  • Related website: https://www.openstack.org

##cloud storage


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##GlusterFS is a highly scalable and scalable distributed file system suitable for data-intensive tasks such as cloud storage and media streaming. It implements all standard POSIX interfaces and uses fuse to implement virtualization, making it look like a local disk to users. Capable of handling thousands of clients.

  • Supported operating systems: Linux, Windows

  • Related website: https://www.gluster.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

FreeNAS is a free and open source NAS server that can turn an ordinary PC into a network storage server. The software is based on FreeBSD, Samba and php, and supports CIFS (samba), FTP, NFS protocols, Software RAID (0,1,5) and web interface configuration tools. Users can access the storage server through Windows, macs, FTP, SSH and Network File System (NFS); FreeNAS can be installed on a hard drive or removable media USB Flash Disk. FreeNAS Server has a bright future; it's an excellent choice for building a simple network storage server

  • Supported Operating Systems: Vs. Unrelated

  • Related website: http://www.freenas.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Lustre is an open source, distributed parallel file system software platform with the characteristics of high scalability, high performance, and high availability. Luster was built with the goal of providing a globally consistent POSIX-compliant namespace for large-scale computing systems, including some of the most powerful high-performance computing systems in the world. It supports hundreds of petabytes of data storage space and hundreds of GB/s or even terabytes/s of concurrent aggregate bandwidth. Some of its earliest adopters include the nation's major national laboratories: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  • Supported operating system: Linux

  • Related website: http://lustre.org

15, Ceph

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##Ceph is a distributed file system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability. It is the earliest project dedicated to developing the next generation of high-performance distributed file systems. With the development of cloud computing, Ceph has taken advantage of the success of OpenStack and has become one of the most watched projects in the open source community.

  • Supported operating system: Linux

  • Related website: https://ceph.com

operating system

16, centos

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System, Chinese means community enterprise operating system) is one of the Linux distributions First, it is compiled from source code released by Red Hat Enterprise Linux in accordance with open source regulations. Because it comes from the same source code, some servers that require high stability use CentOS instead of the commercial version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The difference between the two is that CentOS is completely open source.


# #

Ubuntu is also open source and has a huge community. Users can easily get help from the community and provide a popular Linux distribution with multiple versions: Desktop version, server version, cloud version, mobile version, tablet version and IoT version. Claimed users include Amazon, IBM, Wikipedia and Nvidia.

  • ##Related website: http://www.ubuntu.com/index_kylin



I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##MySQL is a relational database written in C/C. It claims to be "the most popular open source database in the world" and is favored by many Internet companies. In addition to the free community version, it also There are several paid versions. Although it is free and open source, its performance is sufficiently guaranteed. Many domestic IT companies are using MySQL.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, Unix and OS X

  • Related website: https://www .mysql.com


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

PostgreSQL is a very powerful, open source client/server relational database management system. The well-known Huawei Gaussian database and Tencent's TBase database are both developed on the basis of this database. All codes of Alibaba OceanBase database, the best in China, are independently developed. Although it is not developed on the basis of PostgreSQL, it should also draw on many features and advantages of PostgreSQL.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, Unix and OS X

  • Related website: https://www.postgresql.org

##20 ,MongoDB

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MongoDB is a NoSQL database based on distributed file storage. Written in C language. Designed to provide scalable, high-performance data storage solutions for applications.

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##MongoDB is between a relational database and a non-relational database The product is the most feature-rich among non-relational databases and most similar to a relational database. Users include Foursquare, Forbes, Pebble, Adobe, LinkedIn, eHarmony and others. There are paid professional and enterprise versions available.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, OS X and Solaris

  • Related websites: https:// www.mongodb.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

This NoSQL database was developed by Facebook, and its users include Apple, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Comcast, Electronic Harbor, GitHub, GoDaddy , Hulu, Instagram, Intuit, Netflix, Reddit and other technology companies. It supports extremely large data sets and claims to have very high performance and excellent durability and resiliency. Support is available through third parties.

