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Linux network packet capture analysis tool

2023-08-02 15:23:262562browse

Linux network packet capture analysis tool
#1. tcpdump

1. Function

The tcpdump command can list the headers of data packets passing through the specified network interface, and can completely remove the "headers" of data packets transmitted on the network. Capture it and provide analysis. It supports filtering for network layer, protocol, host, network or port, and provides logical statements such as and, or, not to help you extract useful information.

Because it requires setting the network interface to promiscuous mode, ordinary users cannot execute it normally, but users with root permissions can execute it directly to obtain information on the network

Other packet capture tools

  • wireshark has both graphical and command line versions, which can analyze the packets captured by tcpdump , its main function is to analyze data packets.

  • ngrep will directly display the captured packet data in text form, which is suitable for [capture] analysis of packet data containing text (such as HTTP, MySQL )

2. Command options

tcpdump [options] [protocol] [data flow direction] [scope]

  • -a Convert network address and broadcast address into name

  • -A Print out all groups in ASCII format and Minimize the header of the link layer

  • -b Select protocols on the data link layer, including ip/arp/rarp/ipx are all in this layer

  • -c Specifies the number of times to receive data packets, that is, exit tcpdump after receiving the specified number of data packets

  • -d Will match the code of the information packet in a human-readable format Assembly format output

  • -dd Output the code of the matching information packet in the format of c language program segment

  • -ddd Output the code of the matching information packet in decimal form

  • -D Print all network interfaces that can be monitored in the system

  • -e Print the header information of the data link layer on the output line

  • -f Prints the external Internet address in numerical form, that is, does not display the host name

  • -F From the specified file Read the expression and ignore other expressions

  • -i Specify the listening network interface

  • -l Make the standard output a buffered form, Can export data to a file

  • -L Lists the known data links of the network interface

  • -n Does not convert network addresses to names

  • -N does not output the domain name part of the host name, for example www.baidu.com only outputs www

  • -nn does not output the port name Conversion

  • -P Do not set the network interface to promiscuous mode

  • -q Fast output, that is, only output less protocol information

  • -r Read data from the specified file, usually -w saved file

  • -w Save the captured information to file, and does not parse and print to the screen

  • -s read snaplen bytes from each group at the beginning instead of the default 68 bytes

  • -S Output the tcp sequence number as an absolute value instead of a relative value

  • -T Directly parse the monitored packets into the specified type of message, common types include rpc (remote procedure call) and snmp (simple network management protocol)

  • -t Do not print a timestamp in each line of output

  • -tt Output unformatted timestamp in each line

  • -ttt Output the time difference between this line and the previous one

  • -tttt Output the timestamp in the default format of data processing in each line

  • ##-u Output the undecoded NFS handle

  • -v outputs slightly more detailed information, for example, the ip package can include ttl and service type information

  • -vv Output the trusted message information

3. tcpdump expression

Keywords about data type

Includes host, port, net:

host represents a host, net represents a network segment, port 80 indicates the port number is 80, if there is no Specify the data type, then the default is host

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Keywords for data transmission direction

Includes src, dst, dst or src, dst and src, these keywords specify Indicates the direction of transmission, for example, src indicates that the source address of the data packet is dst net indicates that the destination network address is The default is to monitor the src and dst of the host to the host, that is, the default is to monitor all data of the local machine and the target host.
Protocol Keywords

Including ip, arp, rarp, udp


  • 运算类型:or、and、not、!

  • 辅助功能型:gateway、less、broadcast、greater

4、tcpdump 捕获方式

tcpdump [协议类型] [源或目标] [主机名称或 IP] [or/and/not/! 条件组合] [源或目标] [主机名或 IP] [or/and/not/! 条件组合] [端口] [端口号] …… [or/and/not/! 条件组合] [条件]

> tcpdump  ip dst and src and port 80 and host  !www.baidu.com



Linux network packet capture analysis tool
> tcpdump  -i  ens33

监听指定网卡 ens33 的所有传输数据包

Linux network packet capture analysis tool
> tcpdump -i ens33 host

捕获主机 经过网卡 ens33 的所有数据包(也可以是主机名,但要求可以解析出 IP 地址)

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

  • 第一列:报文的时间

  • 第二列:网络协议 IP

  • 第三列:发送方的 ip 地址、端口号、域名,上图显示的是本机的域名,可通过 / etc/hosts 查看本机域名

  • 第四列:箭头 >, 表示数据流向

  • 第五列:接收方的 ip 地址、端口号、域名,

  • 第六列:冒号

  • 第七列:数据包内容,报文头的摘要信息,有 ttl、报文类型、标识值、序列、包的大小等信息

> tcpdump host and

捕获主机 和主机 或 的所有通信数据包

> tcpdump ip host node9 and not www.baidu.com

捕获主机 node9 与其他主机之间(不包括 www.baidu.com)通信的 ip 数据包

> tcpdump ip host node9 and ! www.baidu.com

捕获 node9 与其他所有主机的通信数据包(不包括 www.baidu.com)

> tcpdump -i ens33 src node10

捕获源主机 node10 发送的所有的经过 ens33 网卡的所有数据包

> tcpdump -i ens33 dst host www.baidu.com

捕获所有发送到主机 www.baidu.com 的数据包

监听主机 和 之间 ip 协议的 80 端口的且排除 www.baidu.com 通信的所有数据包:

