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What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system?

2023-07-11 13:33:066710browse

What should I do if the win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? We have encountered bugs more or less when using win7. Some customers encountered bugs where the logo occurred during startup and the system was stuck and could not be entered. System, how to solve this problem? For this problem, the specific content of win7 startup stuck at logo and unable to enter the system solution has been added. You can enter the safe mode to operate.

What to do if win7 startup is stuck in the logo and cannot enter the system

1. Enter the safe mode operation panel

Click Start to enter the operation panel

2 .Click Advanced

Click System Software, find the Advanced Settings option and click to enter

What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system?

3. Uncheck

and disable it. Uncheck Automatically restart

What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system?

4. Click OK

Click OK on the new pop-up page

What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system?

The above is what to do if the win7 startup is stuck in the logo and cannot enter the system. Everyone can learn it.

The above is the detailed content of What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system? What should I do if win7 startup is stuck at the logo and cannot enter the system?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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