tag defines the detailed content of an element, combined with dt and dd C
Comment tag
Tag definition comment or phonetic symbol
Other tags
A generated key value in the mark definition form (encrypted information transmission) O, F
Mark definition has a mark Text (yellow selected state)
Removed HTML tags
Purely expressive elements:
basefont, big, center, font, s, strike, tt, u;
Elements that negatively impact usability:
frame, frameset, noframes;
Confusing elements:
acronym, applet, isindex, dir
Redefined HTML tags
Represents inline text, usually in bold, not conveyed to indicate important meaning
Represents inline text, usually in italics, not conveyed to indicate important meaning
< dd> can be used with details and figure. The definition contains text. Dialog can also be used.
can be used with details and figure to summarize details. Dialog can also be used.
indicates the end of the topic. Not a horizontal line, although the display is the same
Sample code:
XML/HTML CodeCopy content to clipboard