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Teach you how to download the genuine win7 system image

2023-07-15 21:09:291278browse

Deepin Technology win7 has made many optimizations to the system and provides a variety of versions suitable for various users. It speeds up system installation and does not require users to be on duty throughout the process, making it easier to install in batches. Many system settings have been optimized to make the system more stable and smooth during operation. Blue screens, system freezes and unresponsiveness are rarely encountered. It can be installed on various new and old models without installation failure. How to download the genuine win7 system image, which integrates a variety of practical software, including office, entertainment and maintenance functions. Follow the editor now to learn more! .

  Deepin win7 system iso official website download introduction:

Deepin technology ghost win7 sp1 The 64-bit professional security version v2021.05 focuses on strengthening the security of the system. Users do not need to worry about virus intrusion when using the system. It optimizes the online payment function to prevent malicious theft of personal information, and always protects the security of user account passwords. It retains the powerful functions of the professional version system, allowing users to open and run large programs without lagging. The use process is very smooth and the operation speed is very fast.

  Deep Technology ghost win7 sp1 64-bit professional version system features:

 1. Integrate a large number of drivers so that the installed hardware can run smoothly.

 2. Integrate multiple cloud library support files, and there will be no opening failure after the software is installed.

 3. The system is more streamlined and runs faster.

 4. The installation time is very short, it only takes 10 minutes to enter the desktop.

 5. Supports installation under pe and windows, which is very convenient.

 6. The system comes with a variety of installation tools, which are convenient for novice installation users.

7. Supports Microsoft genuine certification, you can use it with confidence.

8. Using pre-reading mode, booting and opening files is very fast.

Teach you how to download the genuine win7 system image

System optimization:

1. Smartly close unopened IDEs when the system starts to improve the system Operation smoothness.

 2. When shutting down, the system intelligently clears past file browsing records, effectively avoiding leakage of personal privacy.

 3. Automatically turn off the Win7 automatic update function to avoid affecting user use.

 4. Clean up useless files in the system and reduce disk usage.

 5. Accelerate the transmission speed of the network port and shorten the time of transferring files.

 6. The system responds faster and the operating system has no sense of frustration.

7. Using a unique power on and off mode, the accelerated power on and off time is shortened to within 20 seconds.

 8. The system operation mode is more scientific and intelligent, reducing the burden on the hardware and extending the usage time of the hardware.

Teach you how to download the genuine win7 system image

The above is the introduction to the iso image download of Deepin win7 system. Friends in need can download and experience it. I hope it can help everyone.

The above is the detailed content of Teach you how to download the genuine win7 system image. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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