> tcpdump ip dst and src and port 80 and host ! baidu.com

也可以写成 tcpdump ip dst and src and port 80 and host not www.baidu.com,即 not 和!都是相同的取反的意思

> tcpdump arp

监控指定主机的通信数据包与 1.9.1 方式相同

> tcpdump tcp port 22 and host

捕获主机 接收和发出的 tcp 协议的 ssh 的数据包

tcpdump udp port 53

监听本机 udp 的 53 端口的数据包,udp 是 dns 协议的端口,这也是一个 dns 域名解析的完整过程


tcpdump 可以支持逻辑运算符

and: 与运算,所有的条件都需要满足,可用 “and”和 “&&” 表示
or:或运行,只要有一个条件满足就可以,可用 “or” 和“|”表示
not:取反,即取反条件,可以用 “not” 和“!”表示

> tcpdump icmp and src -i ens33 -n

过滤 icmp 报文并且源 IP 是

    在使用多个过滤条件进行组合时,有可能需要用到括号,而括号在 shell 中是特殊符号,又需要使用引号将其包含。用括号的主要作用是逻辑运算符之间存在优先级,!>and > or, 为例条件能够精确所以需要对一些必要的组合括号括起来,而括号的意思相当于加减运算一样,括起来的内容作为一个整体进行逻辑运算。

过滤源地址是 并且目的地址是 的数据包或者 ARP 协议的包。另外,搜索公众号Linux就该这样学后台回复“Linux”,获取一份惊喜礼包。

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

> tcpdump **src** host -i ens33 -n -c 5

过滤源 IP 地址是 的包

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

> tcpdump **dst** host -i ens33 -n -c 5

过滤目的 IP 地址是 的包

Linux network packet capture analysis tool


> tcpdump port 22 -i ens33 -n -c 5  
> 过滤端口号为 22 即 ssh 协议的
Linux network packet capture analysis tool
>  tcpdump portrange 22-433 -i ens33 -n -c 8

过滤端口号 22-433 内的数据包

Linux network packet capture analysis tool


1、什么是 wireshark

Wireshark 是一个网络封包分析软件。网络封包分析软件的功能是捕获网络数据包,并尽可能显示出最为详细的网络封包资料。Wireshark 使用 WinPCAP 作为接口,直接与网卡进行数据报文交换

2、安装 wireshark

Linux 中有两个版本的 wireshark,一个是 wireshark,这个版本是无图形化界面,基本命令是”tshark“。

一个是 wireshark-gnome(界面版本),这个版本只能安装在支持 GUI 功能的 Linux 的版本中。

> yum -y install wireshark // 安装无图形化版本  
> yum -y install wireshark-gnome // 安装图形化版本
Linux network packet capture analysis tool
Linux network packet capture analysis tool
Linux network packet capture analysis tool

:这里的通过 yum 进行安装,需要提前做好 epel 源(即红帽操作系统额外拓展包),装上了 EPEL 之后,就相当于添加了一个第三方源。官方的 rpm repository 提供的 rpm 包也不够丰富,很多时候需要自己编译那太辛苦了,而 EPEL 可以解决官方 yum 源数据包不够丰富的情况。


>  yum -y install epel-release
Linux network packet capture analysis tool

3、tshark 命令

tshark 是 wireshark 的命令行工具  
     tshark 选项 参数  
    -f:指定条件表达式,与 tcpdump 相同  
    -s:设置每个抓包的大小,默认 65535,多于这个大小的数据将不会不会被截取。  
    -w:后接文件名,将抓包的结果输出到. pcap 文件中,可以借助其他网络分析工具进行分              析,也可以使用重定向 > 把解码后的输出结果以 txt 的格式输出。  
    -r:后接文件路径,用于分析保持好的网络包文件,比如 tcpdump 的输出文件  
    -n:禁止所有地址名字解析,即禁止域名解析, 默认是允许所有  
   -N:指定对某一层的地址名字解析,如果 - n 和 - N 同时存在,则 - n 将被忽略,如果两者都不写,则会默认打开所有地址名字解析  
    -V:设置将解码结果的细节输出,否则解码结果仅显示一个 packet 一行的 summary  
tshark -f "icmp" -i ens33 -V -c 1

过滤 icmp 报文,并展开详细信息。另外,搜索公众号编程技术圈后台回复“1024”,获取一份惊喜礼包。

tshark -f "arp" -i ens33

过滤 arp 报文

Linux network packet capture analysis tool
Linux network packet capture analysis tool

4. Graphical interface

Linux network packet capture analysis tool
Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

3. Tcpdump and wireshark are used together

Tcpdump parses message information without wireshark details , so the data can be captured and output through Tcpdump, and then parsed through wireshark. The output file format is .pcap or other

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Read through wireshark on the virtual machine

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Use ip.addr == [ip address number] OK Filter out irrelevant IP

Linux network packet capture analysis tool

Graphic reading

Linux network packet capture analysis tool
##Open directly with wireshark to view


tcpdump and wireshark are similar in terms of packet capture functions. The command line options of the two are also the same, but tcpdump has the ability to analyze packets. Not very good. At the same time, many Linux systems currently have the tcpdump tool installed built-in, so we can use tcpdump to capture the data packets and store them in our customized files (.pcap), and then extract the files and use wireshark to analyze and troubleshoot.


The above is the detailed content of Linux network packet capture analysis tool. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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