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Can golang make games?

2023-07-10 13:15:541489browse

Golang can make games, but it is not suitable for making games. Golang is suitable for processing logs, data packaging, virtual machine processing, file systems, distributed systems, database agents, etc.; in terms of network programming, golang is widely used in Web applications, API applications, download applications, etc.

Can golang make games?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 10 system, GO version 1.20, Dell G3 computer.

Can I write games in Golang?

Golang can write games, but it is not suitable for writing games. It is suitable for processing logs, data packaging, virtual machine processing, file systems, distributed systems, database agents, etc.; network programming In terms of programming, Go language is widely used in Web applications, API applications, download applications, etc.

Go language success story

Nsq: Nsq is a high-performance, high-availability message queue system developed by the Go language. It has very high performance and can handle billions every day. Message;

Docker: a virtual packaging tool based on lxc, which can realize the establishment of PAAS platform.

Packer: Used to generate image files for different platforms, such as VM, vbox, AWS, etc. The author is the author of vagrant

Skynet: Distributed scheduling framework

Doozer: Distributed synchronization tool, similar to ZooKeeper

Heka: mazila open source log processing system

Cbfs: couchbase open source distributed file system

Tsuru: open source PAAS platform, and The functions implemented by SAE are exactly the same

Groupcache: a caching system for Google download system written by the author of memcahe

God: a caching system similar to redis, but supports distribution and scalability

Gor: Network traffic packet capture and replay tool

Advantages of Go language

Compared with other programming languages, Go language has a more efficient garbage collection mechanism and faster compilation speeds while allowing easy use of multi-core processors. This makes the Go language very suitable for game development, as games need to deal with large amounts of data, resources, and concurrency.

In addition, the Go language also provides a concept called "Goroutine", which is basically a lightweight thread. This mechanism allows the Go language to implement very efficient cooperative multitasking and is more lightweight than the threading models of other languages. This is very advantageous for game development.

A case of implementing games using Go language

Go language has been involved in many different types of games from early WebSocket game development to current 3D game development. For example, there is a 3D game called Brown on Github that uses Go and WebGL.

As long as you have sufficient programming knowledge and skills, there are no restrictions on the use of Go language in game development. In the future, as the Go language continues to improve and develop, it will become more suitable for game development.

In short, although there are still some limitations, the Go language is ready to take on more tasks in game development. Its advantages, such as efficient garbage collection, multi-core processing support, and lightweight cooperative multitasking, are a must-have for game developers. If you have sufficient programming skills and understanding of the Go language, then you can use the Go language to develop rich and powerful games.

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