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Detailed interpretation and practical method of MySQL double-write buffer optimization principle

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Detailed interpretation and practical method of MySQL double-write buffer optimization principle

MySQL is a widely used open source database management system, but in high-concurrency read and write scenarios, performance problems are often frustrating Headache. One of the common performance bottlenecks is the IO pressure caused by write operations. In order to solve this problem, MySQL introduced a double write buffer (double write buffer) mechanism, which can significantly reduce the impact of write operations on disk IO.

Keywords: MySQL, double write buffer, performance optimization, IO pressure

1. Introduction
In the MySQL storage engine, when writing data, the data page needs to be written to the disk . Since disk IO is a relatively slow operation, frequent write operations often become the bottleneck of the system. In order to improve performance, MySQL proposes a double write buffering mechanism.

2. Double-write buffering principle
Double-write buffering is a strategy that writes to memory first and then writes to disk asynchronously. Specifically, when a write operation occurs, the data is first written to a buffer located in memory, that is, the double-write buffer. The size of this buffer defaults to 1G and can be adjusted through the parameter innodb_doublewrite_buffer_size. MySQL will then copy the data from the double-write buffer to the data file on disk.

The double write buffer is equivalent to a mirror of the data. Its existence allows MySQL to avoid writing directly to the disk during the write operation, reducing the pressure of the write operation on IO. When a downtime or other failure occurs, MySQL can recover the data in the double-write buffer to ensure data consistency.

3. Practical method of double-write buffering

  1. Modify the configuration file
    In the MySQL configuration file, double-write buffering can be optimized through the following two parameters:
  2. innodb_doublewrite: Set this parameter to 1 to enable double write buffering. By default, the value of this parameter is 1, which means double-write buffering is enabled by default.
  3. innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: Set this parameter to 2 to reduce the number of log file refreshes. By default, the value of this parameter is 1, which means that the log file will be flushed to disk with each transaction commit. Setting this parameter to 2 means that after each transaction is committed, the log file is only written to the buffer of the operating system and will not be written to the disk immediately. This can reduce the number of IO operations and improve the performance of write operations.
  4. Monitoring system status
    By monitoring the system status, you can understand the performance of MySQL, including the volume and delay of write operations. You can use the following statement to check the status of the doublewrite buffer:


    In the query results, search for the "Doublewrite" keyword to get relevant information about the doublewrite buffer.

  5. Comparative Experimental Test
    The impact of double-write buffering on performance can be verified through comparative experimental testing. Specifically, you can perform a certain amount of write operations with double write buffering turned on and off, and then compare the performance indicators, such as writing speed and IO pressure.

4. Code Example
The following is a simple code example of MySQL double write buffer optimization, simulating the process of a write operation:

SET GLOBAL innodb_doublewrite = 1;
SET GLOBAL innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2;


INSERT INTO my_table (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES (val1, val2, val3);


Through the above code example , we can turn on double-write buffering and reduce log file flushing to only writing to the operating system buffer after each transaction commits.

MySQL double-write buffer optimization mechanism is an important solution to improve MySQL performance. By using double write buffering, the impact of write operations on disk IO can be significantly reduced, thereby improving system performance and stability. In practice, the effect of double-write buffering can be understood and optimized by modifying configuration files, monitoring system status, and conducting comparative experimental tests. At the same time, rational use of double-write buffering configuration options is also an important means to improve MySQL performance.


  1. Zhang, K., Luo, B., Qiao, H., Chen, W., & Sun, X. (2020). Optimizing InnoDB Double Write Buffer for SSDs in MySQL. IEEE Access, 8, 187764-187776.
  2. MySQL official documentation: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/innodb-doublewrite.html

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