  • Supported operating systems: Operating system independent

  • Related websites :https://cassandra.apache.org


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

CouchDB is a document-oriented database system developed in Erlang. This NoSQL database stores data in JSON documents. Such documents can be queried through HTTP and used JavaScript to handle. CouchDB, now owned by IBM, offers a professionally supported version of the software to customers including Samsung, Akamai, Expedia, Microsoft Game Studios and others.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, OS X and Android

  • Related website: https://couchdb.apache.org

## 23. Neo4j

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Neo4J is a high-performance NOSQL graph database that stores structured data on the network instead of in tables. "The leading graph database" for fraud detection, recommendation engines, social networking sites, master data management and more. Users include eBay, Walmart, Cisco, HP, Accenture, CrunchBase, eHarmony, Care.com and many other enterprise organizations. In addition, search the public account technology community backend to reply "algorithm" to get a surprise gift package.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows and Linux

  • Related websites: https://neo4j.com

Development tools and components


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!


Bugzilla is a darling of the open source community, with users including Mozilla, the Linux Foundation, GNOME, KDE, Apache, Libreoffice, Open Office, Eclipse, Red Hat, Novell and others. Key features of this software bug tracker include advanced search capabilities, email notifications, scheduled reports, time tracking, excellent security and more.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related websites: https://www.bugzilla.org

##25, Eclipse

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

The Eclipse project is best known as a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Java that also provides IDE for C/C and PHP, in addition to providing a large number of other development tools. Major backers include CA Technologies, Google, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat and SAP.

  • ##Supported operating systems: Operating system independent

  • Related websites: https://www.eclipse.org

##26, Ember. js

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##Ember.js is an open source JavaScript client framework , used to develop web applications and use the MVC architectural pattern, this framework is used to "build ambitious web applications" and is designed to improve the work efficiency of JavaScript developers. Users listed on the official website include Yahoo, Square, Livingsocial, Groupon, Twitch, TED, Netflix, Heroku and Microsoft.

  • ##Supported operating systems: Operating system independent

  • Related websites: https://emberjs.com


I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

Node is a development platform that allows JavaScript to run on the server side. It makes JavaScript a scripting language on par with server-side languages ​​such as PHP, Python, Perl, and Ruby. It allows developers to use JavaScript. Write server-side applications. Development was previously managed by Joyent and is now overseen by the Node.js Foundation. Users include IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, SAP, LinkedIn, PayPal and Netflix.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://nodejs.org/en/

##28, React Native

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

## Developed by Facebook, React Native is a framework that can be used to build native mobile applications using JavaScript and the React JavaScript library (also developed by Facebook). Other users include: Discovery Channel and CBS Sports News Network.

  • Supported operating system: OS X

  • Related websites: https: //facebook.github.io/react-native/

29、Ruby on Rails

I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

#Ruby on Rails is a framework that makes it easy to develop, deploy, and maintain web applications. This web development framework is extremely popular among developers and claims to be "optimized to ensure programmers are satisfied and continue to work efficiently." Users include companies like Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, and GitHub.

  • Supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and OS X

  • Related website: https://rubyonrails.org



I have used all of the 30 most popular open source software among IT companies!

##JBoss is an open source application server based on J2EE. JBoss code is licensed under the LGPL and can be used free of charge in any commercial application. JBoss is a container and server that manages EJB. It supports EJB 1.1, EJB 2.0 and EJB3 specifications. However, JBoss core services do not include WEB containers that support servlet/JSP, and are generally bound to Tomcat or Jetty. JBoss middleware includes a variety of lightweight, cloud-friendly tools that combine, integrate and automate various enterprise applications and systems. Users include: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Nissan, Cisco, CAQ, AMD and others.

  • Supported operating system: Linux

  • Related website: https://www.jboss.org/

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